My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1681 The Successor, teach the enemy a lesson

Chapter 1683: Successor, teach the enemy a lesson

The night was as dark as ink.

Under the cover of darkness, someone is engaged in a life-or-death battle.

In order to confuse the enemy, Zhan Limo used all the tricks he could think of. He estimated that the enemy had relaxed their vigilance towards them, so he was ready to take Zhuang Momo and escape from here.

But when he was escaping, he had a new idea. If the enemy could intimidate them, they couldn't escape in embarrassment. They couldn't let the enemy think they were cowards, so he took Zhuang Momo and climbed to the enemy's position through the window.

The two enemies in the next room have already gone to bed, but the computer on the desk is still working. There is a rustling sound from time to time, which must be monitoring their computers.

Zhan Li finally turned over and entered the house, followed closely by Zhuang Momo. The two of them looked at each other and decided to subdue an enemy without a word of verbal communication.

The enemy could sleep like a pig, of course, it was related to the smoke sleeping pills they put in, but in case the enemy was cheating, the two of them still approached the enemy very carefully.

After successfully subduing the enemy, Zhuang Momo breathed a sigh of relief: "At the end of the war, how did you know that the enemy is in the room next to us? Not the one on the left, not the one above, and not the one below. You How can you tell?"

"Some things depend on your brain." After getting the admiring look of his sweetheart, Zhan Limo pointed to his head proudly, "IQ is something you are born with and cannot be learned."

Zhuang Momo: "..."

She wanted to give him a big look and laugh at his good luck this time, but she still had to obey Zhan Limo's IQ. At least he could think of it, but she had no clue.

After tying up the two enemies, at the end of the war, he wanted to leave a note to give the enemy a warning as if they despised them. He scanned the room and saw a large pen, but no paper was found.

At the end of the war, he had an idea and took a pen to write on the enemy's face - Dear old friends, this game is very fun. Now that it has started, don't stop. Next, let's see who is the final winner. .

Looking at the two lines of provocative words, Zhan Limo put down his pen with satisfaction, and gave the two men two slaps respectively, leaving two palm prints on their faces: "Grandson, remember today's lesson, and in the future, Don’t be so presumptuous in front of grandpa.”

Zhuang Momo pulled Zhan Limo: "Zhan Limo, stop making trouble, let's leave quickly. If we are discovered, we won't be able to leave."

Zhan Li clapped his hands at the end: "If they find out about our escape, it will happen tomorrow morning. This place is very safe at the moment. We can use this safe place to do one more thing."

Just by looking at Zhan Limo's eyes, Zhuang Momo seemed to understand what he wanted to do: "You want to..."

Zhan Limo nodded: "Yes, I just want to implant bugs in their bodies to see who is listening to whom. I have never been as cowardly as I am today in my life. Don't give them any color. Look, I really think the son taught by Old Man Zhan is a coward."

Zhuang Momo not only guessed correctly, but she was also an action person. When Zhan Li was speaking at the end, she had already taken off a man's clothes: "Why don't we act quickly? Do we have to wait for these two people to wake up?"

Seeing Zhuang Momo's neat movements, Zhan Li did not stop at the end of the war. While implanting the invisible eavesdropping chip under the skin of the man's back, he did not forget to give Zhuang Momo an appreciative look: "She is indeed the woman that this young master has fallen in love with. Her brains and mobility are not bad. When I go back, I will apply for first-class merit for you."

Zhuang Momo rolled his eyes at him: "Do you think I did this because I wanted to gain merit?"

Zhan Limo smiled flirtatiously: "As your man, I want to personally apply for credit for you. What can you do?"

"You are such a dignified young master, what can I do to you?" Seeing that Zhan Li had finished his work, Zhuang Momo quickly helped the man put on his clothes, then waved his fist and punched the man hard in the abdomen.

"Damn it, I'll let you eavesdrop!" One punch wasn't enough, so Zhuang Momo punched her again. After seeing two more fist marks on the man's abdomen, she said with satisfaction, "There were marks on the face, and marks on the abdomen. There are prints, and when they wake up, the pain in these two places will completely attract all their attention, but they may not be able to notice the little limbs on their backs. "

"You are such a cruel woman!" He sighed, but more importantly, he was proud. How could he succeed in the woman he liked at the end of Zhan Limo without any real ability.

After doing this, the next step is to escape. It cannot be ruled out that there is surveillance outside the house. It is impossible for them to escape through the door, so they can only escape through the window.

The house they lived in was an old-fashioned house, and there were sewer pipes outside the house. With their skills, they had no problem escaping from the sewer pipes.

In a short time, the two of them had reached the ground safely. The next step was to find a way to avoid the surveillance in the city in order to completely escape from the enemy's surveillance.

They had divided work and cooperated without communicating. Zhuang Momo checked to see if there were surveillance cameras everywhere, and Zhan Limo tried to find a way to escape.

Now, speed is the key to victory. They must find a way to completely escape from the enemy's surveillance before the enemy discovers their escape. Walking is absolutely impossible, and they must find powerful transportation.

There were no buses at night, and taxis were too conspicuous. Zhan Limo looked around, looking for the location of the garbage station in this area. If he could borrow a garbage truck to escape for a distance, it would be a good way to hide it.

After looking around for a while, Zhuang Momo also observed carefully: "Mr. Zhan, there is a surveillance camera at the intersection on the left front. The other places are safe."

At the end of Zhan Li, he held Zhuang Momo's hand: "There is a garbage station a hundred meters ahead on the right. This is when the garbage trucks are collecting garbage. Let's go there."

Zhuang Momo didn't ask Zhan Limo how she knew there was a garbage station in front of her on the right. Anyway, he told her how to go, so she followed him. After walking for a while, there was indeed a garbage station in front of her, and several cleaning staff were disposing of the garbage.

It was hard for Zhuang Momo not to be surprised. He was so surprised that he asked, "Mr. Zhan, how did you know there was a garbage station here?"

Zhan Limo pointed to his head and then his ears: "Of course, I rely on my brain to think and my ears to listen."

"Wait a minute." Zhuang Momo grabbed him and looked around again, but found nothing unusual. She added, "Our luck is a little better now. Is there any fraud?"

Zhan Limo chuckled and said, "Do you think we are really lucky?"

Zhuang Momo: "What else?"

"Use your brain and think about it." When renting this house, Zhan Limo had already predicted various dangerous situations that might occur in the future.

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