My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1652: The Successor, creatures like light bulbs

Chapter 1653: The Successor, creatures like light bulbs

"Uncle, do you dislike us?" Lele is young, but he knows a lot. Usually at home, when his father dislikes him and gets in the way, he will ask him if he caused trouble in the kindergarten.

How could such a well-behaved child cause trouble in the kindergarten? It was obvious that his parents disliked him for being a little light bulb.


Sure enough, adults all have the same thoughts. They usually regard them as pistachios, but when they want to be alone, they despise them as light bulbs, the kind that keep them bright and shiny.

"Lele, Lu Lu, if you want to accompany your aunt and sister, you can do so. I didn't say that you were an uncle just now." All the little guys in the family are like villains. Qin Yinze has his own intentions if he wants to drive them away. Powerless, he could only look at his wife helplessly.

Ji Rou holds his hand and says with a smile: "The child's father, why don't you go and rest for a while?"

Qin Yinze glared at her: "Can I leave you mother and daughter to rest alone at this time?"

Jirou knows he can't, but she just doesn't want him to continue to be jealous here. The two little guys are jealous. Such a man is really cute: "Lele and Lu Lu stay here to accompany me because they like me. If they don’t like me, you beg them to stay here, but they still won’t.”

Lele and Lu Lu nodded vigorously, saying that Ji Rou was right. They are cute and sensible children, but they still don't agree with how many people want to play with them.

Qin Yinze pinched their cheeks: "Two little ones, when you grow up in the future, you will know how disgusting the "light bulb" is. I am here today to wish you a date with your girlfriend in the future. Such a good thing happened on my first day.”

Neither Lele nor Lu Lu understand, but Ji Rou understands: "Qin Yinze, you are already a father, why are you still so stingy?"

Qin Yinze: "..."

He is not stingy, as long as the parents of the two little guys are a little wiser, they will not let the two little guys stay here. In the final analysis, it is their parents who want their world for two.

His younger brothers and sisters are all parents, but they are not even aware of this.

Forget it, let's not argue with them. Who made him their elder brother? The day he became their elder brother, he shouldered the responsibility of taking care of them: "Lele, Lu Lu, do you want to eat something?"

Lele and Lu Lu blurted out at the same time: "What does my sister want to eat?"

The first thing they thought of was their little sister, which surprised Qin Yinze. Then he felt a slight warmth in his heart. It seemed that his daughter would definitely have the love of two brothers in the future.

Seeing that the two little guys are so sensible, Qin Yinze's expression is much softer, and his voice is also much gentler: "My sister has just been born. She can only drink milk and cannot eat other food."

Lele immediately reached out, pressed twice on the child's smartphone, and quickly made a call: "Dad, this is Lele. Please help Lele buy some more milk powder. Lele wants to give it to her sister."

Qin Yinze was stunned again. This little guy didn't just talk, he was also an activist. As soon as he heard that his sister wanted to drink milk, he immediately called his father. This little guy is a girl, confirmed.

After Qin Yinze and Ji Rou ended the call under the gentle gaze, Lele said sweetly: "Uncle, don't worry, I have asked my father to buy milk powder for my sister. My sister will not be hungry."

Regardless of whether there is breast milk or not, Qin Yinze has already prepared milk powder and will not wait until the baby wants to drink it before thinking about buying it. However, Lele's behavior really warmed Qin Yinze and Ji Rou.

The couple looked at each other, their eyes filled with tenderness. Jirou smiled softly and said, "Lele, Lu Lu, I really appreciate you two loving your sister so much."

Lele's kid said: "Auntie, you're welcome! This is what Lele should do."

At such a young age, he could say something like this, which dispelled the little sourness in Qin Yinze's heart: "Okay, you two stay here with your sister, and I'll go out and have someone deliver food."

Before leaving, Qin Yinze looked at Ji Rou and the little one lying next to her on the bed. If possible, he really wanted to carry the mother and daughter in his pocket without leaving them at all.

We have been husband and wife for so many years, and Jirou understands every look in his eyes: "Stop looking. When we are discharged from the hospital, I promise to take the child with you every day and never leave."

Qin Yinze reluctantly left.

As soon as Qin Yinze left, the two little guys Lele and Lu Lu couldn't wait to squeeze in beside Jirou: "Auntie, when can my sister go to kindergarten with us?"

Ji Rou stroked the little guy's little head and said gently: "We still have to wait a few years."

Lele said disappointedly: "When Lele becomes an adult in a few years, he will no longer be able to go to kindergarten with his sister. Lele is not happy!"

Lu Lu also said: "Lu Lu, like brother Lele, also wants to go to kindergarten with his sister. The three of us are together, we will protect our sister, and no other children will bully her."

Ji Rou grabbed Lu Lu Lu's little hand: "Lele, Lu Lu, don't be unhappy. When my sister goes to kindergarten in the future, you will be the big brothers. At that time, you can pick up and drop off your sister and protect her like adults. , isn’t this better?”

Hearing what Jirou said seemed to make sense, Lele and Lu Lu smiled happily again: "Okay, we will protect our sister when we grow up."

Because there were two little guys accompanying me, the day passed very quickly.

Jirou fell asleep after drinking the tonic soup sent by Qin Yinze. When she woke up again, the two little guys had been picked up. The room was quiet, and only Qin Yinze was by her side, oh , not only Qin Yinze, there was also a very small little guy lying next to her. The little guy had been sleeping and slept soundly.

Jirou poked her little face very gently with her finger. The little guy was harassed, but she didn't even blink her eyes and still fell asleep sweetly: "Husband, it's not that newborn babies like to cry. Why does our baby keep sleeping?"

Seeing Ji Rou's cute and silly look, Qin Yinze couldn't help but smile: "Who told you that a newborn baby likes to cry? For example, a sensible baby like our baby will be obedient because he feels sorry for his mother. Go to sleep, don’t cry or fuss when you’re not hungry, and sleep well.”

"Well, maybe our baby loves his mother too much, so he doesn't cry or make trouble." Jirou continued to stare at the little guy again and again, "Husband, take a closer look at our baby's face. Do you think she looks like you or not? Like me?"

The newly born baby has a wrinkled face. It's hard to tell who the face looks like, but the shape of the eyes is easy to distinguish, and it is exactly the same as Ji Rou.

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