My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1647: The Successor, it’s important to have you by my side

Chapter 1648: The Successor, it’s important to have you by my side

"Because I'm very good." In the past, Zhuang Momo didn't believe that a noble man like Zhan Limo would like a girl like her, but slowly he discovered that she also had her own advantages, which others did not have, so he It's no surprise that he likes her.

"Because I like you, I can tolerate your relatives making things difficult for me, but there is a prerequisite. You must support me behind me, otherwise everything I do will be meaningless." Zhan Li finally stood still. , held her face, asked her to look at him, and said extremely seriously, "Zhuang Momo, it's not that important what others think of me. What I want is your approval and support. Do you understand?"

"I have always supported you." He definitely didn't know that if she hadn't told her parents for sure that she was sincere to him and that she wanted to have a serious relationship with him, her parents would not have so easily agreed to her going out alone to see him off. .

Her parents didn't say anything, but as their daughter, she saw their parents' worries. They hoped that she could be with the person she liked and that she could be happy.

She saw Zhan Limo's sincerity, so she would work hard for her parents.

Love is a matter of two people, and it cannot happen without the efforts of either person.

She deeply understands this truth.

"Then..." Zhan Limo lowered his head to kiss her, but Zhuang Momo ducked away with a tilt of his head. "There are people coming and going here, so we have to pay more attention. If an acquaintance sees it, it will spread to my grandfather." My grandfather must skin you."

"I'm not afraid." If he could kiss her, it wouldn't matter if she was skinned, so Zhan Limo kissed her again. This time he didn't give Zhuang Momo a chance to escape and successfully stole the incense.

After the kiss, Zhan Li was as proud as a cat that had succeeded in stealing sex, and hugged Zhuang Momo with unfinished joy: "What kind of magic did you do to me? Even after kissing me, I think you smell good." .”

I don’t know who I learned this sweet talk from, but it was still very useful to Zhuang Momo’s ears. She nestled in his arms: "You can only say this to me in the future. If you let me know that you are still What I said to other women is that I will skin you with my own hands without waiting for my grandfather."

"Violence!" Zhan Li smiled at the end, "If I hadn't fallen in love with you, you would never have been able to get married in this life, so you have to be nicer to me in the future. Don't hit and kill at every turn. It will scare me away."

"The end of the war!" Zhuang Momo yelled at him warningly. Besides, she couldn't get married, so she would rather be an old girl than marry him.

"Actually, you can't find a good girl like you even with a lantern. It's a blessing I've cultivated for several lifetimes for me to meet you. I will cherish you in the future." There were many love words before the end of the war. But it has never been so deep in my heart, and every cell in my body has never been so eager to have this girl beside me.

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go back quickly. Remember to eat something delicious to replenish your body when you get home. After all, your injury has not healed yet." Zhuang Momo is not afraid that Zhan Li will hurt her, but he just doesn't know how. To deal with his affection and seriousness, I wanted to let him go home quickly, but I felt a little reluctant in my heart, so I spoke out but didn't let go of my hand.

"My parents haven't come back from Kyoto yet. I'm the only one at home. I can't even have a bowl of hot soup when I get home." Zhan Limo looked at Zhuang Momo pitifully, "I don't know how to cook. The food is not delicious, so I’m probably going to be hungry again.”

Zhuang Momo said distressedly: "You are such a big man, you can make some soup."

"No." He shook his head vigorously, pitifully like a puppy waiting for its owner's pampering.

"Then..." She wanted to say that it was better for her to help him, but going home with a man so late was not an "opportunity" for others to take advantage of, so she was a little afraid to take this step.

"Okay, it's been decided happily. You go out to eat with me." In the final analysis, he just didn't want to be separated from her, and he didn't know what he would have to go through before he could see her again after this separation. He didn't want to endure lovesickness anymore. The pain.

Although the food outside was not as good as at home, it finally eliminated Zhuang Momo's worries, so she happily went out to eat with him.

Zhan Limo is a native of Jiangbei. He knows the famous restaurants in Jiangbei better than anyone else, and there are many good places for couples to go. Zhan Limo chose a restaurant that is famous but has never been to.

After all, this was his first date with Zhuang Momo. He had to choose a decent restaurant, give his beloved girl an unforgettable candlelight dinner, and use some tricks to lock her in.

Jiangbei Couple Restaurant ranks first in the praise list. Because of the daily quota, you have to make a reservation a week in advance to eat. However, Zhan Limo is not restricted. He can call him and make room for him even if there is no seat. In Jiangbei, everyone knows that the Qin and Zhan families are one family, and no one can offend them.

When Zhan Li arrived with Zhuang Momo at the end of the war, the person in charge of the restaurant came to greet him at the door. The grand ceremony was like a leader coming to inspect, which really made Zhuang Momo a little uncomfortable: "Isn't it just a meal? Is it necessary to do this? If it doesn’t work well, it may make headlines tomorrow.”

"The people who come here to eat are all respectable people. No one wants to be recognized, so no one cares about others." At the end of Zhan Li, he could see that Zhuang Momo was a little frightened, so he put it in without leaving a trace. She put her hand in her palm and said, "Don't worry about anything, just follow me."

I don't know whether it was Zhan Limo's words that played a role, or because he kept holding her hand. Zhuang Momo calmed down a lot and followed him quietly to a private room.

The private room is not big, but the layout is very warm. Especially the floor-to-ceiling windows can see the night view of Jiangbei, which is beautiful.

Zhuang Momo looked around. She felt that this private room was a bit like a young couple's room. It was warm and romantic. It also had light music, which made people feel comfortable.

The person in charge of the restaurant led them into the room and then left silently. Zhuang Momo looked around the room before thinking about ordering: "I must order a hot dish later. You can drink the soup."

At the end of the war, he smiled and said nothing.

"why are you laughing?"

"Laughing at you for being stupid." She was so silly that she was cute.

"I have never been to such a high-end restaurant, but it doesn't seem right to laugh at people like you." Zhuang Momo didn't want to embarrass him, but she did not have such high consumption before. When she first came in, she was like Grandma Liu. It's normal to enter the Grand View Garden.

"No matter how good the restaurant is, it all serves consumers. No one can't afford it, it just depends on whether they are willing to spend it." Zhan Lim squeezed in and sat next to Zhuang Momo, "Actually, what you eat is not important. It’s good to have you with me.”

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