My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1694: The Successor Chapter, initial progress has been made

Chapter 1696: The Successor Chapter, initial progress has been made

Quan Zhixing said again: "Don't be too happy, you two. Now go and find Zhan Limo and bring them back to see Mr. Gu. I'll give you two days, if you don't see anyone by the time , when the time comes, you can settle it yourself and don’t bother Mr. Gu.”

Quan Yi and Quan Er said yes, and then there was no more sound.

Zhuang Momo raised his head and looked at Zhan Limo: "Who is this Quan Zhixing? The information we got did not mention this person at all, but I think his words are quite weighty."

Zhan Limo said: "I have asked someone to check it, and the results will be available soon."

Zhuang Momo: "Gushou has shown up, where is Chengqian?"

At the end of the war: "Wait and see, as long as he is still alive, he will definitely show up."

What else did Zhuang Momo want to say? Another voice came from the monitor, which was the conversation between Quan Yi and Quan Er: "That guy at Zhan Limo is as smart as a fox. How could we catch him in two days? Quan Zhixing said He is trying to help us, but I think he still wants to push us into the fire pit.”

"Don't blame Quan Zhixing. If he hadn't spoken for us, how could we still be standing here chatting?" Quan Er sighed and said, "We will arrest him whether we can or not, in two days If we hadn't caught that bastard Zhan Limo, we wouldn't have lost ten heads."

Quan Yi said angrily: "The news we received before was that Zhan Limo was a second-generation ancestor who was just messing around and drinking. Apart from picking up girls, he had never been seen doing anything serious. However, no one expected to throw him away. After only one year in the military area, he suddenly became a difficult master to deal with. "

Quan Er said: "Maybe the information we received before was wrong, or maybe the old boy Zhan Nianbei teamed up with his son to deliberately put on a show for us. Anyway, no matter what the reason was, the result was that we underestimated Zhan Limo. That boy."

Quan Yi said: "What's the use of talking about this now? Do the people who contacted Zhan Limo have any information about them? We don't have much time, we must seize every minute."

Quan Er said: "I just sent a message to ask. The two people disappeared from the world after escaping from the civilian area. They can't be found anywhere."

Quan Yi said again: "Is there any news from the Public Security Bureau?"

Quan Er: "Our people don't have a very high status there, and the surveillance doesn't mean they can check at any time. He has to wait for approval from his superiors, so he still has to wait."

After that, there were some complaints. Zhan Limo stopped listening to them, but they were all recorded.

At this time, Zhan Nianbei also happened to send a message. Zhan Li finally clicked on it and couldn't help but laugh: "Who said he didn't show up before the ceremony? In fact, he has already showed up."

Zhuang Momo came up to him and understood at a glance: "It turns out that Quan Zhixing is Chengqian. No wonder he will give some face to whatever he says."

At the end of the war, he shrugged: "Are you surprised? Are you happy?"

"The accident was quite unexpected, but I didn't feel happy." Zhuang Momo took Zhan Limo's mobile phone and looked at it carefully. "It doesn't matter that we know Quan Zhixing is a grown man. After all, we haven't found out about them yet." A place to stay. Even if we are fully prepared, there is no way to arrest people."

Zhan Limo said: "Actually, they are beside us."

Zhuang Momo: "Are you sure?"

Zhan Limo added: "I squatted outside for most of the afternoon and gained nothing at all."

Zhuang Momo: "What did you find?"

Zhan Limo: "They don't know we are here, but there are still their people here, and I don't think they are looking for someone when they walk, but to see if they are being followed."

Zhuang Momo: "If they are really here, it will be much easier for us to move."

At the end of Zhan li, he knocked on Zhuang Momo's head: "You, sometimes your mind moves very fast. Why does it sometimes feel like your brain is covered in paste?"

Zhuang Momo was puzzled again: "What do you mean?"

Zhan Limo explained: "First of all, it's not that easy to find someone in such a large civilian area. Secondly, we haven't even seen the true faces of Gu Shou and Cheng Qian. They just pretend to be ordinary people, and we are Even if you sit face to face with them, you may not recognize them.”

Zhuang Momo nodded: "Yes, the information we collected is all about their disguised appearance. We don't know what they look like at all. It is indeed difficult to find them."

Seeing that Zhuang Momo couldn't cheer up, Zhan Limo comforted him again: "But don't be discouraged. At least we know that they are in this area. It is only a matter of time to find them sooner or later."

Next, they will find a way to find out where the two leading terrorists are staying, and find a way to quietly capture them back to Jiangbei for trial.

In fact, they didn't have much time to carry out this mission. The captain handed them the information before they came. They must catch Gu Shou and Cheng Qian before Minister He came to country B for a state visit.

Control these two people first, take advantage of Minister He's visit to country B, and take Minister He's special plane back to Jiangbei. Apart from this method, which can take Ji Shou and Cheng Qian away, there is no other way to take two living people out of the country. .

After knowing that Jishou and Chengqian were in this area, Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo began to act separately. The two pretended to be local residents and found a job as a handyman cleaning garbage in the vegetable market.

The job is tiring, but they have freedom of movement and no one will doubt them for the time being.

After wandering around for two or three days, they had some understanding of the environment in the civilian area, so they also knew that this mission was more difficult. There were too many people coming in and out every day, and there was no gain in targeting two target people.

Back at the small house where he lived, Zhuang Momo was too tired to speak, so he threw himself into the small bed in the room: "Zhan Limo, don't call me, let me calm down."

Seeing Zhuang Momo so tired, Zhan Limo also felt distressed: "Get down and I'll relax your muscles and bones."

Zhuang Momo: "Let's forget it. I'm afraid you will break my bones."

At the end of the war: "You try lying down."

Zhuang Momo: "Then please be gentle."

At the end of the war: "Don't worry."

Zhuang Momo never believed that Zhan Limo could massage, but when his strong palms slapped and squeezed her body, she really looked like a masseuse.

She asked: "Have you learned it before?"

Zhan Limo: "I used to do this a lot to please my mother, so the technique is pretty good."

"It's quite comfortable." Zhuang Momo sighed with satisfaction. Before she could finish breathing out, she was pinched so hard by Zhan Limo that the bones on her shoulders almost broke. "Zhan Limo, please be gentle." , it hurts.”

At the end of the war, he said with a playful smile: "Keep your voice down, people who don't know may think we are doing something."

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