My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1679: The Successor, there is a bug in the room

Chapter 1681: The Successor, there is a bug in the room

It is said that it is a man's nature to be lustful. Zhuang Momo really believed this when he saw Zhan Limo standing shamelessly outside the bathroom and staring at her in the bathroom.

Knowing that she couldn't drive him away, she stopped doing useless work, just washed and got dressed and came out.

Seeing her coming out of the bathroom, Zhan Limo still didn't feel conscious at all. His eyes stared at her like fire: "Zhuang Momo..."

He called her name, not knowing whether it was nervousness or some other emotion. She saw his Adam's apple rolling and swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva impatiently. Then she heard him say in a hoarse voice: "Zhuang Momo, You are responsible."

Zhuang Momo didn't react when she first heard it, but when she saw Zhan Limo's eyes turning red, she finally noticed what he meant. She immediately tightened her pajamas: "Zhan Limo, this kind of When life and death are at stake, you still have random thoughts? What is your heart made of?"

"The ancients said that food and sex are the two most important things in life. Since we are all still alive and well, why can't we have fun in time?" Zhan Lim said as he approached Zhuang Momo, scaring Zhuang Momo. Momo dodged into the room and closed the door hard, then heard Zhan Limo wailing outside the room, "Zhuang Momo, you cruel woman!"

Zhuang Momo ignored it, dove into bed, pulled up the quilt and covered his head.

"Zhuang Momo, this young master will torture you to death sooner or later!" Zhan Limo shouted dissatisfied for a while, but finally quieted down.

After hearing no noise, Zhuang Momo could calm down and think about what happened today.

The mission they received was top secret, and very few people knew that the two of them had come to City X. Why were they targeted as soon as they arrived at the airport in City X?

Is there a traitor?

As soon as this idea emerged, it was rejected by Zhuang Momo.

She and Zhan Limo couldn't be traitors, neither could the two captains, and even more so the leader above.

If this is the case, then he must be here to seek revenge this time, and Zhan Limo is very dangerous!

Thinking of this, Zhuang Momo got out of bed, opened the door and went out to find Zhan Limo: "Zhan Limo..."

She called him, but she saw him lying on the sofa, with his legs crossed high, and his eyes glanced over coldly: "My anger has just subsided, don't come out and dazzle me in front of me, otherwise don't blame me for treating you badly." polite."

"Zhan Limo, let me tell you that the person those people are targeting this time must be you. You are in danger now." Zhuang Momo squeezed to sit next to Zhan Limo, "Now you are not allowed to leave me for a second. Sight."

"Are you trying to protect me? Or are you deliberately lighting a fire?" Zhan Limo didn't pay attention to Zhuang Momo's nervousness at all. He ruffled her hair and sniffed closer, "Well, it smells pretty good! The unique fragrance of daughter’s house is really fascinating. ”

"At the end of the war!" Zhuang Momo was so angry that he slapped him on the back, "How long has it been and you are still acting like this? Do you not want to live anymore?"

"This young master is still a..." He leaned into her ear and whispered a word. When he saw Zhuang Momo blushing, he laughed heartily and said, "How can I be willing to die? "

"You!" Zhuang Momo was almost dying of anxiety. At the end of the war, she still looked careless. She was so angry that she could almost spit out a mouthful of blood. "Do you have to agree to do it with you before you pay attention to our current relationship?" Situation?"

"Yeah." Zhan Limo nodded in agreement, this time so angry that Zhuang Momo almost suffocated. She looked at him with red eyes and stretched out her hand to pull her clothes, "If you want to, then come on. "

However, Zhan Limo's hands were stronger than hers. He grabbed her hand and stopped her from pulling off her clothes. He pressed her down on the sofa with force, and he suddenly lowered his body to kiss her.

This dead man!

Didn't he know that what she said was angry?

He really planned to take her at this time.

Now, Zhuang Momo was not angry, but the heart that was worried that he loved him suddenly became cold.

She closed her eyes in despair, but felt Zhan Limo's lips kiss her earlobe. Just when she thought he was going to do something more extreme, she heard him speak in her ear in an almost inaudible voice. : "Momo, our room has been bugged. Don't say anything you shouldn't. Don't be afraid. No matter what time, you must remember that I won't let anything happen to you."

Zhan Li's last words made Zhuang Momo's heart, which had just been cold, become hot in an instant.

She stared at him blankly.

This was the first time she took a good look at him at such a close distance. He was really good-looking, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He was really the kind of man that no one could forget after just one glance.

In the past, because of her prejudice against him, she was always selectively blind and could never see his advantages. Even after agreeing to date him, she still felt from time to time that he was just a young man who was spoiled by his family.

Today, he had always behaved calmly, but she thought that at such a life-threatening moment, all he could think about was things between men and women. How could such a man be unreliable?

But just when she thought he was particularly unreliable, he used practical actions to tell her that he had already discovered the potential danger, and was just using casual methods to confuse the enemy.

If she had been more attentive to him, she would have discovered that this man was usually a carefree person, but he never let anyone down when he was doing serious things. He was definitely a man worth trusting for life.

Just when Zhuang Momo was stunned, Zhan Limo suddenly let go of her. He took out his mobile phone, clicked a few times, and opened a video. Soon, the sound of men and women breathing heavily came from the video.

Zhuang Momo was stunned. Why did this man have such a thing in his mobile phone? Did he still watch such movies secretly?

"I'm an adult man, and it's not illegal to look at this occasionally." Looking at her dumbfounded look, Zhan Limo said this softly in her ear again.

Zhuang Momo: "..."

At the end of the war: "What? Are you shy?"

Zhuang Momo stood up and was about to go back to the room, but was grabbed by Zhan Limo. She tried to struggle, but she heard him whisper in her ear: "Let me hug you! Just a hug!" "

There are people everywhere outside this room. If they do anything wrong, they may die. Zhan Limo is very aware of their current situation.

But he couldn't let Zhuang Momo know, at least not until he figured out how to keep her safe and leave.

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