My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1680: The Successor, Acting for the Enemy

Chapter 1682: The Successor Chapter, Acting for the Enemy

Being held in Zhan Limo's arms, Zhuang Momo felt more at ease than ever before. It turned out that this man was really much better than she had imagined.

When she didn't notice anything unusual, everything was under his control.

This house was temporarily rented by them, and the negotiation, payment of rent, and move-in were almost completed at the same time. The enemy did not have time to install a bug in the room before they moved in, so it could only be the time when they left.

After returning to the room, Zhuang Momo didn't think about it at all, but at the end of the war, he discovered something unusual.

How did he find out?

She looked up at him, wanting to know the answer from his eyes, but he still looked carefree, like a playboy.

If she hadn't known that he wouldn't joke about something like this, his nonchalant look might even have made her think that everything he just said was false.

"Don't ask anything." He buried his head and whispered in her ear, and his warm breath sprayed on her ears, which made Zhuang Momo feel numb and shrink his neck involuntarily. Zhan Limo took the opportunity He kissed her and said, "Be good, don't move."

Zhuang Momo was rarely obedient and didn't move. He still kissed her without moving, because she knew that he would not do anything more excessive without her consent.

The two of them cuddled tightly until the video on the phone had finished playing. Zhan Lim still didn't let her go. She moved: "It's over, why are you still holding me?"

"Rogue!" Zhuang Momo pinched him and raised his voice, "Let me go, I'm going back to my room to sleep."

At the end of the war, he said with a playful smile: "Don't you want to come again?"

Zhuang Momo: "..."

Isn't he tired of putting on a show for others?

At the end of the war, Zhan Li slapped her on the back with a loud slap, which sounded like a slap on her butt: "Seeing that you are weak, I will let you go tonight and fight again tomorrow night. "

Zhuang Momo: "..."

Just act, don't act like a hooligan.

Zhuang Momo got off the sofa and hurried back to the room with a red face.

When she returned to the room, the environment became quiet, but her heart was boiling and she couldn't calm down.

The enemy monitors their every move, and their safety is now threatened. How can they catch the two escaped terrorists next?

She couldn't think of a solution for the time being and turned over impatiently.

"Zhuang Momo, can't you sleep?" Zhan Limo's voice came from outside the house. She knew that he meant to tell the enemy, so she shouted back to him, "Don't talk, and don't blame me for being rude to you."

Outside the house, Zhan Li was laughing, his voice was deep, but he could hear he was very happy.

Of course, at the end of the war, he would not be idle, flirting with Zhuang Momo, but in fact he did not miss any opportunity to avoid the enemy's eyes.

He needs some time to paralyze the enemy. As long as the enemy monitoring them relaxes their vigilance, he can take Zhuang Momo and escape from the dangerous place.

At the same time, in the room next to them, two men wearing makeup glanced at each other.

Man A said: "As expected of the leader of the war, after experiencing such a good show tonight, his energy is still so good."

"Haha... the son of Chief Zhan?" Man B smiled strangely, "If he knew that we were next door to their room and installed a bug in their room, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to show his true feelings as a man. Magnificent.”

"Hahaha, isn't this the effect our boss wants to see?" Man A smiled and lit a cigarette, "I originally thought that Mr. Zhan's combat effectiveness should be good, but I didn't expect that his combat effectiveness was not that great. It just continued. How many minutes? Ten minutes?"

"You're thinking too much." Man B motioned Man A to look at the timer on the table, and added, "From the time they officially started to the end, it was less than five minutes. Ten minutes, Mr. Zhan would never be able to reach the height of."

"It seems that the men of the Zhan family are nothing more than that. They are all just fancy but useless." After saying that, the two men burst out laughing. After laughing for a while, the first man pinched off the cigarette butt in his hand and said again, "It's getting late. Come on, let’s sleep too.”

Man B said: "Boss asked us to keep an eye on them. We can't be careless at this time."

Man A said: "You can sleep peacefully. They don't dare to escape."

Man B was still a little worried: "What if they escape?"

Man A said: "Since they just chose to come back, it proves that they are very aware of the current situation. No matter where they escape, they can't escape from our hands. It's better to stay here and figure out a solution slowly."

Man B said: "What if they are just waiting for the opportunity?"

Man A said disdainfully: "If they were smarter, they wouldn't let us hear such an exciting game between men and women. What do you have to worry about?"

Man B: "You go to sleep first, I'll keep watch for a while."

Man A: "You can keep it if you want, I'm going to sleep first."

Man A was lying on the sofa and soon fell asleep. Man B listened for a while with his ears on, and vaguely heard the sound of snoring. This sound was like a lullaby, and he soon felt sleepy.

He insisted on holding on for a while, and couldn't hear any unusual noises from the next room. He stretched and was about to go to sleep. However, at this moment, he suddenly heard Zhuang Momo shouting: "Zhan Limo, you gangster, What do you want to do?"

Man B cheered up instantly and listened attentively. Then he heard Zhan Limo say: "Damn, I feel empty inside. I can't sleep without holding you."

Zhuang Momo: "Get out of here!"

At the end of the war: "I won't get out!"

Zhuang Momo: "If you don't let go, I'll bite you to death!"

At the end of the war: "Bite me. Bite me like you just did."

Zhuang Momo: "You..."

At the end of the war: "Okay, I just want to hug you. If you don't move around, I won't."

Zhuang Momo: "Swear!"

Zhan Limo: "Looking at you like this, it seems that you were very reluctant just now. If you don't know, you would think that the little goblin who just pestered me is someone else."

Zhuang Momo: "You..."

At the end of the war: "Okay, okay, it's getting late, go to bed. We have to find ways to deal with the enemy tomorrow."

They argued for a while, and the receiver became quiet again. Man B smiled disdainfully: "You two, if you have time, be gentle and gentle. The world is unpredictable. Who knows whether you will live to see the sun tomorrow. "

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