My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1649: Successor, your son is in love

Chapter 1650: Successor, your son is in love

In half an hour, not a minute more, not a minute less, Zhan Li returned to the hospital on time.

Pushing open the door of the ward, I saw Qin Yinjian sitting on the sofa in the room. He crossed his legs gracefully, holding a document in his hand, and read it carefully.

Zhan Li walked to him in the last few steps and sat next to him: "Second Brother Qin, is there any reward for me appearing in front of you at the agreed time?"

Qin Yinjian slowly put down the document in his hand, and just looked up at him. He didn't just look at him normally, but looked at Zhan Limo up and down, and then dropped a sentence lukewarmly: "For a woman, Even if you don’t care about your life, why didn’t I see before that you and Young Master are still in love?”

At the end of Zhan Li, he said dissatisfiedly: "Do you think only you, Qin Yinjian, can like a woman with all your heart?"

Qin Yinjian was too lazy to talk to him about anything else: "Let the doctor come over and check you out."

At the end of the war, he patted his chest and wanted to take off his clothes to show Qin Yinjian: "I know you care about me, but I'm really fine, so don't bother."

Qin Yinjian snorted coldly: "If my aunt hadn't asked me to watch you, you would have thought that I was minding your business."

Zhan Limo knew that he was being harsh, but he didn't say anything after seeing through it, otherwise this cold-faced guy would cause trouble for him again: "Okay, okay, it's my mother who asked you to care about me. Then I'll call the doctor to check me now." show you."

Qin Yinjian added coldly: "Only by taking good care of yourself can you be able to protect your woman. Don't be stupid and show off your strength, otherwise you will be the one who suffers."

At the end of Zhan Li, just as he was about to say something, he saw a small figure appear at the door from the corner of his eye. He immediately stood up and picked up the little guy and kissed him hard: "Lu Lu, my cousin misses you so much. "

Lu Lu wiped the saliva marks on his face in disgust: "But Lu Lu doesn't want my cousin."

At the end of Zhan Li, he held his chest, looking hurt: "Lu Lu doesn't want his cousin, so who does he miss? Did he find a girlfriend at such a young age?"

Lu Xi came later: "Our Lu Lu is not as carefree as you, Young Master Zhan."

At the end of Zhan Li, he hugged Lu Lu with one hand and wanted to hug Lu Xi with his other hand. However, before he could touch Lu Xi, he was stopped by a warning cough from behind. He quickly put Lu Lu away. Pushed it to Lu Xi: "Okay, give your little baby back to you, otherwise someone may want to kill me and silence me."

Lu Xi smiled and said, "Our Lu Lu misses brother Lele, right?"

Lu Lu nodded aggrievedly: "Yes."

Jirou's due date is coming soon, and Qin lelan's family also went to Minluo City yesterday. Lu Lu is a good friend of Lele, and he feels unhappy after not seeing his little brother for a day.

Zhan Limo also knew about this, and he was hurt again: "It turns out that in this family, even Xiao Lele is cared about, but no one cares about me. My heart hurts so much."

Qin Yinjian: "Do your examination well and don't talk nonsense here."

At the end of the war: "..."

I miss his Zhuang Momo so much. If that girl was here, he wouldn't have been tortured like a dog by this family of three.

The doctor gave Zhan Limo another full body examination and made sure that Qin Yinjian was fine before letting him go home. On the way home, Zhan Limo was abused by a family of three again until his heart ached.

Look, look, Qin Yinjian flirted with his wife from time to time while driving. The moment the two met their eyes, he was really tortured by his single wandering dog.

Zhan Limo couldn't stand it anymore: "Do you really think that Zhan Limo doesn't exist?"

Lu Lu, who was sitting next to Zhan Limo, answered for mommy and daddy: "Lu Lu is also the one who is often ignored. When mommy has a daddy, she always forgets that Lu Lu is also a child who needs care."

At the end of the war, he finally found his "comrade-in-arms". He held the lonely little guy in his arms: "Little Lu Lu, we were abandoned. Now let's hug each other to keep warm."

Lu Lu still disliked him: "Lu Lu wants to hug brother Lele."

"Lu Lu, Mommy's favorite will always be you." Lu Xi looked back at Lu Lu and said softly, "If aunt gives birth to a beautiful little princess, then Lele and Lu Lu will have a little sister in the future. Will Lu like his little sister as much as he likes brother Lele? "

Lu Lu nodded cutely: "Lu Lu will protect my little sister."

Lu Xi said with satisfaction: "Well, you are brothers and sisters. You must love each other in the future."

Even now, her relationship with Qin Yinjian has stabilized, and the Qin family has recognized her, but Lu Xi still feels a little scared when she thinks about the years when she took Lu Lu alone.

She was so worried that the happiness of these times would be fleeting like a flower in the pan.

But fortunately, whenever she has these worries, Qin Yinjian will always stand by her side. Even if he is still not very good at expressing as before, but no matter what he cares about, it is enough for her to know that he has her in his heart. .

Three days later.

Zhan Nianbei and Qin Xiaobao returned to Jiangbei from Kyoto. Zhan Limo drove to the airport to pick them up. Qin Xiaobao was very surprised when he saw him: "Boy, did you do something wrong?"

At the end of the war: "Mom, in your heart, is your son like this?"

"It's true." Qin Xiaobao nodded and stared at Zhan Limo again and again, "You are so attentive to me for nothing. There must be something you need my help with."

He just wanted to show his filial piety as a son, but his mother wouldn't accept it at all. Zhan Limo was injured and said, "I was so seriously injured, and you two left me and went to Kyoto, asking me to stay here during this period." I have tasted all the ups and downs of the world. I want to see you as soon as possible, even if I come to the airport to pick you up."

Speaking of this matter, Qin Xiaobao felt guilty. It was not that she wanted to leave her son alone, but that she was worried that something would happen to Zhan Nianbei, so she had to leave Zhan Limo and go to Kyoto with Zhan Nianbei: "Boy, I know You just left with your dad when nothing serious happened, don’t take this matter to your heart.”

"I know I paid for the phone, so don't explain any more." Zhan Limo glanced at Zhan Nianbei in the rearview mirror, who was silent, and said, "Chief Zhan, how is the matter handled?"

Zhan Nianbei: "Everything that needs to be dealt with has been dealt with."

At the end of the war: "I am not only the victim of this incident, I am also the biological son that you two gave away with your phone bill. Why can't you reveal more information to me?"

Zhan Limo replied decisively with two words: "No!"

The riots had a huge impact. Terrorists were used by other countries. The terrorists present that day were eliminated, but the forces behind them were far more powerful than they imagined.

Zhan Nianbei went to Kyoto this time to discuss this matter with the heads of several major military regions. He used the country's strength to give some warning to those who were ready to make trouble. Those people would never dare to mess up again in a short time.

Zhan Limo also understood, and without asking any more questions, he immediately mentioned another topic: "Old man Zhan, Mrs. Zhan, let me tell you some good news. Your son is in love."

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