My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1676: The Successor Chapter, It’s Hard to Resist the Gentle Offensive

Chapter 1678: The Successor Chapter, It’s Hard to Resist the Gentle Offensive

Zhan Limo was very firm in his position and refused to let Zhuang Momo cook even if he said so. However, his position fell apart instantly after Zhuang Momo also strengthened his position.

The current situation is that Zhuang Momo is studying the recipe. Zhan Limo is reluctantly washing vegetables in the kitchen, nagging while washing: "Zhuang Momo, if you don't know how to cook, don't cook. Let's go out to eat." Or ordering takeout is so easy, why do you have to torture yourself so much?”

"I'm happy!" Zhuang Momo replied to Zhan Limo, and then immersed himself in studying the recipe in his hand.

She usually sees her mother and second sister cooking as simple as it seems, but when it comes to cooking herself, it's thousands of times more difficult than going to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

"You're happy!" She was happy. Why should he let him suffer with her? Is it just because he was her boyfriend?

He used to worry about finding a girlfriend as unreasonable as Qin Xiaobao, but he didn't expect that Zhuang Momo, a woman, was even more outrageous than Qin Xiaobao.

Not only did he use violence at every turn, but he was still torturing him in this terrible way. If he continues like this, he will collapse sooner or later.

At the end of Zhan Li, he washed the dishes in his hands vigorously, thinking that the dishes in his hands were Zhuang Momo. He was bullied by her in reality, so he squeezed her to death in fantasy.

"Zhan Limo, sweet and sour pork ribs don't seem to be easy to make. Why don't we try a simpler dish." Zhuang Momo, who was studying the recipe, suddenly said this, which made Zhan Limo break into a cold sweat, "What do you want? What to cook instead? A Manchu-Han banquet?”

I can't even cook a dish of sweet and sour pork ribs, but I still want to do something else. When did this woman become so overestimating her abilities?

"I really want to try it, but the Man-Han banquet is too troublesome. I probably can't prepare all the required ingredients. What's more, I'm still a novice. I don't want to think about it now. I'll consider it again when I have the opportunity." Zhuang Momo said calmly. The ground responded.

"Zhuang Momo, do you still know that you can't do it yourself?" He thought she had completely forgotten how much she weighed in terms of cooking.

"Of course I know." Zhuang Momo asked again, "Have your dishes been washed?"

"Okay." Every dish has been passed through water. As for whether it is clean or not, Zhan Limo has no idea.

"Then cut the potatoes into shreds." Zhuang Momo said again.

"Cut the potatoes into shreds? Zhuang Momo, are you crazy?" He has never washed the vegetables since he was a child. Now if he is asked to cut the potatoes into shreds, it is better to ask him to cut himself with a knife.

"If you don't cut the potatoes into shreds, how can you fry them?" Zhuang Momo said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Zhuang Momo, it's you who want to cook, not me. Why do you have to do these difficult things for me?" Zhan Limo shouted dissatisfied.

Zhuang Momo looked up from the menu and looked at Zhan Limo. Seeing his furious look, she knew that he was really angry, but now that she had the magic weapon to subdue him, she only needed to raise a sweet smile and look at him. He smiled softly: "Because you are my boyfriend!"

Sure enough, as soon as Zhuang Momo said these words, Zhan Limo's expression improved at a visible speed. She smiled again: "Zhan Limo, I know you are the best boyfriend in the world. If Please help me, and I will give you an award for the best boyfriend in the future.”

"Who cares that you won the award?" After saying this, at the end of Zhan Li, he took out the cutting board, took out the kitchen knife, and showed how to cut potatoes into shreds, "Zhuang Momo, you are still a woman after all, you can teach me How should this potato be cut into shreds?”

"Zhan Limo, how can such a simple thing be so difficult for you?" To be honest, Zhuang Momo didn't know how to cut potatoes into shreds, but he couldn't tell Zhan Limo directly that this kind of provocation method was the best.

Zhan Limo is a very arrogant man. As long as he works hard, he will definitely do well.

"My young master..." Forget it, it's better not to say that you don't know it at all. Even if in Zhuang Momo's eyes he is sure he doesn't know it, it's always bad for him to admit it himself.

Just when Zhan Limo was seriously studying how to cut potatoes into shreds, Zhuang Momo suddenly came over. She squeezed to his side and hugged his arm: "Zhan Limo, usually I don't think you have much. Handsome, you look so handsome today as you wash and chop vegetables carefully."

"There is never a time when I am not handsome." Others said to Zhan Limo that he was immune to such compliments, but Zhuang Momo said to Zhan Limo that Zhan Limo had no immunity at all, and he worked harder to chop vegetables. , I can’t wait to bring out all my cooking potential.

"Of course, you are the most handsome!" Zhuang Momo pressed her face against his arm, rubbing it hard again and again, "Then you continue to cut the potatoes into shreds, and I will study how to make sweet and sour pork ribs. eat."

"Zhuang Momo, when did your little mouth become so good at talking?" Zhuang Momo changed so much that Zhan Limo didn't notice it. He didn't say it, not because he didn't want to expose her, but because of this gentleness. The offensive is effective against all men.

"I've always been like this." Of course, Zhuang Momo didn't have this consciousness, and it was all taught by his second sister Zhuang Yindi.

At first, she rejected this kind of herself, but after discovering that this method was more effective than force in dealing with Zhan Limo, Zhuang Momo became addicted to it.

In the words of the second sister, men are creatures that are born to conquer the world. They have good physical strength, good intelligence, and are better than women in many aspects. In many aspects, women cannot compare with men, so women want to To conquer men, you must use some extraordinary means.

In the past, Zhuang Momo felt that there was nothing that could not be solved by force. If she wanted to conquer Zhan Limo, she would strengthen her training, beat him on the playing field, and make him convinced of her.

But after listening carefully to her second sister's words, she discovered that gentleness is the most fatal thing for men.

"Did your second sister teach you some bad ideas again?" In fact, without asking, Zhan Limo knew that Zhuang Momo's change must be at the instigation of Zhuang Yindi, but he still wanted to know the answer from Zhuang Momo's mouth. He needed to know whether Zhuang Momo wanted to treat him so tenderly, or whether it was Zhuang Yindi who asked her to treat him like this.

Although the result is the same, there is the most essential difference between the two.

Zhuang Momo: "Just tell me whether you like it or not."

At the end of the war: "I'm asking you something."

Zhuang Momo: "Answer me first."

Zhan Limo: "I like it, but..."

Zhuang Momo interrupted him: "As long as you like it, there is no but. Let me tell you, the method was taught to me by my second sister, but it is also because you like me to treat you this way that I will treat you this way. I I am willing to be gentler in front of you, and I am willing to let you see my gentle side.”

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