My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1646: The Successor, love is a matter between two people

Chapter 1647: The Successor, love is a matter between two people

What followed was another fight without gunpowder.

An afternoon passed while slapping, and by the time Zhuang's mother said no, it was already dark outside.

After getting off the card table, it was dinner time, but no one asked to leave any food. At the end of Zhan Li's wait, he was embarrassed and embarrassed. He once again turned his eyes to Zhuang Momo for help, but Zhuang Momo still ignored his eyes for help. .

Zhuang Momo couldn't receive the hint, so Zhan Limo had to take the initiative: "Uncle, aunt, second sister, it's dark today, why don't I invite everyone to eat out."

He took the initiative to speak. Even if they didn't go, they would have to politely let him stay at home for dinner. Who would have thought that Zhuang Yindi was the first to stand up: "You are not from my family. Why are you so embarrassed after winning so much money from you this afternoon?" Let me treat you to dinner.”

At the end of the war, he thought to himself, if you don't let me invite you, you can just leave me to eat. I have no objection.

Just as he was thinking beautifully, Zhuang's mother said in surprise: "Oh, it's already past six o'clock. Xiao Zhan, your family should be waiting for you to come home for dinner, so we won't keep you."

At the end of the war: "..."

All the people in this banker are weird, why can't anyone react more normally?

Shouldn't we let him finish his dinner before letting him go home?

Zhuang Yindi said: "Master Zhan, why don't I take you downstairs."

At the end of the war: "..."

Since they didn't let him eat, he was just about to ask Zhuang Momo to send him downstairs and find some time for the two of them to be alone. Zhuang Yindi spoke before him again. This woman looked pretty good, why is she so vicious? Woolen cloth?

People who don't know think she is Zhuang Momo's stepmother.

Zhuang Yindi: "What? Don't want to leave? Do you want to lose more money to us?"

At the end of the war, he didn't want to endure it anymore: "How dare I bother my second sister to send me off? Just ask Momo to send me off. It just so happens that I still have two words to say to her alone."

Zhuang Yindi: "Just say what you want here. We are all a family and there is nothing to hide from."

At the end of the war: "..."

She was the one he avoided.

Perhaps because he saw that Zhan Li was bullied so badly by Zhuang Yindi at the end of the war, Zhuang Momo, who had been watching, finally stood up and spoke: "Second sister, you cook with your mother, or I will send him downstairs."

"Uncle, aunt, I'll leave first and come to see you another day." Hearing Zhuang Momo say this, Zhan Limo finally had a smile on his face, and this silly woman's conscience was finally cleared by her own He found out and didn't let her second sister continue to bully him.

When they went out, Zhuang's father and Zhuang's mother behaved normally: "Well, be careful on the road and let Momo know when you get home."

Zhuang Momo's conscience noticed it, but Zhuang Yindi didn't notice her own. As soon as the two of them left the room, she followed closely: "My parents were worried about you going out alone, so they asked me to accompany you."

At the end of the war: "..."

Zhuang Yindi, a vicious woman, must have done this on purpose. He prayed that she would not be able to find a boyfriend in the future and would grow old alone.

As a result, the journey of having a good time with Zhuang Momo turned into a threesome. Zhuang Yindi's light bulb was so bright that it was so bright that Zhan Limo wanted to crush her under his feet.

Zhuang Yindi met his angry eyes and said proudly: "What? You don't want me to follow? You want to bully my Momo while we are away? I didn't take good care of her this morning and let her be bullied by you. Do you think I still I'll give you a chance."

At the end of Zhan Li, he knew that Zhuang Momo was sincerely arguing with him, and the reason for the conflict must be because he pretended to be drunk today. Everyone knew this. If he continued to pretend to be confused, who knew what Zhuang Yindi would do? What happened: "Okay, I admit that I was pretending to be drunk today. I did something wrong. Here, I apologize to you, second sister, and please don't argue with me."

"Pretending to be drunk? Okay, you kid is pretending to be drunk?" She obviously knew that Zhan Limo was pretending to be drunk. At this time, Zhuang Yindi still had to put on an expression of surprise that you kid was pretending to be drunk and I didn't know anything about it, "You, You kid has learned to lie before you even enter the door. If you were really let into our banker’s door, I don’t know how arrogant you would be.”

At the end of the war: "..."

Damn it, did Zhuang Yindi graduate from a drama school? When it comes to acting, she really does one thing after another. If she is the drama queen herself, I'm afraid no one will doubt her.

Zhuang Yindi added: "What did you do to my Momo today by pretending to be drunk?"

The person who took his last breath almost lost his breath in his heart: "..."

Didn't she know everything?

Zhuang Momo couldn't stand it anymore: "Second sister, that's enough. He knows he was wrong, so don't argue with him."

Zhuang Yindi poked Zhuang Momo's head dissatisfied: "Zhuang Momo, you, you, you are a rip-off guy, you will die if you don't help him."

Zhuang Momo whispered in Zhuang Yindi's ear: "Second sister, everything that should be tested has been tested. My parents have no objection to him anymore. Don't worry, I know what to do myself."

Zhuang Yindi: "Forget it, I don't care about you anymore."

Also, the elders in the family have agreed to let them date. Why is her sister meddling in other people's business? Why don't she go home early and make a facial mask, go to bed early at night, and be in good spirits tomorrow.

"Zhuang Momo, you obviously have plenty of ways to deal with your second sister, why did you help me so late?" After confirming that Zhuang Yindi had left, Zhan Limo turned around and started to trouble Zhuang Momo.

"Zhan Limo, aren't you usually very powerful? No matter in terms of skill or eloquence, I have never seen anyone who can win you. Why are you so timid in front of my second sister?"

"It's not because of you." Zhan Limo put his arm around Zhuang Momo's waist and brought her into his arms. Holding her soft and fragrant body, he sighed with satisfaction, "After working hard all afternoon, for This is the moment."

"Why because of me?"

"You heartless person, you don't know that I can't beat Zhuang Yindi because of you." Zhan Limo glared at her dissatisfied, lowered his head and kissed her with a sense of punishment, "If it weren't for the fact that Zhuang Yindi is your second Sister, do you think I can tolerate her for that long?”

"Oh, so that's the reason." These words sounded better to Zhuang Momo than any beautiful words of love.

A young man who had never known how to make people refuse to compromise actually endured the second sister's bad temper for her sake. Thinking of his forbearance but not daring to get angry, she couldn't help but slightly raise the corners of her lips and smiled sweetly.

"You're still smiling." Zhan Limo hugged her tightly, so hard that he wanted to rub her into his own bones and blood, "Zhuang Momo, why do you think I like you so much? I like you so much that I can't help myself."

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