My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1667: The Successor Chapter is still so charming

Chapter 1668: The Successor Chapter is still so charming

"No, I'm just happy to see my little sweetie so cute." In order not to affect her family's mood, Jian Ran tried her best to suppress the pain in her heart.

Qin lelan is right. Bad things are over in the past. Thinking about them again will only cause trouble to the people around you and yourself. Why not forget all those things and enjoy every day with your family happily.

There is nothing happier than being a family together.

Ji Rou was discharged from the hospital with her child, and finally the whole family gathered at the West District villa in Minluo City.

The house that used to be deserted was now crowded with a large family. Not only Qin Zhan's family, but also Ji's mother and all Ji Rou's friends were here.

Both the monkey and the prince are now fathers, but they still obey Jirou's orders. After arriving at the Xishan Villa, they follow Jirou like dog skin plaster, calling "boss" every time, for fear that others will not know Jirou. Rou seems to be their boss.

"Xiaorou, we can't blow the wind now. You can bask in the sun for a while and go back to the house early." The busy mother Ji ran upstairs to greet her because she was worried about her daughter, "Prince, monkey, please keep an eye on her for me."

Prince and Monkey: "Auntie, go and do your work, we will take care of the boss and the child."

"Okay." Ji's mother went to work again.

"Monkey, why didn't you bring your wife and children?" Jirou didn't see Monkey's family members. She looked left and right. If she couldn't find anyone, she could only ask Monkey for someone.

"My mother-in-law was sick, and my wife took the child back to help take care of her. She couldn't leave today, so she didn't come." The monkey was also at his father-in-law's house, but he took the time to come back to see Ji Rou's child.

Jirou asked worriedly: "Is Auntie's health feeling better?"

Monkey: "Much better."

Jirou added: "Monkey, you are the same. When you have time, help Shanshan take care of her parents' house. Don't tire her out and make her suffer. It's your blessing that a good girl like her marries you. You must not Let down this girl."

"Boss, Shanshan is my wife, I will take good care of her, don't worry." Monkey is a man who loves his wife, but he is not good at sweet words.

"You are a father, but you still don't know how to coax your wife. Can I rest assured?" But having said that, even if you are worried about some things, you still have to put your mind at ease.

They grew up together, and they have a brother-sister relationship with each other, but the other person's partner may not think so. If she is too close to Monkey and the others, Qin Yinze will be jealous, let alone Shanshan.

Jirou turned to look at the prince again: "Prince, don't tell your wife to take the child back to her parents' home."

The prince scratched his head: "You all know that I wanted to chase Sister Dai Li back then, but Sister Dai Li's flower was stuck on Li Yingnan's cow dung, but my wife didn't know. Sister Dai Li happened to be coming today, in order to prevent the embarrassment of meeting each other. , I specifically didn’t let her and the child come.”

"I mean, prince, don't let us call you prince, you really think of yourself as a prince. You are lucky to have such a good wife like Tingting. Don't be born into blessings and not know your blessings." Upon hearing this, Ji Rou immediately glared at her, causing the prince to rub his head and giggle.

Ji Rou glared at him and added: "Sister Dai Li refused you very simply and never gave you any other ideas. And the pair made in heaven between Sister Dai Li and Li Yingnan are not the flowers you are talking about. Stick it in the cow dung. Let's forget it. If Li Yingnan hears it, he will have to skin him."

"Ji Xiaorou, I know you admire me, but you don't have to talk about it every day." Dai Li's gentle voice as always came suddenly. Ji Rou turned around and saw the charming Dai Li coming.

After so many years, Dai Li is still the same. Every step she takes has her own special standards. She is elegant with a little bit of charm, which still makes people feel itchy.

Ji Rou smiled and said, "Sister Dai Li, I thought you wouldn't come."

"What is my relationship with you? How could I not come to such a happy day? How can you, who has just been discharged from the hospital, sit outside here? You don't understand, and neither do the men in your family?" Dai Li dragged Ji Rou. Walking into the house, "Monkey, Prince, and you two, you didn't help take care of your wife when she gave birth? You don't know that pregnant women can't blow dry and have to rest in the room?"

"Sister Dai Li, the sun is shining brightly today. I'm going to bask in the sun outside for a while. I promise there won't be any wind." If he can't stay outside, Qin Yinze will never let Jirou step out of the room. "Sister Dai Li, yes Don’t worry, Qin Yinze is here.”

Dai Li said, "I'm sure I'll be relieved to have him take care of you, but he is always a grown man, and there are differences between men and women. I'm still worried that he will ignore some details, which will lead to the root cause of your illness."

Ji Rou said with a smile: "He is more nervous about me than anyone else. He always tells me not to do this or that. He won't let me change my child's diapers."

Dai Li poked Ji Rou: "Anyway, go back to the room and rest first."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Jirou was accompanied by Dai Li, Monkey, and Prince back to the room. She only remembered after returning to the room, "By the way, Sister Dai Li, Li Yingnan didn't come?"

Dai Li said: "He doesn't like your men, so he doesn't plan to come."

The prince murmured: "I don't like him either. It's a good thing he didn't come."

Jirou: "..."

Dai Li: "..."

Monkey: "You, if he had come, you would have been so scared that you would have disappeared."

This is the truth. After Li Yingnan knew that the prince had thoughts about Dai Li, he never gave the prince a good look. He often looked at the prince with a look that was so sharp that it could kill, making the prince so angry that he did not dare to vomit.

Prince: "Monkey, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

Monkey: "Okay, I won't say anything anymore."

Ji Rou and Dai Li were both made laugh by them.

"Aren't Li Yingnan and Qin Yinze good classmates and good friends? Why do they dislike each other?" This question has been buried in Ji Rou's heart for many years, but for many years, she has not been able to figure out why.

She also asked Dai Li before, and Dai Li also said she didn't know.

Ji Rou also asked casually today, but she didn't expect Dai Li to actually give her the answer: "You asked me before, and I didn't know. Ask me today, and I can tell you the answer."

Ji Rou grabbed Dai Li and said excitedly: "Sister Dai Li, please tell me what's going on."

"It is said that a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, unless there is a male and a female." Dai Li smiled, "They are two male tigers. One is a business legend in Minluo City, and the other is a prominent figure in the underworld. Do you think they can meet often?"

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