My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1670: The Successor, Preparing for Pregnancy after Quitting

Chapter 1671: The Successor, Preparing for Pregnancy after Quitting Smoking

The cool breeze blowing on his face made Li Yingnan suddenly shaken. At that moment, something flashed through his mind, and the question he had been unable to figure out suddenly became clear.

Qin Yinze is right at all. The most important thing for two people to be together is "trust", and what he and Dai Li lack is trust.

In the past, he and Dai Li were separated for a long time because of distrust, and later they regretted it every time they thought about it.

Now that the two are together, Dai Li has repeatedly said that she will only be his woman in this life, but he just doesn't believe her or that she will stay with him sincerely.

Is she not sincere?

Or is he too wary?

If he puts down his guard against her, can he find out whether Dai Li is sincere to him?

In any case, he can't let this situation continue. He doesn't want to try to separate from Dai Li and hurt each other.

Just when Li Yingnan couldn't make up his mind, he smelled a very familiar scent of perfume. He turned around and saw Dai Li standing behind him, looking at him with a pair of beautiful eyes.

He raised his eyebrows displeased: "How long have you been here?"

"I've been here for more than ten minutes, and you haven't noticed me yet." Dai Li took out a cigarette, lit it with a lighter, and took a puff, "What are you thinking about? Are you so absorbed in your thoughts?"

"How many times have I told you that you are not allowed to smoke, and you still smoke in front of me." Li Yingnan reached out and took off the cigarette from Dai Li's hand, threw it on the ground and stamped it out, "Dai Li, let me smoke again in the future." I see you smoking, I will make you look good."

"This is my last cigarette today. After this, I promise I will never smoke again." Dai Li lit up another cigarette, took a puff, and blew out the smoke ring gracefully, just as Li Yingnan tried to snatch it away from her again. Before smoking, she said first, "I have inquired about it. You cannot smoke during pregnancy, and you cannot smoke during pregnancy. For the health of the child, you must not smoke after giving birth. After smoking this cigarette today, I will quit smoking permanently. , just let me have my addiction and don’t take the cigarette from my hand.”

"What did you just say?" Li Yingnan stopped grabbing the cigarette and asked Dai Li with red eyes, "Dai Li, what do you mean by what you just said? Please explain it clearly to me."

"That's what I meant." Dai Li took another puff of cigarette and said slowly, "I still remember that the first cigarette I smoked was snatched from your hand. Do you still remember?"

What she remembered, Li Yingnan must also remember, but Li Yingnan didn't want to mention it.

Dai Li added: "Back then, you were addicted to smoking. I asked you to quit smoking, but you didn't quit. Then I started smoking with you out of anger. You smoked and I smoked too. After smoking for so many years, I never thought about quitting." Now that I suddenly want to quit smoking, it seems very difficult, and I don’t know if I can quit.”

What Li Yingnan cares about is not that Dai Li talks about smoking. He wants to find out whether Dai Li means what he understands: "I'm asking you what you just said. Don't talk nonsense to me." .”

"Li Yingnan!" Calling his name, Dai Li finished her cigarette a few times, put out the cigarette butt and then said, "Li Yingnan, didn't you always want me to give you a child? Now I I can agree to it, but you have to agree to one condition."

"Do you have the conditions?" There are still conditions for having a child with him, and sure enough, this woman... Li Yingnan clenched his fists, and didn't know whether to believe whether she was really interested in him or if she had other intentions.

Dai Li shrugged, with a relaxed attitude: "The condition is that you accompany me to quit smoking. When the two of us quit smoking, we will start preparing for pregnancy."

"It's a deal!" Isn't it just to quit smoking? Li Yingnan still doesn't believe that this matter can be difficult for him, but how could this woman make such a request so suddenly? She has always been unwilling to have children before, " Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Because I just saw the two little guys in Ji Rou's house. Because they are so cute, I also want to have such a cute child to play with me." The cuteness of the two children made Dai Li want to have a baby. The idea is not true. The real reason is that Dai Li just heard the conversation between Li Yingnan and Qin Yinze.

Dai Li has never been able to figure out whether Li Yingnan's feelings for her are love or the man's possessiveness. But just now she saw that someone who was usually so arrogant took the initiative to approach Qin Yinze, and she knew why.

Besides loving her, what other motivation could make Li Yingnan compromise in front of others.

She should have understood his thoughts a long time ago. After guessing these things, it was they who suffered.

However, she would never doubt Li Yingnan's feelings for her again.

"Dai Li, in your heart I'm not as good as those two little ones?" How many times had he told her to give him a child, but she never agreed. As soon as she saw the two little ones today, she agreed .


Li Yingnan felt like killing someone.

"I'm just asking you if you would like to quit smoking with me?" The more she understood his thoughts, the more naughty Dai Li became when she spoke to him, "If you don't want to, then I won't force you to quit. We can continue to be together. Smoking, maybe if we are in good health we can keep smoking until we are eighty or ninety years old.”

"Hand over the cigarettes in your pocket." Li Yingnan forcibly took away the cigarettes in Dai Li's bag and smashed them into pieces in two or three blows. "We will start quitting smoking today, and we will start preparing for pregnancy in three months. That's all. It’s settled, no one is allowed to go back on it.”

"You, Mr. Li, have spoken. Even if you give me 10,000 courages, I won't dare to go back on my words." Dai Li said fearful words, but her expression was very relaxed and she didn't look scared at all.

Li Yingnan: "It's good that you know."

She took the initiative to hug Li Yingnan's arm: "What if you can't quit smoking?"

Li Yingnan looked at her: "Is there anything I want to do but can't do?"

Dai Li thought seriously: "It seems like there really isn't."

Li Yingnan: "I'm done visiting my friends, come home with me."

Dai Li: "But I still want to talk to Ji Rou."

Li Yingnan: "Aren't you afraid that Qin Yinze won't let you enter their house in the future?"

Dai Li: "With Ji Rou helping me, will he dare?"

Li Yingnan smiled evilly: "What do you think?"

Seeing Li Yingnan's smile, Dai Li shuddered: "Then I'd better go home with you first. When Jirou is one month old, I'll come over to see her and the baby."

Li Yingnan held Dai Li's hand: "Let's go."

On the way home, Dai Li could only think about her children. Thinking that she and Li Yingnan would have a child as cute as Lele and Lu Lu in the future, she was quite looking forward to it.

She had been afraid of giving birth before, but now the thought of it didn't seem as scary as before.

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