My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1687: Heir, always thinking of taking advantage of her

Chapter 1689: The Successor Chapter, always thinking of taking advantage of her

"I'm not afraid." In the past, Zhan Limo thought that the more girlfriends the better, and it was no problem to switch to two or three a day, but now he only wants one Zhuang Momo, and she is fine.

In the past, he never understood why Old Man Zhan was willing to spend his whole life pampering Qin Xiaobao, that little fireball, but now he vaguely understands the reason.


Nothing but love.

In the past, he was afraid of love and the possibility of fighting the old man, but now he is not only not afraid, but also enjoys the feeling of making a woman eat her to death.

Even if he doesn't do anything but just chat with Zhuang Momo, he will feel that this trip is unnecessary in his life.

Just when he was thinking happily, Zhuang Momo's loud voice came to his ears: "Mr. Zhan, everyone knows that you can't let go of your little girlfriend. Are you really not afraid of ruining your image like this?"

"I have found the woman I want to live with for the rest of my life. What does it matter what other women think of me?" Zhan Limo leaned close to her ear and joked, "Boy, call me grandpa to hear it."

Zhuang Momo immediately dodged: "You have a beautiful idea."

At the end of the war, he was approaching again: "Now we act like grandpa and grandson when we go out. Don't you dare call me grandpa, or you will reveal your secret."

She told him she was serious, but he always talked to her in a nonchalant manner, which made Zhuang Momo slightly dissatisfied: "Mr. Zhan, let's be serious, okay?"

At the end of the war, he still didn't look serious: "If you don't call me grandpa, it's okay to call me dad. Well, I seem to be more satisfied with the title dad."

"Zhan Limo, you..." Zhuang Momo wanted to say something else, but the listening phone on the table heard another voice. It was two men talking, "Zhan Limo, you'd better not let me catch him. Otherwise, I will have to bring him to make soup."

"Huh, catch him? Now you better think about how you should explain yourself to the superiors. The superiors have assigned such an important task to you two, but it's better for you to let the cooked duck fly."

"I was too careless and underestimated that boy's ability. I knew clearly that this mission was so important, but I foolishly thought that the boy didn't notice us and let him take advantage of it."

"Don't think about him yet." The accusing male voice suddenly increased his voice, "You two, listen carefully, we will be there soon. You first think about how to explain to the superiors."

"What else can I do but tell the truth?"

"Tell the truth? You don't want to die?"


"Listen to me. Tell the superiors that there are actually more than two of them. Someone came to meet them in the middle of the night. You resisted, but you failed because the other party had too many people."


"If you want to survive, do as I say, otherwise I won't be able to save you."

"Okay." The two men responded at the same time, and no one made a sound after that. However, Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo did not relax their vigilance. It is possible that the conversation was deliberately staged for them, so their surrounding environment was more complicated. important.

And the surrounding environment does not lie. The sounds of the surrounding environment will truly tell Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo where they have just passed and what buildings are around them.

This information is the key to finding the person behind the scenes.

But because Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo were new to City X and were unfamiliar with everything here, it was also very difficult to use the sounds of the surrounding environment to determine where the enemy was.

After listening to it, Zhuang Momo played the recording over and over again. After listening to it many times, she seemed to recognize it: "At the end of the war, I will rewind. Listen carefully to 3 minutes and 29 seconds to see what you can hear. ?”

"If I heard correctly, the road surface started to change from here. The road ahead was an asphalt road, and the car drove smoothly and made less noise. After 3 minutes and 29 seconds, the bumping sound of the car increased significantly. From this sound, I can tell, It should become a cement road." Zhan Limo said Zhuang Momo's inner thoughts almost word for word.

She looked at him: "But based on this alone, the target range for us to find this location is still relatively large. Let's listen again and see if we can hear any useful information."

Zhuang Momo listened carefully to the recording again, but at the end of Zhan Li, he found the map of City X: "They drove for about half an hour from the place where they were kidnapped yesterday, so our destination is not difficult to find. Now we are Take the kidnapping place as the center point and head to the roads around him to see where you can go in about half an hour’s drive.”

"Yeah. You use your own method to find it, and I'll listen to the recording to look for clues." The two of them divided their labors and cooperated. Before long, they both pointed to the same point on the map at the same time, "That's the location. Civilians in City X Assembly point."

"Let's go. Let's go take a look now." Zhan Limo is an action person. After finding the clues, he didn't want to waste a moment. He packed up his equipment, dragged Zhuang Momo and set off.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess that the two behind-the-scenes masterminds live in Pingfa District. Civilians have no money and live in poverty. They must be somewhat dissatisfied with their current living conditions and are more likely to be incited by people with intentions.

Jishou Hechengqian wanted to incite civilians to work for their organization, but it was impossible to do it with just two words.

Then the best way is to integrate into the civilians, become one of them, pretend to empathize with the civilians, gain the trust of the civilians, and then whatever they say, those people will do whatever they say.

But Zhuang Momo also has her own worries: "At the end of the war, the civilian area is very large. It is not easy for us to find a position to defend them in such a large area."

Zhan Lim nodded: "So we still have to look for clues from the recording."

Zhuang Momo said: "After the car stopped, they walked for about ten minutes before reaching their destination. They made almost no sound while walking, but I heard shouts on the roadside."

Zhan Limo also noticed it: "The sound sounded like a vegetable market in a civilian area. There were people selling vegetables and some selling tofu, and then the sound gradually became weaker."

Zhuang Momo said: "Well, this is also a good clue. Later we can go directly to the tofu stall in the vegetable market, so that we can narrow down the area to find the target person again."

However, within half an hour, after they arrived at the civilian area, there was indeed a section of road where an asphalt road and a cement road connected. If the car went further in, they would reach the civilian area.

Zhuang Momo got out of the car and asked someone about the location of the vegetable market. After hearing about it, he found it along the road and found a vegetable seller and a tofu stall.

She was about to ask the hawker for some information, but Zhan Limo pulled her behind him. He pretended to be an old voice: "My child, grandpa hasn't lost all his teeth. Don't buy tofu for grandpa to eat every day."

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