My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1688: The Successor, falling into the pit dug by the enemy

Chapter 1690: The Successor Chapter, falling into the pit dug by the enemy

Zhuang Momo was stunned and was about to push Zhan Limo away, but then she thought of something. She looked up and saw two men in a hurry passing by them.

The two people walked very fast and did not notice them on the roadside, but they could clearly see the two people passing by. They were among the group of people last night.

Although they had makeup on their faces last night and couldn't tell what they looked like at all, their body shapes were easy to recognize. One was tall, one was short, one was fat, and one was thin. They made a very eye-catching combination wherever they went.

"Zhan Limo is the person from last night."

"I know. Keep up with them."

Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo looked at each other and quickly decided to follow the two men one after another. Zhan Limo walked in front and Zhuang Momo walked behind.

The person following him was closer to the enemy and more dangerous, so Zhan Limo grabbed this position. But that doesn't mean that Zhuang Momo, who is following behind, is not in danger. There is also danger. What's more important is to cover Zhan Limo in front.

If there is any emergency, she must protect Zhan Limo and evacuate immediately.

Soon, the two people turned and entered a damp alley. There were people coming and going in the alley, and they were covered by passers-by, which made the tracking of Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo much smoother.

Suddenly, the two men recalled his pace, and Zhan Limo also increased his speed. At the same time, he glanced back at Zhuang Momo to confirm that she could still keep up with his speed.

However, before they went deep into the alley, a voice suddenly came from the headphones Zhuang Momo was wearing: "Those two people who are not afraid of death actually came to the door to see if I don't kill them."


It turned out that they had discovered them a long time ago and had deliberately lured them into the cave.

They have already angered the enemy. If they catch them this time, they will never have the chance to escape like last night.

Zhuang Momo was startled, and immediately trotted forward to catch Zhan Limo, and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Zhan Limo, it's not that the enemy is stupid, but that we are too stupid, we have long been They discovered it. Now they are waiting for us to jump into the hole they dug. "

The tracking went so smoothly that Zhan Limo also felt that something was fishy, ​​but just now he was too anxious to find the enemy's base camp and was careless for a moment. This negligence indeed led to him falling into the enemy's trap.

Last night, they successfully avoided the enemy and escaped from the enemy's surveillance. They were also cautious along the way. Where did they show their flaws and let the enemy discover them?

In an instant, several ideas flashed through Zhan Limo's mind, but he rejected them one by one. They can think of ways to escape from the enemy's surveillance, and the other party can naturally think of ways to find them again.

It seems that this game is getting more and more difficult.

He patted Zhuang Momo's hand: "Don't panic, I'll find a way."

There were more and more pedestrians around, and many people passed by them without even looking at them. These people should be real passers-by. Some people pretend to be selling things on the roadside, but if they glance in their direction from time to time, these people should be their enemies.

At the end of the war, at a glance, there were quite a few enemies: "Zhuang Momo, did you hear what they said?"

"No. They should be waiting for us to take the bait." Zhuang Momo leaned close to Zhan Limo, his eyes quietly exploring the surroundings, for fear that something would happen to Zhan Limo.

"Then there's no rush. They're waiting for us to take the bait, just to give us time to escape." Zhan Limo gently shook Zhuang Momo's hand to reassure her, "Don't worry, let's exit this place now." Let’s talk in the alley.”

If the enemy knows that they have discovered them, then those people will take action immediately. If you want to escape from the siege of so many people in such a narrow alley, unless you grow a pair of wings and fly into the sky, it will be almost impossible. There is no possibility of winning.

After explaining to Zhuang Momo, Zhan Limo suddenly raised his voice slightly: "I saw a good thing when I just came in, but I didn't notice it for a while. Now I think this thing is very useful to us, let's buy it. Having it on your body may save your life in an emergency.”

Zhan Limo was talking nonsense, but Zhuang Momo understood Zhan Limo. She knew that he wanted to use this method to escape. Now they had to retreat to the main alley to escape through the crowds of people.

"But those two people are almost at the end of the alley. If we don't follow them, they will go upstairs. If we lose them, we won't be able to find them." Zhuang Momo cooperated very well in this scene. He gave her an appreciative look.

If it wasn't an emergency, he would have to praise this woman. Let her know that by being around smart people, she will become more or less smarter.

Zhan Limo said: "You also said that they went to the end of the alley."

Zhuang Momo said anxiously: "Yes."

Zhan Limo added: "Then they must have gone upstairs from the last door. Are we afraid that we can't find them? We are too close to them now and will be easily discovered by them. It will be safer if we follow them later."

Zhuang Momo: "But..."

At the end of the war, he dragged her away and said, "but what, listen to my young master and you are right."

Zhuang Momo was dragged away by Zhan Limo, and a voice came from the receiver: "Wait and see what other tricks Zhan Limo can do?"

Zhuang Momo immediately passed the whisper he heard to Zhan Limo: "Zhan Limo, the people over there are observing us. As long as we make the wrong step, they may take action."

At the end of the war, he was still relaxed: "Look at the skills of these people. They will really start fighting in a while. How many of them can you deal with?"

Zhuang Momo: "If we just compete with fists, there should be no problem against three or five, but if the enemy has a gun in his hand, there will be no way to defeat me."

Zhan Limo analyzed carefully: "They use this civilian area as their base camp to develop members, so it is impossible for them to shoot randomly here."

Zhuang Momo didn't understand: "Why?"

"Because if they accidentally injure civilians in this civilian area, these people will be hostile to them or be defensive in the future. It will be difficult to get this group of people to sacrifice their lives for them."

"That's not necessarily true. There isn't a large population here, and they don't care."

"But they care about their 'reputation'. Their banner is to serve the common people and defeat the wealthy capitalists. They still want the people's support. Unless they give up on themselves."

Zhuang Momo also understands that terrorists have made many big moves, but almost every terrorist attack has injured their main force. Before they achieve great success, they will not offend civilians easily.

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