My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1675: The Successor, trouble caused by a bed

Chapter 1677: The Successor, trouble caused by a bed

After arriving in City X, Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo looked around and finally decided to rent an apartment in a prosperous area of ​​City Clues must be used to capture the two escaped suspects.

The rented apartment was very small, about 60 square meters, with one bedroom and one living room, plus a kitchen and bathroom, so the room and living room were not wide, and even a little crowded. But they didn't dislike it. After all, they could live in the dormitories in the military area, and a 60-square-meter house was more than enough for two people.

But the situation is different now. In the military area, men live in dormitories with men, and female soldiers live with female soldiers. Now Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo are a man and a woman, or they are boyfriend and girlfriend. A woman, as long as these two people stand in the same room, the atmosphere will instantly become ambiguous.

When a man and a woman live together in the same room, even if nothing happens, no one will believe it.

A man and a woman living together in the same room are like sticks that catch fire when they meet a raging fire, and they burn very vigorously. Thinking of this, Zhan Limo was so happy that he could hardly close his mouth from ear to ear. The smile on his face has never disappeared from the moment he entered the room to now.

The current situation is a typical first-come-first-serve situation. Now that he and Zhuang Momo live in a room, and there is only one bed in the room, there is a high chance that the two of them will sleep on the same bed. If they can all sleep together, then certain things will naturally fall into place: "Hey, Zhuang Momo, are you happy?"

"What's there to be happy about?" Zhuang Momo was worrying about how the two of them would sleep in an apartment with only one bed, so he didn't notice the proud expression on Zhan Limo's face.

The two of them were on a mission now, and everything should be business-related. It was awkward for the two of them to sleep in the same room. She couldn't think of a solution, so she had to ask Zhan Limo for help.

Zhuang Momo looked at Zhan Limo, who fell down on the bed under her gaze, and Da Chichi lay on the only double bed in the room: "The funds given by the above are not much, it is only enough to rent such a house." , and I am very picky about sleeping. I can’t sleep on a good bed, especially if I don’t have a bed, so this bed is mine. You can figure out what to do with it yourself.”

"Zhan Limo, can you please stop being so excessive? You, a grown man, have taken up the bed and let me, a girl, figure it out on my own. Can we be more gentlemen?" Zhuang Momo couldn't wait to pounce on the bed and grab the spot on the bed. , but then I thought about a man and a woman sleeping together in the same bed. Some things were beyond my control and happened when they shouldn't have happened.

At the end of the war, Zhan Li lay on the medium-sized bed in the room: "Our room only has one bed. If I don't sleep, you will sleep. You can't bear to occupy the bed so that I can't sleep well. So the best way is for the two of us to sleep together, what do you think?"

"You have a beautiful thought. Whoever wants to sleep with you can go with you. Anyway, I don't want to sleep with you." Zhuang Momo glared at him with disgust, then picked up his luggage, "Since Mr. Zhan's body You are so delicate, so I will give you the bed, so you can have a good rest."

She had lived on an uninhabited desert island, and now such a good room only lacked a bed. She overcame this small difficulty by gritting her teeth. There was no need to fight with Zhan Limo for a bed.

Zhuang Momo stepped up to leave, but Zhan Limo suddenly sat up and grabbed Zhuang Momo: "Zhuang Momo, you are my girlfriend, why can't we sleep together?"

Of course they can sleep together, but now it's time to work. Zhuang Momo kept in mind the burden on her body. She looked at his hands and said coldly: "Let go!"

At the end of the war: "Don't let go!"

Zhuang Momo: "I say it again, let go!"

At the end of the war: "I won't let you go if you don't want to."

Zhuang Momo raised his voice instantly: "At the end of the war, I want you to let go!"

"I want to tell you that I will give you the bed and you stay in the room to sleep while I go to the living room to sleep on the sofa." Zhan Lim quickly changed his mind.

It is said that a man can bend and stretch. As long as he can live under the same roof with Zhuang Momo, he will definitely find a chance to eat her without spitting out her bones.

Zhuang Momo asked: "You don't want to choose a bed?"

Zhan Limo: "In order to have someone to accompany me until I grow old, I have to endure the hardships I have to endure, let go of the people I have to give in to, and dote on the people I deserve to be pampered. These are the standards for becoming a new three-good man. "

Zhuang Momo was not polite to him: "Okay, then you pack your luggage outside the house."

At the end of the war: "A heartless guy."

Zhuang Momo: "The captain told us that being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself."

Zhan Li finally rolled his eyes at her: "I am your boyfriend, not your enemy."

Zhuang Momo: "As the saying goes, people around you are likely to become enemies."

At the end of the war: "..."

Forget it, there is no way to continue talking to this woman.

At the end of Zhan li, he picked up one of his backpacks, got up and walked to the living room. He took a step back and looked back, hoping that Zhuang Momo would open his mouth and leave him behind. However, Zhuang Momo was busy packing his luggage and didn't even look out of the corner of his eyes. I'm willing to give him one.

"Zhuang Momo!" He called her, and she answered, but she didn't look back. At the end of the war, she felt a sense of loss again. Damn it, what did this woman think of him?

Sometimes she behaves like fire to him, sometimes she behaves as cold as ice. To him, she is like ice and fire. If she continues to torture him like this, sooner or later he will make her crippled.

"Zhan Limo." Zhuang Momo suddenly called his name, which made Zhan Limo's depressed mood instantly improve a few degrees. But just when he was happy, he saw Zhuang Momo handing over a bag of garbage with his backhand, " Please help me throw away this bag of garbage."

At the end of the war: "..."

Asking him to help, she didn't even look at him.

He was dissatisfied: "Zhuang Momo, you..."

Zhuang Momo looked back, looked at him and smiled softly: "What's the matter?"

Her voice was gentle, with a little bit of coquettishness, which instantly extinguished the fire rising in Zhan Limo's chest. He took the garbage in her hand: "What do you want to eat? When I went out to take out the garbage, I’ll buy it for dinner.”

Zhuang Momo said: "The kitchen in the apartment is equipped with pots, kitchen utensils and tableware. Why don't we buy groceries and cook our own meals."

At the end of the war: "can you cook?"

Zhuang Momo: "I'm not very good at it...but I haven't seen my mother cooking. I think I can give it a try."

Zhan Limo gave her a disgusted look: "I think it's safer to eat out."

It's not that Zhan Limo didn't want to give Zhuang Momo a chance, but that he had seen with his own eyes how bad a woman who couldn't cook made the kitchen at home. In order to have a good sleep tonight, he stayed out. Eating is safer.

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