My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1650: The Successor, congratulations on the daughter of a wealthy woman

Chapter 1651: Successor Chapter, Congratulations on the daughter of a wealthy woman

"I said at the end of the war, why can't you learn from your father? Your father took over the Jiangbei Military Region at a young age and holds such great power in his hands. However, he still only likes me as a woman in his life and has never been right. Other women have had thoughts. Look at you, you can change your girlfriend faster than you can change your clothes. If you continue like this, don't tell others that you are my son." Qin Xiaobao suddenly heard that Zhan Li was in love. What comes to mind is his messy girlfriends.

It will make his mother-in-law misunderstand, and it is no wonder that others have done it. It was all caused by what he did in the past. Zhan Limo said seriously again: "Mrs. Zhan, I am not joking this time, I am serious. "

"Seriously?" Qin Xiaobao didn't believe that Zhan Limo was serious from the bottom of his heart, "Zhan Limo, when you had a girlfriend before, I remember you told me that you were serious, but within two days You have a new girlfriend, but you still tell me you are serious."

At the end of the war: "Mom..."

He actually said that.

At this time, he could not find anything to say to refute Qin Xiaobao.

Qin Xiaobao said again: "Smelly boy, it's not that I don't want to believe you, but everything you have done makes me unable to believe you. If you continue like this, in the future, if you meet a girl you really like and want to live with for the rest of your life, , you will definitely regret it.”

At the end of the war, he asked, "Why did you say that?"

Qin Xiaobao added: "Because the girl you like will be like me. She knows that you change girlfriends faster than you change clothes and doesn't believe that you are sincere to her."

At the end of the war: "..."

No wonder Zhuang Momo wanted to hide from him, no wonder Zhuang Yindi guarded him like a wolf, no wonder Zhuang's parents wanted to test him. In the final analysis, it was all his own evil consequences.

Just as she was talking, Qin Xiaobao's cell phone rang happily, and she answered it. She didn't know what was said on the other end of the phone, but she was so excited that she danced with excitement: "Well, I know, we'll rush over right away. Sister-in-law, tell that girl Ji Rou not to be afraid, We all stay with her and everything will go smoothly.”

She hung up the phone and said to Zhan Limo who was driving: "You brat, I'm not going home anymore. Go back to the airport and fly to Minluo City."

At the end of the war, he immediately turned around and ran towards the airport: "Sister-in-law is going to give birth?"

Qin Xiaobao nodded: "It's earlier than the expected date of delivery. She has been sent to the hospital."

Jirou's child, who is ten months pregnant, can't wait to come to this world and see her relatives.

Hearing that natural delivery is good for the child, Jirou insists on it, but Qin Yinze is afraid that she won't be able to bear the pain of giving birth, so he advocates a painless caesarean section.

This issue has been discussed a few months ago, and until today, the children are anxious to come out, and no result has been reached yet.

The doctor said it was better to listen to the mother's opinions, so Qin Yinze had to back down, and ended up pushing Jirou into the delivery room for natural delivery.

The labor pains came in waves at the beginning, and Ji Rou gritted her teeth and endured it, but then the pain became more and more painful. Two hours later, the amniotic fluid did not break.

During the pregnancy, Qin Yinze took good care of Jirou. Jirou had not experienced pain for a long time, and it hurt like this today. It made her feel like she was losing half her life.

She hurts, and Qin Yinze's heart also hurts: "Jirou, don't be brave anymore, let's ask the doctor to prepare for a caesarean section, okay?"

Ji Rou holds Qin Yinze's hand tightly: "Qin Yinze, give me a little more time. I can do it. I will definitely do it. Both you and the baby need to believe me."

Ji Rou's temperament has always been stubborn, and it is difficult to change the things she decides, not to mention that this decision is related to her children, and her stubbornness has reached the point of being hated.

Qin Yinze was so anxious that he wanted to scold her: "Now that medicine is so advanced, caesarean section has little effect on the child, so don't be stupid."

"I don't care...ah-" She just finished her words, and she screamed in pain again, and the cold sweat on her forehead wetted her hair.

Her weak and painful appearance made Qin Yinze extremely distressed. He could no longer let her have her own way: "Ji Rou, listen to me this time."


"No buts, just listen to me if you listen to me this time."

"Ah..." Ji Rou still wanted to persist. Maybe if she persisted for a while, she would be able to give birth to the child safely, but the pain made her body's strength decrease little by little. She couldn't hold on any longer. She could only listen to him. "Okay, I'll listen to you."

With Jirou's consent, Qin Yinze just let the doctors and nurses into the room. He had already asked the doctors and nurses to prepare for a caesarean section. As long as Jirou nodded, he could perform a caesarean section to remove the child at any time.

With the development of society, medical science has become more and more advanced, and caesarean section can also be painless. Therefore, after being anesthetized, Ji Rou can hear the sound of the scalpel colliding, but does not feel any pain.

The only thing she could feel was that Qin Yinze beside the operating table seemed to be more nervous than she was. She saw that his clenched fists had not been released for a moment. He just held them tightly and stayed with her. She and his children...

Because he stayed with her throughout the entire process, she felt that the surgery was not scary at all.

She just looked at him, and he and I looked at her, as if they were the only two people in the operating room. It wasn't until the doctor's voice reached her ears that she knew the baby had been taken out safely.

"Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin, congratulations, you are a lovely daughter." The doctor took out the child and announced the good news to them immediately.

The couple's eyes looked at the baby at the same time, but Qin Yinze's eyes only stayed on the baby for a second, and then returned to Jirou: "It's a girl, our baby is a girl."

"Well, I know, our baby finally came to this world safely." Jirou wanted to laugh, but she didn't have the strength. Maybe he was relieved to know that the baby came into this world safely, and now he just wanted to have a good sleep.

"Jirou, thank you for working so hard for me and my children!" Qin Yinze wanted to talk to her, but found that she had closed her eyes and fell asleep. He gently touched her forehead, "Wife, go to sleep, sleep The wound will be stitched up when we wake up, and we can take a good look at our baby. Our baby will be as beautiful as you."

Qin lelan's child is a boy, and Qin Yinjian's child is also a boy. Now Ji Rou has given birth to a girl. The family is as excited as if they were looking at a baby bump, and they all want to hold the little princess in their hands and care for her.

But it's not possible now. The newborn baby needs to be kept in the sterile room for observation for several hours. After the baby gradually adapts, it will be sent to the mother's side. Only after a longer period of time can other people hold her.

Ji Rou was already in the ward when she woke up. There was a large family surrounding the bed, and everyone looked at her as if they were a national treasure.

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