My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1671 Heir, I am serious about her

Chapter 1672: Heir Chapter, I am serious about her

In Zhuang Momo's view, wealthy families should be like what is written in TV dramas. For the sake of property, both father and son, brothers and sisters can disown each other and kill each other.

However, the Qin family she saw these days was nothing like the wealthy family she had in mind.

They are a happy family, with a loving father and a filial son. How beautiful it is... It's so beautiful that Zhuang Momo can't believe what he's seen in the past few days is real... It's so beautiful that she wants to be a member of this big family.

Looking at Lele and Lu Lu who were running and jumping on the lawn, Zhuang Momo looked at Zhan Limo and asked the question he had been harboring in his heart for the past two days: "Zhan Limo, you said I was dreaming, Or are you acting?"

Zhan Limo kept his eyes on her. Seeing that her eyes had finally moved from the children to him, she asked such a stupid question again. He knocked her on the head: "Zhuang Momo , I know that I am very good, but there is no need for you to be unconfident. Everything you have experienced these days is real and you are not dreaming. "

After saying that, he pinched her face hard and told her with actions that she was not dreaming.

"What about confidence and lack of confidence? I'm talking to you about business. Don't talk nonsense to me." Zhuang Momo clapped Zhan Limo's hand away and sighed, "Everything I have seen at your brother's house these days makes me sad." It feels so unreal.”

"Why is my eldest brother's house unreal? Could it be that he can still give birth to a fake baby?" Zhan Limo is a very fast-thinking master, but his head occasionally short-circuits in front of Zhuang Momo, and he stupidly doesn't understand at the moment Zhuang Momo means.

"I'm not talking about your brother's baby, I'm talking about your big family." Zhuang Momo looked at Lele and Lu Lu who were playing not far away again, "The elders in the family have a good relationship, and the children are cute and sensible. This is simply the best example of a healthy and happy family. It is completely different from the wealthy family I imagined before, so it always makes me think that I am dreaming.”

At the end of the war, he asked, "Have you ever been in contact with wealthy families before?"

Zhuang Momo shook his head: "I haven't really been exposed to it. I have seen it in TV series and on the news."

"What TV dramas want is dramatic effect. Everything is exaggerated." Zhan Limo turned Zhuang Momo's face back and asked her to look at him, "In today's society, news is no longer about facts and truth." Reports. In order to attract readers, news writers always add exaggeration and press releases that are as exaggerated as novels. Do you think such news can be believed? "

Zhuang Momo nodded: "That's what you said. Sometimes in this world, you may not believe what you see with your own eyes, let alone what is written by others."

At the end of the war, he asked again: "Do you still mean that you don't believe what you have seen these days is real?"

Zhuang Momo was stunned: "That's not what I meant."

At the end of the war: "Then what do you mean?"

Zhuang Momo: "Are you going to quarrel again?"

At the end of the war: "Zhuang Momo, can you be a bit like a woman? Who wants to quarrel?"

Zhuang Momo was speechless: "At the end of the war, sometimes you really don't have any brains at all."

At the end of the war: "What did you say? If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will peel off your skin."

"Zhan Limo, what are you talking about? Momo, can you be so cruel? How can you, a grown man, talk so loudly to such a beautiful girl?" Qin Xiaobao jumped out of nowhere, protecting the calf. Still protecting Zhuang Momo, "If old man Zhan dares to talk to me so loudly, I will definitely kill him."

"Qin Xiaobao, you are eavesdropping on us again." Many times at the end of Zhan Li, he didn't want to have a mother like Qin Xiaobao. In the past, it was enough to bully him everywhere, but now she is eavesdropping on his love affair. If she continues like this, he will destroy his wife. Scared away.

Especially just now, were he and Zhuang Momo quarreling? They are flirting, okay? Qin Xiaobao's sudden appearance was really maddening, but she still didn't know it.

"What eavesdropping? Don't say it so harshly. I wasn't eavesdropping. I just passed by and heard you scolding Momo. I couldn't stand it, so I stood up and said a few words to you." Qin Xiaobao patted Zhuang Momo's hand. "Momo, don't be afraid, your aunt will support you."

"Auntie, he didn't bully me." How can any couple not quarrel, but this made the elder catch her and said that he would support her, Zhuang Momo was so embarrassed that he didn't know where to turn his eyes.

"Momo, don't be afraid. This guy is just a paper tiger. He looks scary, but he is really not threatening." Qin Xiaobao said again. In the end, she was too nervous.

After all, it was the first time for his son to bring his girlfriend home to meet his parents. She had no experience meeting her future daughter-in-law, so it was inevitable that she would be nervous during the first meeting.

Zhuang Momo said: "Auntie, I didn't say this because I was afraid of him. He really didn't bully me."

"Wait for me." After explaining to Zhuang Momo, Zhan Limo hurriedly pushed Qin Xiaobao aside, "Mrs. Zhan, let me ask you a question."

Qin Xiaobao: "What's the problem?"

At the end of the war: "Do you hope that your son will get a wife?"

"What are you talking about?" Qin Xiaobao glanced at Zhuang Momo quietly. Seeing that Zhuang Momo didn't look at them, she said with relief, "Zhuang Momo is a good girl. I'm afraid that you will miss her because you are hot-headed, so I will try my best to Helping you."

Zhan Limo was helpless: "Don't you know you are doing a disservice?"

Qin Xiaobao slightly increased his voice: "Smelly boy!"

Zhan Limo said before she got angry: "If you eavesdrop on us secretly, you will scare her away."

Qin Xiaobao: "I..."

"Mom, you are a smart person. You have figured everything out. Why are you so confused about this matter?" Zhan Limo planned to use this opportunity to explain himself, otherwise he would be tricked by his mother sooner or later. "Do you think you are helping me by doing this? You are hurting me by doing this."

Qin Xiaobao lowered his head: "I'm anxious."

At the end of the war, he asked: "You act in a hurry. Do you not believe in your son's charm or something?"

"I'm worried about your colorful heart. Once your enthusiasm for Zhuang Momo wears off, you will completely forget about this child." Qin Xiaobao poked his forehead, "Don't say that I can't doubt you like this. , I doubt you because you have done too many such things before."

"Mom, I'm serious about Zhuang Momo. Not only do I want to fall in love with her, I also want to marry her and start a family and have children like you and dad." Zhan Limo has never told her so sincerely Qin Xiaobao had spoken, and Qin Xiaobao was shocked when he said these words.

In fact, if you look closely, you can tell from Zhan Limo's eyes that this boy is serious about Zhuang Momo, which is completely different from the way he used to make girlfriends.

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