My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1685: Heir, love each other in your own way

Chapter 1687: Heir, love each other in your own way

"Business." Zhan Nianbei gave Qin Xiaobao an extremely brief answer. Qin Xiaobao became furious and jumped up immediately, "Zhan Nianbei, do you want to quarrel?"

Zhan Nianbei pushed Qin Xiaobao back to lie down. He lay next to Qin Xiaobao and gently stroked her back: "Zhan Limo is a soldier. The duty of a soldier is no matter what mission the country assigns him, no matter how dangerous the mission is, he has no choice. I know."

"Yes! I know he is a soldier, and I know that soldiers have their responsibilities, but as a mother, can't I worry about my son?" Qin Xiaobao understands the truth. She also experienced this kind of thing when Zhan Nianbei was on a mission before. Worried, but he still couldn't help but want to know where and what tasks Zhan Limo was performing.

Zhan Nianbei doesn't have to tell her what mission Zhan Limo is performing, but can't he say a few nice words to comfort her and make her feel at ease?

"He will be fine. He is so smart, has strong mobility, and has capable comrades around him. He will be able to successfully complete the mission and return to us." Zhan Nianbei meant it to Qin Xiaobao, but he was also there Tell yourself to comfort yourself.

No one knows better than him how dangerous Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo's mission is, and no one knows how vicious those terrorists are.

Those terrorists never treated people as human beings. They killed and wounded wherever they went, even children.

An international anti-terrorist organization alliance has been established, but those countries that are not currently under threat do not fully support it, resulting in little progress in anti-terrorist operations.

Zhan Limo was his child raised by Zhan Nianbei. He believed in Zhan Limo's abilities, but as a father, he also had a soft side as a father in his heart.

"I admit that Zhan Limo is excellent, but he is not omnipotent. He was seriously injured the last time he performed a mission." When Zhan Limo was injured that time, Qin Xiaobao was not around to take care of him. It was not that he was not worried, but a little scared. .

Her husband and son are both soldiers, and they are both her life. No matter what happens to any of them, she can't bear it.

"Do you still remember something that happened to Zhan Limo when he was six years old?" Zhan Limo was always abused by his parents, which made him feel countless times that he was given away by his parents to pay for his phone bill. However, he grew up Every interesting thing that happened was firmly engraved in Zhan Nianbei's heart.

"How could I not remember." Recalling the past, Qin Xiaobao also felt a lot of emotion, and his voice became much gentler, "Zhan limo is different from Xiaojian, they have been different since childhood. Xiaojian was seven years old that year, and Xiaolimo was At six years old, two little brats actually saved several children who were deceived by human traffickers."

Zhan Nianbei answered: "Yes, they are obviously all children, and they are younger than some of the abducted children, but they thought of a way to help the children escape, and also asked the police to arrest the traffickers' lair. Served."

Speaking of Zhan Limo's heroic deeds, Qin Xiaobao was very excited: "Yes, yes, they are so powerful. But I still haven't figured out how these two little guys saved people."

Zhan Nianbei added: "Zhan Limo was very smart when he was a child and did many unexpected things. He did it when he was six, seven, and eight... In short, he has been surprising me since he was a child."

Qin Xiaobao leaned into his arms: "I thought you thought he was too naughty. It turns out you like him so much."

"You still don't understand me? In my opinion, children are naughty by nature, so I let him grow up freely, and he can be whatever he grows up to be. He can do whatever he can when he grows up." Zhan Nianbei rarely talks about his son with others, and he couldn't stop talking about it. "Zhan Limo's performance after becoming a soldier is also remarkable. As long as he participates in the competition, no one can win him."

Qin Xiaobao proudly continued: "Our son gets the glory he deserves based on his strength. He is so strong that people think there is something shady."

Zhan Limo nodded: "We have such good genes, so of course our son is excellent. You said our son is so powerful, how could anything happen?"

"You are right. Our children are different. They are so smart, so no matter what danger they encounter, they can turn danger into good fortune." After the couple talked like this, Qin Xiaobao felt more at ease.

"That's the truth, so sleep well and stop thinking nonsense." Zhan Nianbei patted Qin Xiaobao on the back to coax her to sleep. Qin Xiaobao nestled in his arms and nuzzled, "Old man Zhan, I'm going to sleep, so hurry up sleep."

"Okay." Zhan Nianbei responded softly. Soon Qin Xiaobao fell asleep in his arms, but he was not sleepy at all.

The two people Zhan Limo just described have done many major cases in different countries.

One of those two people is codenamed Gushou and the other is Chengqian. They are both very cunning people.

They are responsible for planning terrorist attacks, but they never appear in terrorist attack areas.

Therefore, even though they planned many terrorist attacks, no member of the anti-terrorism alliance caught them.

The CTU spent a lot of money to catch the two of them, but they had almost no clues.

In the past, when these two people were operating in other countries, they were so cunning that they were not caught.

Now that Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo have come to their base camp, it is even more difficult to catch them back at their base camp.

It was because he knew how difficult it was that Zhan Nianbei was so worried about Zhan Limo's safety.

The more he worried, the more he couldn't sleep. After thinking about it, he picked up his personal mobile phone, turned to Zhan Limo's phone number and typed two lines: Son, the mission is important, and life is also important. Only by living can we do it. More things to do.

After typing these two lines, Zhan Nianbei felt that it was inappropriate. As a member of Jiangbei Military Region, how could he imply that his soldiers should save their lives in case of emergency.

After thinking twice, he deleted the two lines he had just typed and typed in new content - Son, you must be calm and collected when encountering trouble. Father stays!

He used his private number to tell his son to be cautious as a father, not as a leader. He had always made a clear distinction between public and private matters.

When Zhan Limo received the message from Zhan Nianbei, he was studying Jushou and Chengqian.

Seeing the message from Zhan Nianbei, Zhan Limo felt warm in his heart. He knew that Old Man Zhan was worried about him.

In order to reassure Zhan Nianbei, Zhan Limo immediately replied with a message: "Old man Zhan, tell my mother that Zhuang Momo and I have agreed to register for marriage when we return to Jiangbei after completing the task. You two can help us make an appointment when you are free. A few tables of banquets, waiting for us to come back."

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