My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1689 The Successor, Escape from the Tiger’s Mouth

Chapter 1691: The Successor Chapter, Escape from the Tiger's Mouth

She asked: "We have walked out of the alley, can we run?"

At the end of the war, he poked her head: "Why run? Even if you grow four legs in such an environment, you can't run away. It's not advisable to be reckless, you have to be smart."

Zhuang Momo: "Then what should we do now?"

Zhan Limo: "Watch all the way, hoping to find a way to escape before they find anything unusual, so that we can have a chance to escape smoothly."

Zhuang Momo said frustratedly: "It's all my fault. If I had noticed something abnormal earlier, I wouldn't have walked into this big hole dug by the enemy for us."

Zhan Limo said: "I admit that you are not smart enough, but I really don't blame you for today's incident. The other party did not send out the news in advance, so what can you do."

"If I had been more vigilant and caught you in time, we wouldn't be in this situation." Zhuang Momo took a look and saw that the enemies around him were staring closely at the two of them. It was not that easy to run away. It's easy to run away, "The war is about to end, or you go first, and I will find a way to hold the enemy back."

"Well, that's a good idea." Zhan Limo patted Zhuang Momo on the head, "When I'm in danger, I'll leave you alone and escape first, and then apply for a hero award or something for myself when I go back. It's just He is a winner in life.”

"I'm serious." Zhuang Momo stared at him, "Why are you so stupid as a man? When you are in danger, only one of you can escape. Don't be so stupid that both of you get caught."

Zhan Limo smiled softly: "You are right. In an emergency, one should escape if he can. Don't be so stupid that two people die together. Remember what you said today. When you really need it, don't act like a mother-in-law."

Zhuang Momo: "I am a woman."

At the end of the war: "Look at your whole body, where do you look like a woman?"

Zhuang Momo: "I..."

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. What you said is right, but we don't need to leave one of us behind today. I have already thought of a way." Zhan Limo pointed to the man riding a motorcycle in front of him. The man said, "This is the only kind of car that works well in this narrow alley. Let's pick it up and use it."

Zhuang Momo gave him another look: "I don't know you, how can I lend it to you?"

"Are you stupid? Of course it's not a loan in the real sense. It has to be bought with money. What can you do if you don't have money these days?" Seeing the motorcycle getting closer and closer to them, when they were about to reach them, Zhan Li finally stumbled and fell in front of the motorcycle.

Zhuang Momo showed calmness in an emergency. He stepped forward and grabbed the motorcycle owner: "How did you drive? You hit someone."

This was originally a collision, but Zhan Limo's collision was so good that most people couldn't tell. The motorcycle owner was also frightened and quickly got off the car to help Zhan Limo: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" "

Zhan Limo stood up with the help of the owner of the motorcycle. He quietly put a few big bills into the owner's hand: "Brother, if you touch me, not only will I not let you lose money, I will also give you the money. The premise is Give me your harmful tool."

The motorcycle owner looked at the money. It was enough to buy a new car. He was not having bad luck today, but he met the God of Wealth. What reason could he have to refuse to agree to such a good thing? "Okay, okay, take the car." Just go.”

"Brother, thank you!" Zhan Limo gave Zhuang Momo a look. Zhuang Momo received the message and nodded in response to him. She yelled, "If you don't pay, you won't want this car."

The owner of the motorcycle didn't know why. Zhuang Momo had already started the car in a daze. Zhan Limo turned over and sat behind her. She stepped on the accelerator and the motorcycle flew out like a sharp arrow that had taken off its string.

The enemies hiding in the surrounding area saw that something was wrong and immediately rushed out to chase after him. However, the speed of people running was still far different from the speed of motorcycles.

In a short time, Zhuang Momo and Zhan Limo had left the enemies chasing them far behind.

But the enemies were not stupid either. They couldn't catch up, so they mobilized the power of the masses. Some people shouted: "Robbery! Robbery! Stop those two people on the motorcycle."

Hearing the shouts, someone stood up and tried to stop Zhuang Momo and the other two, but she still did not slow down and continued to rush forward. She was afraid of death. Seeing that Zhuang Momo did not slow down, the person blocking the road was so scared that she hid back. .

After hiding back, I was glad that I didn't confront him head-on, otherwise I would have lost my life now.

After finally escaping from the civilian area, Zhuang Momo not only did not slow down, but also accelerated forward. The speed was faster than a car speeding on the street.

Run for your life!

If you're a little late, you may become a piece of meat on the enemy's chopping board, so don't worry.

I don't know how long he ran. Under Zhan Limo's command, Zhuang Momo stopped the car and heard Zhan Limo say: "Throw away the motorcycle, let's find another means of transportation."

"Okay." Zhuang Momo got off the motorcycle without hesitation.

"I didn't expect your girl to be very good at riding a motorcycle." As he said this, Zhan Limo took out a handful of money from his bag and threw it into the sky. After a while, he was surrounded by people grabbing the money on the ground.

Taking advantage of the crowded crowd, Zhan Limo dragged Zhuang Momo through two small alleys, and then got on a bus. This time, he left the enemy behind again.

After getting on the bus, Zhuang Momo realized that his legs were a little weak. It was so dangerous. If they hadn't run so fast just now, they might have been caught now.

At the end of Zhan Liming, he sat next to her and patted her back gently with one hand: "It's okay."

Zhuang Momo swallowed before he could speak properly: "At the end of the war, did we just perform a real-life version of Fast and Furious?"

Zhan Limo nodded: "Well, it is indeed a real-life version, even more exciting than in the movie."

Seeing that he still had time to joke, Zhuang Momo also relaxed a lot, and his brain began to function normally: "We are all dressed up like this, how did they find us?"

At the end of the war, he shrugged: "I don't know yet."

Zhuang Momo added: "We were not discovered by them when we were in the hotel, which proves that we should not have eavesdropping trackers or other equipment on us. What did we do after we came out?"

Zhuang Momo tried hard to recall that after leaving the hotel, they had breakfast first and then rented a car... Thinking of this, Zhuang Momo had an idea flash in his mind: "At the end of the war, it is very likely that they knew that we were going to use Car, monitored the taxi market in X city.”

Zhan Li nodded at the end: "Well, that's a good guess. It's indeed very likely."

"As long as two people rent a car, they will become the target of their suspicion, and their base camp we just went to after renting the car was naturally targeted by them." Zhuang Momo felt that she had become smarter, at least she This guess is entirely possible.

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