My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1669: Successor, what are you better than me?

Chapter 1670: The Successor, what are you better than me?

Hearing the childish baby voice, Li Yingnan and Dai Li turned their heads at the same time and saw two cute little boys with their hands on their hips, looking puffed up. Not to mention how cute they were.

Dai Li asked: "Who are you?"

"Don't care who we are?" Lele and Lu Lu quickly ran to Dai Li, standing one on each side, "Auntie, don't be afraid, we will protect you and won't let the bad uncle bully you."

"You..." What a cute little guy. Dai Li never knew that children had such a cute side. In her heart, she always thought that such a big child would only be noisy.

How can they be so cute and adorable? The anger that had just been returned was extinguished by the two cute little guys: "Well, thank you for protecting me."

Li Yingnan: "Little one, it's none of your business here, go away."

Lele and Lu Lu were a little afraid of the tall and fierce uncle in front of them, but with a manly attitude of protecting women, they had to muster up the courage: "Uncle, as the song says, a good man will not let the woman he loves suffer. A little harm, such a simple truth, don’t you understand it even though you are so old?”

Li Yingnan: "..."

Which song sings like this?

What kind of bastard wrote such boring lyrics? Why hasn't he heard it?

Lele opened her calf, "Uncle, do you understand?"

Lu Lu also stood in front of Dai Li: "You have to understand even if you don't understand. A man can't bully his girlfriend."

"Kids, what are your names?" Dai Li pinched Lele and Lu Lu's faces. They were so soft and slippery. She really wanted to pinch them a few more times.

If all children are so cute, what's the big deal if she agrees to give Li Yingnan a child?

Lele: "My name is Lele."

Lu Lu: "My name is Lu Lu."

"Lele and Lu Lu, it turns out that you two are the two cuties Jirou mentioned to me." Dai Li squatted down and hugged one in each hand, "I always thought she was praising me on purpose, but I didn't expect you real people. Cuter than she said."

"We are very cute, and we are also very powerful. We can protect you, auntie." Lele and Lu Lu said harsh words while glaring at Li Yingnan, "We are not afraid of bad guys no matter how tall or big they are."

But the two of them were too small and couldn't see Li Yingnan's eyes at all. They could only see Li Yingnan's chin. Compared with Li Yingnan, the two little guys really didn't have any momentum at all, but Dai Li was She was so happy: "How can you two be so cute? Did you grow up eating cuteness?"

Li Yingnan glared at Dai Li angrily.

This woman's excuse for not wanting to have children is that she doesn't like children, but look at her now, does it look like she doesn't like children? If possible, she could probably take the two little ones home.

Look, look, he is still here, and that dead woman Dai Li led the two children away in front of him. Does she think he is a transparent thing or something?

Li Yingnan was so angry that he turned around and left. Just a few steps away, he met Qin Yinze who was returning to his room to see his wife. The two men met in the corridor and saw each other, but neither of them paid attention to the other's intention.

The two of them went their separate ways, and after they had passed each other, Li Yingnan suddenly turned around and shouted: "Young Master Qin, you can't see me as a big man?"

Qin Yinze stopped and looked back: "I saw it."

Li Yingnan: "You didn't say hello to me when I saw you?"

Qin Yinze: "You didn't say hello to me either."

Li Yingnan: "This is your home. I'm here to be a guest. Shouldn't you behave like a host?"

Qin Yinze: "Did I invite you to my house?"

Li Yingnan: "..."

Qin Yinze stepped forward to leave.

Li Yingnan called him again: "Qin Yinze, stop!"

Qin Yinze: "Is something wrong?"

Li Yingnan: "You go see your wife and children first, and come to the roof later. I have two questions to ask you for advice."

Qin Yinze: "Is this the attitude you should have when asking people for advice?"

"I'll give you ten minutes. If I don't wait for you on the roof when the ten minutes are up, you will be responsible for the consequences." After saying these harsh words, Li Yingnan turned and walked towards the stairs.

Although Qin Yinze is not threatened by him, he knows that Qin Yinze will appear in front of him on time when the time comes. After all, Qin Yinze still owes him a big favor.

He never mentioned this favor, but Qin Yinze must have kept it in mind, and was waiting for him to ask for help when something happened, so that Qin Yinze could return the favor.

As expected by Li Yingnan, Qin Yinze appeared in front of him with a cold tone: "Just tell me if you have anything to do. I'm still busy with my wife and children."

Li Yingnan looked at Qin Yinze, looked again and again, and said very dissatisfied: "Master Qin, how do you think I, Li Yingnan, am worse than you? I want good looks and good knowledge. Knowledge, money, money, why are there women willing to give birth to your children, but no women are willing to give birth to my children?”

Qin Yinze still said coldly: "There are a lot of women out there who want to give birth to you. If you want to give birth, just choose one. Within a year, someone will call you daddy."

Li Yingnan raised his eyebrows: "Are I talking about those women outside? I'm talking about Dai Li. What do you think you are better than me? Why do your women risk their lives to give you a baby, but I Women are unwilling to give me a baby even to death?”

Qin Yinze: "Because I'm smarter than you."

Li Yingnan: "Try saying something again."

Some things are obvious to onlookers at a glance, but it takes many years for those in power to fail to see through them. Just like Qin Yinze and Li Yingnan at this moment, Qin Yinze saw the problem between Li Yingnan and Dai Li, but Li Yingnan was too stupid to understand anything.

Seeing that Li Yingnan had helped him so much, and seeing that Li Yingnan was finally willing to ask him for advice after so many years of pretentiousness, Qin Yinze decided to help him: "You really want to know the reason? "

Li Yingnan: "Do you think I came to you to take the opportunity to be alone with you?"

Qin Yinze smiled: "I don't see that you want to be alone with me."

Li Yingnan said: "Tell me quickly."

Qin Yinze said: "Trust."

Li Yingnan: "What trust?"

Qin Yinze added: "The most important thing between husband and wife is trust. If you don't believe that Dai Li has you in her heart, how can she be willing to give birth to your child? In fact, women are very emotional animals. You love him and her." Well, if she can feel it, she will love you twice as much and treat you twice as much.”

This truth is Qin Yinze's conclusion over the years. It is because he is good to Ji Rou that Ji Rou will be twice as good to him and think of him in everything. Many people said that he spoiled Jirou rotten, but in fact it was Jirou who spoiled him so much that he could no longer tolerate other women in his eyes.

"Think about it for yourself. The day you figure it out, that's when you and Dai Li will truly achieve success." After leaving the words, Qin Yinze was busy spending time with his wife and children.

Li Yingnan was left alone on the rooftop blowing the cool breeze, thinking about the word "trust" repeatedly in his mind.

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