My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1665 The Successor, Our Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1666: The Successor, Our Little Sweetheart

"Brother Lie, let's not go back to Jiangbei after my sister-in-law is discharged from the hospital. How about taking Lele out for a trip first?" Qin leran raised his head, "I haven't seen Long Yi and Ling Xi for a long time, let's go meet their family, okay? ?”

"Okay." Long Yi mentioned that Shen Lingxi had the same idea before, but now Qin lelan brought it up just in time. It is also very good for the two families to meet and talk casually.

Qin lelan smiled and said: "Then it's settled. But don't tell Longyi and the others first. I want to give them a surprise."

"Okay, it's all up to you." Lie smiled, lowered his head and kissed Qin leran gently, but just as he kissed, Lele, who was sandwiched between the two of them, suddenly stretched, "Mom and dad, in front of the children You can’t play kissing in front of me.”

"Little guy!" They kissed the little guy on the cheek at the same time, "Is this kind of kiss okay?"

Lele was so happy that she rolled in her parents' arms: "Mom and dad can kiss Lele anytime and on any occasion. Lele will hold up ten fingers to cooperate with you."

The little guy's clever look made his parents laugh again, and they kissed him on the cheek respectively. With such a cute baby at home, he couldn't get enough kisses.


The rain continues to fall.

Qin Yinze closed the window and returned to the room. Ji Rou, who had just been talking to him, had fallen asleep. He sat down next to her and gently stroked her forehead: "Go to sleep, have a good sleep, and see you again tomorrow." Check the body and if there is no abnormality, we can take the child home. "

He pulled the quilt up and covered her, but when he was about to take back his hand, Ji Rou suddenly reached out and hugged him: "Qin Yinze, I'm pretending to sleep, can't you tell? ?”

"You are a mother, why are you still so childish?" Qin Yinze doesn't mind Jirou's childishness. He just wants to tease her by telling her this.

"Then you think you have two daughters." Jirou poked his chest and said, "Her father, our baby is not like other babies except for making noises when eating. The child is so noisy, do you think there is something wrong with him? "

Qin Yinze poked her head: "Ji Rou, what are you thinking about all day long? The doctor said that a newborn baby grows while sleeping. If she doesn't sleep well, you will be in a hurry. of."

"I know, but I also want the baby to be able to talk to me. Don't feel like the baby doesn't really need the mother like now." Ji Rou stared at the baby lying next to her. If it weren't for the baby falling asleep, She wanted to pick up the baby and hold her in her arms, so that she could be closer to the baby.

"Who said the baby doesn't need a mother?" Qin Yinze patted the baby and looked at Jirou, who looked disappointed. "If you go to the bathroom and leave for such a little time, the baby who was sleeping peacefully will wake up. She won’t sleep peacefully until you lie down next to her again.”

"Really? The baby is really so clingy to me? Why didn't I notice?" Ji Rou enjoys the baby's dependence on her, but the baby is still too young now and can't even call her mother, but she is anxious.

Mothers love their babies, but Jirou's love is too much. In her eyes these days, except for the baby, she can hardly see the existence of anyone else, including him.

Every time he thinks of this, Qin Yinze feels inexplicably jealous, but he can't do anything to Ji Rou. How can he tell her that he is still jealous of his newborn daughter.

He was holding back some pain in his heart and couldn't express it. He said helplessly: "You, you just stare at the baby in your free time. You almost get Alzheimer's disease from looking at it. What else can you find?"

"It is said that women become stupid after giving birth to children. I guess I am stupid too, but no matter what I become, Qin Yinze, you are not allowed to dislike me, otherwise the child and I will never be done with you." She was the only one in the past, and he She can eat him to death. Now that she has another precious daughter, Ji Rou seems to be able to see Qin Yinze as a wife slave and daughter slave in the future. Thinking about it, she feels a little sorry for him, "But as long as If you love us well, we will love you well, so don’t be afraid of changing.”

Qin Yinze shook his head helplessly: "Yes, my wife! I will love you and the baby well, and try hard to make you love me well, and try hard not to dislike me."

"That's right." Ji Rou pinched his chin, and her hand hurt a little from the stubble that had just grown on his chin. "His father, why don't you try to grow some beard? It seems possible." More mature, more like a man who has become a father.”

Qin Yinze: "..."

Doesn’t he look like a father now that he doesn’t have a beard?

Jirou acts coquettishly: "The child's father, do you agree or not?"

Qin Yinze: "Nonsense!"

At this time, he said that she was fooling around, but soon afterwards, Ji Rou saw that he had grown a beard.

At that time, Jirou felt itchy when she looked at Qin Yinze's mustache. She thought that the man in her family had never had a mustache before and she thought he was very attractive as a man. She didn't expect that he would be even more sexy after growing a beard. It was so damn sexy that she wanted to throw him down.

Jirou pursed her lips, and then found another topic: "The baby's father, has the baby's name been decided yet?"

No matter what Ji Rou said, Qin Yinze was not impatient at all. He added: "We thought about several names together before. I chose them over and over and felt that each name was very meaningful. I really didn't know what to choose." Which name is better is now waiting for you to make the final decision.”

"Then let me think about it again, which name is better?" Ji Rou asked Qin Yinze to take out her mobile phone and look at several alternative names recorded in the document. At a glance, she saw the one she was most satisfied with. Pointing his finger, "That's it, Qin Xintian."

"Qin Xintian?" Qin Yinze is also optimistic about this name, and Ji Rou also chooses it immediately, which still surprises him. "Why did you choose this one at a glance with so many alternative names?"

Ji Rou said with a gentle look on her face: "My first name is Qin Xintian, and my nickname is Xiao Tianxin. She is the little sweetheart that belongs to both of us. I also hope that Xiao Tianxin will grow up happily and become a kind and strong person." People are always as sweet as the honey jar in life.”

"Xin Tian, ​​​​did you hear that your mother has chosen a name for you? From now on, you will be your parents' little sweetheart." Qin Yinze gently poked his daughter's face, "Little sweetheart, you have to listen to your mother. You can’t make mom angry, you know?”

"My little sweetheart is so good, she will definitely not make me angry. Right, mom's good little sweetheart." Qin Yinze just said that casually, and Ji Rou protected her little sweetheart like a hen protecting her cubs. .

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