My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1651: The Successor, I instantly felt like I had grown up

Chapter 1652: The Successor Chapter, I instantly felt like I had grown up

Jirou was really embarrassed to be looked at by them: "Mom, little aunt, Ranran, and two cute little guys, can you guys stop looking at me like an animal?"

Before the adults could speak, Lele and Lu Lu rushed to answer: "Aunt (aunt), we are looking at our little sister."

"My little sister must be very happy to have such a good brother like you two to protect her." After hearing what the two little guys said, Ji Rou realized that her baby was already lying beside her. The little guy was really very, very small, as small as She can be held in two palms.

As a mother for the first time, Jirou's heart was so soft that she almost melted when she saw her child. She wanted to kiss the little cutie, but she was afraid that she could break the little one with just a touch, so she had to force her. He endured it, but his eyes couldn't be moved away from the little guy no matter what.

Lele tilted her little head, frowned, and asked the question she had always wanted to ask: "Auntie, why is my sister wrinkled?"

Lu Lu nodded desperately beside him, with a cute look on his face that I also really wanted to know the answer to.

The performance of the two little guys made the adults in the room laugh. Jian Ran hugged each other and said patiently: "Because the little sister just came out of her mother's belly. Every time she sees the sun, it is the first time she sees such cute two people." Brother, she is very happy, she smiles so happily that she wrinkles up with laughter."

The two little cuties obviously didn't believe it: "But my sister didn't even open her eyes to look at us."

It is not easy to get along with a large family of people with high IQs. Jian Ran shook her head helplessly and said: "Actually, every one of our children was like this when they first came to this world. It was also the same when Lele and Lu Lu were born. so."

Lele and Lu Lu suddenly became happy: "Grandma, my sister will be as beautiful as Lele and Lu Lu when she grows up, right?"

It turns out that the two little guys felt that their newly born sister was not pretty enough. They thought that her sister would become more beautiful when she grew up, and they were instantly happy. They didn't know where they inherited this problem of facial control.

Jian Ran added: "Of course. My sister's parents are so good-looking, so my sister will definitely be very beautiful in the future."

Ji Rou is obviously the protagonist today, but the two little guys have stolen the limelight, but she is not surprised at all. The cute little guy will become the center of attention wherever he goes: "Lele, Lu Lu, if my sister is not beautiful, you won't like me." Her?"

"I like it all the same!" After learning that Ji Rou was pregnant, the two little guys, together with the adults in the family, were looking forward to the birth of a younger brother or sister. Now that they are expecting it, although the appearance of their sister is not satisfactory, they still like it very much. , because she is their sister.

Hearing the two little guys' answers without hesitation, the whole family was extremely satisfied, and Jian Ran let them go: "Well, then we will leave our sister to the care of Lele and Brother Lu Lu from now on."

"We have been looking forward to such a little princess for a long time. I really want to see how the two brothers will dote on their sister in the future." Qin leran wanted to interrupt for a long time, but was unable to interrupt because of the noise from the two noisy little guys. When I get the chance, I'll say a few more words if I can, "And I'd also like to see how my brother dotes on his daughter in the future."

"Yes, yes..." Qin Xiaobao also rushed to speak, "Your brother's doting on his daughter must be just like your father's. When you were young, your father took you wherever he went, and even held meetings in the conference room. I’ll change your wet diaper.”

How could Qin lelan remember what happened a few months ago: "Little aunt, now that I have children, let's not mention changing my diapers in front of the children again."

Lele seemed to have heard the biggest gossip in the world. He turned to look at his father: "Dad, does mommy also wear diapers? Lele thought only brothers Lele and Lu Lu wear them. It turns out that mommy also wears diapers. It’s so embarrassing to wear.”

Well, he is no longer afraid of being shy about wetting the bed without wearing a diaper, because his mother also wears a diaper and wets the bed like him, and her mother must have wet the bed before.

Lie picked up Lele and said, "Every one of our children is here like this. Lele doesn't have to worry about bedwetting, and don't laugh at your mother."

Although Lele is only five years old, Lie's education of his children is to seek truth from facts. He tries to treat his children as friends and will not make up lies to deceive them.

Qin leran secretly made faces at him, and her brother lie was the best. No matter how embarrassing the occasion was, he could always think of the perfect way to resolve the embarrassment for her immediately.

Qin lelan's child is a boy, Qin Yinjian's child is a girl, and now Jirou has given birth to a girl. The whole family is like looking at a baby bump, and they all want to hold the little princess in their hands and love her.

But it's not possible now. Newly born babies are still very fragile and have poor antibacterial ability. They have to wait until the baby gradually adapts before they can be held by the elders who want to hold her. For the sake of the children's health, the elders endure it.

"Xiaorou, you have worked hard!" Jian Ran bent down and gently stroked Jirou's forehead, "Because of your hard work, our Qin family finally welcomed a little princess."

"Mom, I didn't work hard at all. In fact, there was someone who worked harder than me during the few months I was pregnant." Jirou raised her head slightly and looked at her husband. Seeing that he still had a worried look on his face, she endured it. The corners of his lips raised slightly, "Even the caesarean section not long ago was more painful for him than me."

"Your body hasn't recovered yet, don't talk so much." Qin Yinze stepped forward and squeezed to Jirou's side. "Everyone is worried about you and waiting for you to wake up. Now that you wake up, everyone can rest assured. ”

"Aze, we came all the way to see Xiaorou's child. Now I haven't even talked to Xiaorou, and you want to drive us away." Qin Xiaobao understands both the inner and outer meanings of Qin Yinze's words. "Forget it, for the sake of you being a good husband, I won't argue with you. Let's go back to your house first. When Xiaorou is discharged from the hospital, we can have a good chat with her."

The Qin family are all sensible people. Everyone came here to care about Jirou. No one wanted to cause trouble to the couple. Everyone wisely left space for the couple, but there were two little guys who were very ignorant. , no matter how much I tried to persuade him, he was unwilling to leave with his elders, and insisted on staying with his newly born sister.

The two little guys had never seen a cutie smaller than themselves. Seeing the little one who was just born and couldn't even open his eyes, they instantly felt that they had grown up.

Jirou was happy that the two little guys stayed. She suddenly had three babies by her side. For a girl who loved children very much, it was certainly a happy thing for her.

But Qin Yinze was not very happy. He looked at the two little guys with eyes full of resentment: "Lele, Lu Lu, do your parents usually dislike you?"

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