My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1692: The Successor, sharing the joys and sorrows

Chapter 1694: Successor Chapter, sharing the joys and sorrows

"The idea is a good idea, but the enemy is not stupid either. We don't rule out that they can also get it by the methods we think of." Zhan Limo also had this idea, but he did not rule out other possibilities.

After two battles, the enemy found out their details. They also understood the enemy somewhat. These enemies really should not be underestimated.

"Then what should we do now?" Zhuang Momo felt that her brain was almost confused before she came up with such a method. This method was not feasible. She really couldn't think of any other methods that could be used.

At the end of the war, he patted her on the shoulder and said, "regardless of whether the enemy can think of it or not, the civilian area is currently our best place to go."

"So the idea I just had is feasible?" Zhuang Momo looked at Zhan Limo with stars in his eyes, eagerly hoping that his idea would be recognized and supported by Zhan Limo.

Zhan Limo nodded and affirmed her: "Of course! You have thought of a good idea. Zhuang Momo, you have to believe that you are much more capable than you know."

"Zhan Limo, thank you!" Thank you for giving her the affirmation, which rekindled her hope when she was depressed. "In my heart, you are now like a male god."

"Really?" Zhuang Momo's affirmation is also a luxury for Zhan Limo, "Then what should you say when you see your male god now?"

Zhuang Momo immediately stood up on tiptoes and kissed him on the face: "Goddess, is that okay?"

"Yes! Of course!" It felt better to be 'teased' by her like this than him teasing her. He would try more in the future, but now he still had to do business first, "Let's go then. Why are you still hanging around?"

This man's mind was spinning so fast that Zhuang Momo didn't keep up for a while, and was stunned again before he understood what he said: "Let's go right now, why don't we prepare anything else?"

Zhan Limo said: "We just walked around there. People in the civilian area were dressed similar to what we are wearing now. When we walked inside, few people could tell the difference."

"Okay." Zhuang Momo just realized that the outfit he was wearing was similar to the one in the civilian area. He couldn't help but take another look at Zhan Limo, "Is this what you prepared for?"

When did he prepare these clothes?

How come she didn't notice it at all?

At the end of the war: "What else?"

Still so arrogant and arrogant.

After some twists and turns, the two of them finally reached the civilian area.

The flow of people in the civilian area is very chaotic, and the rent is also cheap, because strangers often move in, and old residents move out. It is also very convenient to rent a room here, and you don’t even need to register with an ID card. You can get it done by paying a few hundred yuan. .

Of course, it is no surprise that the housing conditions here are also very poor.

The house that Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo rented was dark and damp. As soon as they entered the door, there was a mouse running around in the house. Zhuang Momo was so frightened that he almost screamed: "Boss, why are there still mice in your house?" ?”

The boss looked at Zhuang Momo and saw that she didn't look like a rich person in her slovenly manner. Of course, rich people couldn't rent a house here, so he said unkindly: "Go and ask, which house here doesn't have one?" Rat?"

Zhuang Momo: "What's your attitude?"

"What's my attitude?" the boss said arrogantly, "If you pay such a small amount of money, this is the only environment available to you. Stop being picky. If you don't want it, there will be people queuing up to get my house."

Zhuang Momo: "..."

This is not the time to argue with the landlord and boss. Zhan Limo quickly pulled Zhuang Momo behind him: "I think the environment here is very good, much better than the environment where I live in my hometown. Boss, in this house we Rented.”

The boss glared at Zhuang Momo, and then looked at Zhan Limo: "Young man, your attitude is much better than that of your girlfriend. Take care of her in the future and don't let her come out to embarrass you."

If someone said that to him, Zhuang Momo would definitely hit someone, but now Zhuang Momo didn't say another word. At the end of Zhan Li, he handed the money to the boss: "Then go away, we won't give it to you. "

At the end of the war, he saw off his boss and closed the door. He wanted to go back and comfort Zhuang Momo, but when he turned around, he saw that Zhuang Momo had put down his luggage and started to pack it up: "Don't you dislike it?"

"You don't dislike me even if you are a noble gentleman. Who am I to dislike this place?" Zhuang Momo doesn't dislike this place either. They have lived on desert islands. There are shelters in such places, and the conditions are no worse than those on desert islands. , it’s just that I met a big rat when I entered the house just now. It’s just that I don’t feel so happy to pay this money.

At the end of Zhan Li, he came over and took Zhuang Momo into his arms: "Zhuang Momo!"

"What for?" Zhuang Momo let him hold her.

At the end of Zhan Liming, he sighed comfortably: "How can you be so considerate and sensible?"

"If it weren't you who went on the mission with me this time, I wouldn't even be able to get a warm embrace. Now this environment is already very good for me." It's really very good, she didn't No other requirements.

"If I don't perform the mission with you this time, then another man must replace me." Thinking of this, Zhan Limo felt a little uncomfortable. He silently told himself in his heart that no matter what mission he performs in the future, Zhuang Momo It must be on the same team as him, and it must not be another man.

But Zhuang Momo doesn't know: "If I am scared when I perform tasks in the future, I won't be able to find anyone to hug me, so this time is really, really good."

At the end of the war: "Good job."

Zhuang Momo came out of his arms: "There is food next door. I'll buy some food."

"You stay here, I'll buy it." During the critical period, at the end of the war, Zhuang Momo would not be allowed to appear outside alone, and he would always protect her behind him.

"It's right next door to us. If you buy it, come back and I'll clean it up. Maybe we'll live here for a long time." It's a very small room with a one-meter-two-meter bed. , there is almost no room left to say, and it is true that only people with very poor conditions would live in such a poor environment.

At the end of the war, Zhan Li was responsible for buying food, and Zhuang Momo was responsible for cleaning the room.

When Zhan Li came back from buying food, Zhuang Momo had already made the bed, using the sheets that the boss had washed and turned white in the room.

At the end of Zhan Li, he suddenly felt that the two of them didn't look like they were on a mission, but like a young couple who eloped behind their parents' backs. All the money they brought out was spent, and they couldn't find a job to make money, so they had to rent a place like this to make ends meet. With.

Thinking of this, Zhan Limo felt sweet in his heart. He handed the lunch box to Zhuang Momo: "Honey, it's time to eat."

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