My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1684: Successor, your son is in trouble now

Chapter 1686: Successor, your son is in trouble now

However, just when Zhan Li was enjoying this beautiful kiss, Zhuang Momo suddenly stopped.

She looked at him and suddenly smiled: "Zhan Limo, what are you doing?"

At the end of the war: "What did I do?"

Zhuang Momo laughed so hard that his stomach ached: "You looked like a fool just now."

"You are the fool." Zhan Limo suddenly came up and said, "Smelly girl, do you know what you are doing now?"

His voice was low and sexy, with a sultry aura that made Zhuang Momo blush and awkwardly hide back: "Zhan Limo, don't get so close?"

He wasn't even dressed yet, how shameless was it to be so close?

Zhuang Mo did not retreat, the battle was almost over, and soon the two of them almost became a position of her going down and him going up, so ambiguous that the moon in the sky quietly hid in the clouds.

Fortunately, Zhuang Momo was quick and clever. He rolled to the side and escaped smoothly: "At the end of the war, put your clothes on quickly. It's almost dawn, and we should get down to business."

"It's dark before every dawn. This is a natural phenomenon. Why rush?" Zhan Limo picked up the clothes on the ground, put them on slowly, and said something like a bull's head to a horse's mouth, but Zhuang Momo understood it. , "No, it's darkest before dawn."

"Let's go and do what needs to be done." After getting dressed, Zhan Limo put his arm around Zhuang Momo's waist, being very domineering and strong, not allowing her to break away even a little bit.

Zhuang Momo gradually got used to it, so she still held him in his arms: "We can't stay in a hotel or rent a house anymore. Where should we stay now?"

"Who said we can't rent a house or stay in a hotel?" Zhan Limo took out two passports from his pocket as if by magic, "Look what these are?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? I don't even recognize my passport?" Zhuang Momo rolled her eyes at him, but she took the passport obediently. When she opened it, she felt that she was really stupid, "Hong Tianbao? Lan Lingling? This When did you get the two passports?”

"The work we are doing now is similar to espionage work. If we don't prepare a few more identities in advance, how can we hide it from the enemy's eyes and ears?" Zhan Limo learned a lot from being in the military area since he was a child, and he learned a lot in addition. These things cannot be learned by recruits like Zhuang Momo.

Zhuang Momo's unit is mainly engaged in combat, not intelligence work. Naturally, she would not think of giving herself several false identities to confuse the enemy.

"No wonder you are still in the mood to jump into the river and swim. It turns out that you have been prepared for a long time." Zhuang Momo once again looked at Li Mo with admiration and learned more from him. If she receives a mission like this again in the future, she also knows that she should make some preparations in advance.

"After a long night of hard work, we should be tired. Let's go get a room and take a nap." Zhan Limu took Zhuang Momo to find a nearby hotel and inevitably opened a single room.

When entering the elevator and going upstairs, Zhuang Momo was about to ask Zhan Limo why he didn't open a double room, but Zhan Limo said first: "A man and a woman, if you don't have a double room, why should you open a double room?" Are the enemies paying attention?"

Zhuang Momo: "..."

No matter what, he has a reason.

After entering the room, Zhan Limo threw himself on the bed, turned over and lay down naked: "I'm going to sleep. You want to sleep on the bed, or whatever, it's your choice."

The hotel is not luxurious. A room is about ten or twenty square meters in size. A bed takes up most of the space in it. Apart from the bed, Zhuang Momo really can't find a place to stay.

To have the energy to complete the task, you must rest well to have good physical strength. Zhuang Momo couldn't care about that much anymore, so he squeezed in and lay down next to Zhan Limo: "Come over a little bit, don't take up the whole bed."

"Zhuang Momo, you are calling a sheep into a tiger's mouth, do you know?" Zhan Limo turned sideways and stared at her with burning eyes, like a hungry wolf.

However, Zhuang Momo was not afraid. She pulled up the quilt and covered herself: "Paper tiger, don't pretend in front of me. Get some rest quickly, otherwise you won't have the energy to work at dawn."

"Who is the paper tiger?" If he didn't show off his power, she really thought he was a paper tiger. This woman really needed to be dealt with. Zhan Limo put on a vicious look and wanted to scare her, but she found that Zhuang Momo was in a very short time. Already asleep.

"You are a pig. If you can still sleep at this time, aren't you afraid that the young master will do something bad to you while you are sleeping?" He said this, but Zhan Limo felt warm in his heart.

In the past, as long as he came closer, Zhuang Momo would guard against him like a thief. But now that she can fall asleep next to him so quickly, does this mean that this woman's trust in him has deepened day by day.

"Silly girl, sleep well. I won't disturb you anymore." He pinched the tip of her nose, got out of bed and walked to the window, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. As soon as it rang, the other end of the phone was connected. He said, "Qin Xiaobao's man, your son is in trouble now and needs your help. Can you save him?"

I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone, but Zhan Limo said again: "I will describe the appearance of two people to you now, and you will immediately have someone check the background of these two people based on my description to see who they are. "

After a pause, he organized his words and described the appearance of the two people carefully and in detail. After a while, the person over there had the answer and sent the message to his mobile phone.

"Dear father, thank you!" After saying that, he hung up the phone and opened the message he had just received. "It seems that I was not wrong. It turned out that these people really did it."

The headquarters of the terrorist organization is in City Moreover, Xiao Jia, Zhan Limo's best comrade-in-arms, also died in that attack.

Whenever he thought of the ordinary people who were innocently killed and the sacrifice of Xiao Jia, Zhan Limo felt his teeth itch with hatred. He vowed that he would not give up until the two core figures who caused the incident were captured.

Far away in country B, Chief Zhan, who had powerful forces in Jiangbei, could not help Zhan Limo. Zhan Nianbei could only provide some help according to Zhan Limo's needs, but then it was up to Zhan Limo to complete the task. .

"Zhan Nianbei, what mission did you assign to Zhan Limo?" Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo were recalled to Jiangbei while traveling. After they came back, they didn't even go home and went to perform the mission. Qin Xiaobao I didn't see my son, so I was extremely worried.

Zhan Nianbei, who was sleeping just now, got up and went to the study when he heard the call. When he came back, he had a solemn expression on his face. He rarely had such an expression. Qin Xiaobao guessed that the call just now was from Zhan Limo.

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