My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1666: Successor, forget the past and enjoy the present

Chapter 1667: Successor Chapter, forget the past and enjoy the present

"Wow wow..."

As if hearing her mother's voice, the little sweetheart pursed her lips and made two noises as if to respond to her mother.

Jirou was so excited that she lowered her head and kissed her little sweetheart twice: "Oh, my little sweetheart is so cute. Mommy can't wait to put you back in her belly and merge into one."

"Jirou, don't kiss your child like this." Worried that Jirou would lose control, Qin Yinze quickly hugged the sweetheart away, "The doctor said that there are bacteria in the mouths of adults, and it is best not to kiss your child like this, otherwise it may cause skin allergies in the child. "

"I'm ten months pregnant and I can't kiss her baby yet. What do you mean?" Ji Rou looked at Qin Yinze sadly. She wanted to have a baby, but she just wanted to kiss and hug her. Now she is not allowed to kiss her. , is she at a loss? "Her father, please return the child to me."

Qin Yinze said: "The child is only one week old and her resistance is too weak. When she grows older and her resistance becomes stronger, then you can kiss her well and do whatever you want."

"But I just want to kiss her now." She can't kiss her mouth or touch her face. Jirou's eyes fall on the little sweetheart's chubby little hands, "Then it's okay to let me kiss the baby's little hands."

"Then ask the baby if he agrees?" Qin Yinze gently held the little guy in his arms, but because the little sweetheart was really too small, Qin Yinze couldn't feel the weight at all. Feeling uneasy, he carefully held it in his palms and said, "Sweetheart, mommy wants to kiss your little hand. Tell daddy, do you agree?"

I don't know if it was a coincidence, or the little sweetheart could really hear what the adults said. She slowly blinked her eyes that were not yet open enough, and made two more whining sounds.

When the baby responded, Jirou felt soft: "Her father, did you hear that? Sweetheart agreed that I would kiss her."

Qin Yinze was helpless and gently sent his little sweetheart to Jirou: "Our little sweetheart loves her mother so much since she was young. Dad will definitely love you well in the future."

"Does it mean that she doesn't care about her mother, so you don't care about her anymore?" Qin Yinze's words clearly indicate that Jirou ranks first, but Jirou is not satisfied yet, "Qin Yinze, let me tell you, no matter what the child is in the future, No matter what your sweetheart does to me, you must love her well and make her the happiest child in the world.”

Qin Yinze: "..."

Ji Rou, a woman, has not changed. She is still so "ignorant" after so many years. Doesn't she really know that she is very important in his heart?

Jirou said again: "Promise quickly. If you don't agree, I will never be done with you."

Qin Yinze said helplessly: "Yes, my wife!"

Jirou smiled with satisfaction: "Her father, as long as you are good to your little sweetheart, I will try my best to be good to you in the future."

Qin Yinze: "..."

Since the birth of the child, Ji Rou has called him "her father". Can she not forget that without his efforts, she would never have given birth to a sweetheart.

He is obviously the most important person in this family, but now he has become the dispensable one.

Several times, Qin Yinze wanted to wake Jirou up and let her heart not only have room for her little sweetheart, but also give him a small corner to cool off, but as soon as she saw her child, she became distraught. He couldn't bear the way his eyes were shining.

She loved children, something he had known for a long time.

Forget it, who made her his wife, who made her the mother of his children, if he doesn't let her, does he still expect others to let her?

The night was uneventful.

Early in the morning, the doctor examined Jirou and confirmed that she was recovering well before agreeing to discharge her from the hospital.

Of course, it was impossible for the Qin family not to be present for such a big event as Ji Rou being discharged from the hospital. However, because there were so many family members, all of them coming might disturb other patients, so several representatives came to pick Ji Rou up from the hospital.

The representatives are Jianran and Qin leran. Qin Xiaobao was originally going to pick Ji Rou up from the hospital. Because Zhan Li brought his girlfriend back at the end of the war, Qin Xiaobao was worried and had to stay at home to watch over her.

Jian Ran is careful. In order to take good care of her daughter-in-law this time, she cooks Laohuo soup every day and personally delivers it to the hospital for Jirou to drink. Ji Rou's body has recovered so well. In addition to Qin Yinze's careful care, Jian Ran's soup also contributed a lot.

"Mom, although I gave birth to the baby, you are more tired than me. You can rest now and let Qin Yinze take care of it." Jian Ran has been busy since she entered the house. Ji Rouke feels distressed .

"I can't even be happy that I can do something for you. I won't be tired." Even though Qin Yue is hurting, Jian Ran still has nothing to worry about because she does everything for the children. All are happy and joyful.

"Mom, but I feel sorry for you." Many people say that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most difficult relationship to deal with since ancient times, but in the Qin family, such a problem will not arise at all, because Jian Ran treats every daughter-in-law as a daughter. , the daughter-in-law is naturally filial to her.

"Mom, just rest and let me do it, otherwise Jirou won't be able to feel at ease." In fact, these things can be done by the nanny at home, but Qin Yinze is not willing. Like Jianran, he can do everything for those around him. People feel happy when they do something.

"Mom, if you can't take your time, you can hold the sweetheart." Qin leran, who was responsible for holding the child, brought the sweetheart to Jian Ran. "Mom, look, our little sweetheart opened her eyes and looked at you."

"Really?" Seeing that the little sweetheart really opened her eyes, Jian Ran was very excited, "Look, look, what I said, the little sweetheart must feel that grandma loves her too."

"Of course. Of course she can feel it." Ji Rou said, "Grandma has taken care of her for so long, and if she still can't feel it, then she is a heartless little guy."

"You are not allowed to talk about my granddaughter like that." Seeing the little sweetheart's small face, Jian Ran seemed to see Qin lelan's childhood through her, with her eyes filled with gentle light.

Due to some reasons, she didn't have the chance to see the infant Qin leran, but Jian Ran was sure that her little ran was as cute as her little sweetheart and loved her mother as much.

It's a pity that you only have one life. If you miss some things, you will miss them forever. She will never have the chance to see how cute the infant Qin leran is.

You shouldn't think about such sad things when the family is having fun, but when Jian Ran saw the little sweetheart, she couldn't help but think about it. Looking at it, she thought the little sweetheart in her arms was her Xiao Ranran.

"Mom, do you think your little sweetheart is me?" Apart from Qin Yue, the person who knows Jian Ran's thoughts best is Qin Leran. Seeing that Jian Ran's expression was wrong, Qin Leran guessed it and didn't wait for Jian Ran's answer. She added, "Mom, no matter what we have experienced in the past, I am healthy and healthy in front of you now. You can truly feel my existence, which proves that the bad things in the past have become a thing of the past. We should enjoy the present." life."

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