My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1696: Successor, the years are quiet

Chapter 1698: Successor, the years are quiet and peaceful

"Zhan Limo, get out of here!" Zhuang Momo blushed and her heart beat at the excitement of Zhan Limo. She jumped away quickly. It was so dangerous. She almost blurted it out just now. Just try to see who is afraid of whom.

Fortunately, she didn't say anything, otherwise she would have fallen into the villain's conspiracy.

At the end of the war: "You really don't want to try?"

Zhuang Momo immediately changed the subject: "I'll go next door to buy dinner. You can rest for a while."

Zhan Limo murmured: "You damn woman, you attracted my young master's interest, and then ran away. If this continues, my young master may be useless, and your happiness in the rest of your life will be gone."

Zhuang Momo turned a deaf ear and hurriedly went out to buy dinner, but as soon as she went out, she hurriedly stepped back: "At the end of the war, did I see those two people?"

At the end of the war: "Which two people?"

Zhuang Momo left a gap in the door, looked outside and said, "It's all one and all two."

After that day, there was no reliable news from Quan Yi and Quan Er, which made the two of them waste a few days. Seeing them appear here, Zhuang Momo was extremely excited: "I'll follow you now." .”

"I'm going to follow them. You turn on the monitoring equipment and pay attention to their chat content." Zhan Limo walked out first, following Quan Yi and Quan Er from a distance. Quan Yi and Quan Er were very cautious. At the end of Zhan Li, he was worried about being discovered by them and did not dare to get too close.

He watched helplessly as they turned into the alley on the right, and when he hurriedly caught up with them, they were no longer in the alley, but he did not leave in time and waited at the entrance of the alley.

After waiting for a while, Zhan Limo suddenly felt something was wrong. He quickly returned to the low-rent house and opened the door. His eyes immediately looked for Zhuang Momo: "Zhuang Momo!"

But the room was only a little big, and even the mosquitoes in the room couldn't escape at a glance. But at the end of Zhan Li, he didn't see Zhuang Momo, so he called out again: "Zhuang Momo!"

The room was well furnished and there were no traces of a fight. Zhuang Momo was a very skilled woman. Unless she was taken away unconsciously, the room would not be in chaos.

But Zhan Limo, who was in a hurry, couldn't think of so much. He turned around and went out to chase Zhuang Momo. When he opened the door, he bumped into Zhuang Momo who was about to enter the room.

He dragged her into the room: "Where have you been?"

"I heard the conversation between the two people and came out to have a look." After finishing speaking, Zhuang Momo found that Zhan Limo was trembling, "Zhan Limo, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

When they were surrounded by the enemy in the room on the 15th floor, Zhan Limo could not change his expression and tease her casually. Something big must have happened just now.

Zhuang Momo hugged him quickly and comforted him in her own way: "It's okay, it's okay. No matter what happens, I'm here. Don't be afraid."

At the end of the war, he turned back to the guests and hugged Zhuang Momo tightly with his strong arms: "Well, it's good that you are here."

Just now he thought...

Zhuang Momo patted his back gently: "What happened just now?"

"It's okay." Zhan Limo quickly calmed down and said seriously, "In the future, you are not allowed to act alone without my knowledge. Do you understand?"

"I..." Vaguely, Zhuang Momo seemed to understand what Zhan Li was worried about, and subconsciously increased the strength of his arms to hold him, "Well, I won't let you worry about me anymore."

At the end of the war, he asked, "Did you notice anything?"

Zhuang Momo said: "I went out to look for you, but after searching for a while I didn't find you, so I came back."

At the end of Zhan Li: "I just followed a small alley, and the two people disappeared. Although I lost them, I know roughly where Jushou and Chengqian are hiding. Next, we will mainly look for people there, and we should find them soon. get them."

Zhuang Momo: "Then let me listen to the monitor to see if there is anything new."

Soon, the two of them were immersed in their work.

The conversation coming from the monitor was nothing more than the sound of two people admitting their mistake.

Fortunately, they still haven't discovered the existence of the monitor, which allowed Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo to have a rough understanding of the enemy's situation. However, they didn't reveal much, which also brought no substance to Zhan Limo's investigation. progress on.

At the end of the war, he said, "I'll buy food, and you'll wait at home."

Zhuang Momo: "Okay."

After eating, Zhuang Momo took a bath and lay on the bed to check the information collected these days.

At the end of the war, he moved a small stool and continued to squat by the door, hoping to see Quan Yi and Quan Er again, but everyone on the street had closed their stalls, and Quan Yi and Quan Er did not show up.

He returned to the room, took a shower, and lay down next to Zhuang Momo as a habit.

In the past, Zhuang Momo would step aside and slightly open the distance between her and Zhan Liming. Today, instead of stepping aside, she squeezed towards Zhan Liming.

At the end of the war: "Zhuang Momo, if you want to return to Jiangbei safely, you'd better be obedient and don't move around, otherwise..."

His girlfriend sleeps next to him every night, but he can't even hug her. This situation is a fatal torture for any man, and Zhan Limo doesn't know how long he can endure it.

Zhuang Momo didn't seem to understand Zhan Limo's words. Instead of shrinking from his warning, he plunged into his arms: "Zhan Limo, I've worked hard for you these days."

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but this woman Zhuang Momo was teasing him, which made Zhan Limo's body burn. He restrained himself and backed away: "Zhuang Momo, you know how hard this young master works, so Just stay away and don’t mess with me.”

If this continues, if he doesn't take action, he will become worse than a beast.

"Zhan Limo, I like you! I really like you!" I like you so much that I am willing to give him everything, including my life.

"Zhuang Momo, don't mess around!" Zhan Limo felt that he couldn't help it anymore.

But, as if Zhuang Momo was determined, he suddenly leaned forward and kissed Zhan Limo's lips...

A wonderful night started from this moment...but there was a questioning voice in her head.

Didn't Zhan Limo say who he was? Why was he so skilled in this matter? Like a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles, every move hit her vital point, but she was too tired to ask any more questions and fell into a drowsy sleep.

After eating and drinking, Zhan Limo was full of energy. The fatigue of these days was gone. His eyes were staring at Zhuang Momo in his arms. Really, this woman is so beautiful.

Even more beautiful tonight!

Like a delicate peony, it is no exaggeration to say that she has the beauty of the country and the fragrance of heaven.

Looking at Zhuang Momo's sweet sleeping face, Zhan Limo raised the corners of his lips with satisfaction. He wished that time could stay at this moment and let him look at her quietly like this for the rest of his life. He was willing.

Some people say that the years are quiet and peaceful, which is exactly what they are doing at this moment.

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