My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1678: The Successor, Mysterious Note

Chapter 1680: The Successor, Mysterious Note

Zhan Limo's deep voice hit Zhuang Momo's heart word by word, making her feel relieved instantly: "Okay, we both need to be well, and no one can let anything happen to the other."

"Well, I know everything. Let's go. There's no time for our mother-in-law and mother-in-law now." Zhan Limo held Zhuang Momo's hand and continued to run downstairs with her.

They live on the fifteenth floor, and usually they can get there in a blink of an eye by taking the elevator. Now when taking the stairs, it always feels like they are going round and round, and they are still far away from the ground.


Suddenly, the door at the front stairway was slammed open with a loud bang. Some of the ash on the wall was knocked off and scattered in the air.

Zhan Limo had quick eyes and quick hands, and instantly protected Zhuang Momo behind him, staring sharply at the door, but the door was empty, not to mention a person, not even a ghost.

But at the end of the war, he still did not relax his guard. He motioned Zhuang Momo to go back two steps and quickly scanned the surrounding area. If there is an emergency, you must find the best position to escape when you cannot defeat the enemy.

Zhuang Momo, who was guarded by Zhan Limo, was not idle either. She was also observing the situation around her. In such an emergency, the two of them must cooperate well to escape.

She held her breath, not daring to make any noise to disturb Zhan Li until the end, so as not to distract him.

Just when the two of them thought there was no one there, a group of people suddenly rushed out of the stairs, with makeup on their faces. Because their faces were painted in colorful colors, it was impossible to see what they looked like.

A group of people made a lot of noise and rushed straight towards the two of them. If Zhan Limo hadn't reacted very quickly, they would have been scattered by the crowd.

But a group of people did not attack them, and quickly moved past them to a higher floor.

After everything calmed down, Zhuang Momo discovered that there was an extra note in her pajamas pocket. She took it out and saw two lines of words written on it - it is an honor for you two to come to X city as a guest. I hope You two can have a great time in X city in the next time. I'm looking forward to the moment when we officially meet!

There was nothing threatening in the words, but it was more creepy than any threatening words.

Their enemies were telling them in the most trivial way that they could put the note in their pockets without the two of them knowing it, and then they would have the ability to eliminate them without the two of them knowing it. Drop them.

Zhan Limo grabbed the note, held it in his hand, shrugged, and said with great ease: "Well, since all our whereabouts are under the control of the other party, the other party has no intention of getting rid of us yet. So why should we run away in a hurry? Why not go home, take a shower and have a good sleep."

Zhuang Momo looked at Zhan Limo and saw a relaxed look on his face, but she couldn't tell whether he was really relaxed or pretending to be relaxed to appease her mood.

She wanted to ask, but she didn't ask. She was still led into the corridor by Zhan Limo, and went upstairs from the elevator in a bright and clear way.

There were only two of them in the elevator, and neither of them spoke as the elevator rose. The small space was very quiet for a while, so quiet that they could clearly hear their breathing.

After a short time, the elevator had reached the fifteenth floor. No one spoke when he got out of the elevator, opened the door and entered the house. Until he entered the house, Zhuang Momo finally couldn't help but said: "At the end of Zhan Li, you Are you sure we come back to sleep?”

"Otherwise?" Zhan Limo said as he walked to the bathroom, "Do we have to escape in embarrassment and let them play with us like monkeys? This young master has no habit of letting others play with us."

"But..." Zhuang Momo wanted to say something else, but Zhan Limo had already entered the bathroom, closed the door, and turned on the shower head, and the sound of water splashing from the shower head made a splashing sound.

The bathroom has frosted glass walls. Although the specific situation in the bathroom cannot be seen clearly, the general outline can be seen clearly. Zhuang Momo stared at Zhan Limo with wide eyes as he stood under the shower head to take a shower. His movements were skillful and natural. I really wasn't affected by what happened just now.

Is this man's heart really that big?

Zhuang Momo also wanted to be like him, but she just couldn't do it. Everything that just happened flashed over and over in her mind like a movie.

When the group of people passed by them just now, she was obviously very careful and on guard, but she didn't notice anyone stuffing a note into her pocket.

How on earth did these people do it?

She couldn't figure it out, and the seeds of worry slowly sprouted in her heart.

"Don't worry, go take a shower. We are absolutely safe at the moment." While Zhuang Momo was lost in thought, Zhan Limo walked out carelessly with a towel around him after taking a bath. Seeing that she was still In a daze, he came over and knocked her on the head, "Zhuang Momo, you were not such a timid person before."


The former Zhuang Momo was indeed not such a timid person.

She is bolder than many men when performing tasks.

But this time was different. The person she was carrying out the mission with was someone she cared about. She really wanted to be with him for a long time, so she had so many worries.

"Go and take a shower." Zhan Lim rubbed her head and pinched her face, "If you don't go, do you want me to hold you in my arms and wash you?"

"Rogue!" Zhuang Momo was so frightened by him that he jumped away and hurried into the bathroom. He did not forget to tell him, "At the end of Zhan Liming, you go to your room and stay there, not in the living room."

She could see him taking a shower in the living room, and he could certainly see her. He was a man. She looked to see if he was okay, but she couldn't let him look at her. She was still a little shy.

"I'm not interested in seeing you." He said this, but Zhan Li didn't move his feet. He looked straight in the direction of the bathroom, looking at Zhuang Momo through the frosted glass.

The two have been officially dating for some time, but he has never really seen Zhuang Momo's body. Although he can't see clearly, he has to sigh that Zhuang Momo's body is tightly wrapped under clothes. It was quite promising, at least more so than he had imagined before.

"Zhan liming, close your eyes and don't look around." Zhuang Momo's roar came from the bathroom, but Zhan liming didn't take it seriously at all, and even provocatively said, "This young master is looking at his girlfriend." It’s not like watching other people, so why can’t I watch it?”

"If I don't allow you to see it, I don't allow you to see it!"

"You can look at me, why can't I look at you?"


"Okay, at worst, I'll take off my clothes later and let you see me again."

"..." This man is really a multi-faceted man. When he is serious, he is very serious, and when he is shameless, he is also very good at being shameless.

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