My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1693: The Successor, plead for them

Chapter 1695: The Successor Chapter, intercede for them


Hearing Zhan Limo call himself this, Zhuang Momo couldn't tell how he felt in his heart. He was a little panicked and confused, but more of it was sweet and happy.

But she couldn't show that she liked her, otherwise he would eat her up. Zhuang Momo pretended to be fierce and glared at him: "Who is your wife? Don't scream. If you scream again, I'll beat you." "

Zhan Limo didn't care about her threat, and he also knew that she was not threatening him, otherwise her cheeks would not be red, she would look shy and cute.

At the end of Zhan Li, he knew that Zhuang Momo was hiding his inner shyness in a vicious way, and how could he let go of such a good opportunity to tease her: "Honey, you followed me to escape and suffered. Don't worry, your husband and I will come You will definitely make a fortune, and you will live in a big mansion."

Zhuang Momo didn't want to pay attention to him. Zhan Li pointed at the door to indicate that someone was eavesdropping on their conversation. Zhuang Momo had no choice but to cooperate: "Then I'll wait. But don't keep me waiting for too long."

At the end of Zhan Li's heart, the joy blossomed. This innocent little white rabbit also fell into his hands. If it fell into other people's hands, he didn't know how it would be eaten: "Wife, don't worry, I will do it tomorrow." Just go find a job, and when I get paid, we’ll move out of here.”

Zhuang Momo: "Okay."

At the end of the war, he looked at the door and signaled with his eyes. Zhuang Momo was helpless and had no choice but to shout reluctantly: "Husband, you are so good to me. I want to love you forever."

Hearing the word "husband", Zhan Limo felt happy, but his face remained calm: "You are my wife. If I don't treat you well, who else do you think I can treat well?"

Zhuang Momo really couldn't say anything disgusting, so he said softly, "Yeah."

Zhan Limo was also satisfied: "Eat quickly. Only when we are full can we be able to do what we love."

Zhuang Momo's face became hot when he said it, and he cursed secretly in his heart: "Rogue!"

At the end of Zhan Liming, he took a piece of the few meat in his box and gave it to Zhuang Momo: "Hey, don't blush, eat quickly."

Zhuang Momo probably understood something that she didn't understand before. In the past, she never understood why two poor lovers could still be so happy together. They didn't feel tired no matter how late they worked. Maybe it was because they had good hopes in their hearts.

In other words, as long as you stay with people who like you and are kind to you, you can survive no matter how difficult the environment is.

It was indeed safe to live in a civilian area. At least nothing happened when they stayed there for an afternoon.

In the evening, Zhan Limo moved a small stool and sat at the door, observing the pedestrians passing by. After observing for a long time, he found no suspicious person.

Because everyone passing by is busy with his or her own business and has no time to look elsewhere. Of course, there are also gangsters who are eating and drinking, snooping around, and stealing from pedestrians when they are not prepared.

Only then did Zhan Limo notice two people passing by in a hurry. They were walking very fast. They were obviously very busy, but they still kept their eyes on the surrounding environment.

At the end of Zhan Li, he deliberately lowered his head and flicked the dust on his trousers. It wasn't until they were far away that he returned to the room and turned on the monitoring equipment. Not long after, a voice came from over there: "Mr. Gu, we were careless this time." The two of them ran away at the end of Zhan Li."

After the man finished speaking, no one else in the room answered. There was a faint sound of coughing. After the coughing stopped, a slightly older voice sounded: "How do you think I should punish you?"

The man added: "We have failed in our duties and we are willing to accept any punishment."

The slightly older voice added: "Then go to death. Die cleanly and don't let me see you again."

"Mr. Gu, Quan Yi and Quan Er know they are wrong, and they sincerely come to accept the punishment from you. Although they are not efficient in doing things, we can all see their loyalty to you. I beg you, Mr. Gu, to be accommodating to them. An opportunity to make meritorious deeds. "Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo have heard this voice before. It is the person who taught Quan Yi and Quan Er before. It seems that his status in this team is not low, otherwise he would not dare to join. At this time, I saved the lives of these two people and caused trouble for myself.

Or maybe this person has something in Quan Yi and Quan Er's hands, because they hold his handle, and they have to plead for them no matter how reluctant he is.

"Quan Zhixing, are you begging for mercy for the two of them? Because you both have the surname Quan?" Jushou was obviously dissatisfied. Just listening to his voice, one could imagine that his expression at the moment was not very good.

It turns out that they are all named Quan, not brothers, but at least they are from the same blood. Combined with their previous chats, Zhan Limo has a general understanding of the relationship between Sanquan.

Quan Zhixing said again: "Mr. Gu, can you let them go out first? I have two words to say to you alone."

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't play this trick with me." Gushou obviously didn't give Quan Zhixing much face.

There was silence again.

Taking advantage of this free time, Zhan Limo sent another message to Zhan Nianbei, asking him to help find Quan Zhixing and see what role he played in the terrorist organization.

After a moment of silence, Quan Zhixing said: "Mr. Gu, you don't know how much manpower we lost in our last activity. Now we have no trustworthy people left, do you think we can deal with them both?" "

The last activity naturally refers to the one where Xiao Jia died. The enemy invested a lot of manpower in that attack, but the Jiangbei Military Region's counterattack was also quite powerful.

Jiangbei Military Region sacrificed a total of three soldiers. They were very heartbroken, but they eliminated all the terrorists, and no one present was spared.

Before, Zhan Limo didn't know much about the enemy's power. Now that he heard what they said, he understood to some extent that the reason why the enemy couldn't find them yet was probably related to their small manpower.

He held his breath and continued to listen, and then heard the other side insisting: "Tell me, how many 100% trustworthy people do we still have in City X that we can use?"

Quan Zhixing replied: "Mr. Gu, I am 100% trustworthy and there is no one else except the two of them. Those people outside are all half-hearted. They will follow whoever gives them benefits. They are unreliable at critical moments."

After the words were over, the other party was silent for a long time. At the end of Zhan Li's silence, when he thought they would not talk anymore, a voice came from the monitor again: "That's it, just give them a chance to make up for their mistakes."

Quan Zhixing said: "Mr. Gu, thank you!"

Quan Yi and Quan Er also said: "Mr. Gu, thank you for not killing me."

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