My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1697: The Successor, Gentle and Considerate

Chapter 1699: The Successor, Gentle and Considerate

early morning.

The sun shines into the room through the thick curtains, spreading golden light throughout the room.

Zhuang Momo blinked and woke up instantly. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw an enlarged handsome face appearing in front of her, which scared her so much that she instinctively stepped back.

This movement made her cry out in pain again: "Hiss..."

It hurts so much!

It was as if she hadn't participated in training for a long time and suddenly had a real fight with someone last night. Every muscle in her body was crying to her about the bad things she had done.

"woke up."

Zhan Limo is still the same Zhan Limo, but Zhuang Momo always feels that he is different. He seems to be more mature, and even his voice is more sexy than before.

"It's still early, let's sleep a little longer."

Not only that, he was much gentler, and he always had a gentle smile when talking to her.

Zhuang Momo was a little confused for a moment. He didn't know if he was dreaming, so he stretched out his hand and pinched Zhan Limo hard. It didn't hurt. Could it be that he was really dreaming?

"It's me you're pinching, so of course it won't hurt you."

Even though she pinched him, he was still smiling, and his smile was so gentle. Zhuang Momo had never seen Zhan Limo's face before.

In the past, when she pinched him, he would not fight back, but he would also say harsh words to her.

After such a night, his temperament must have changed.

"What? You still don't believe what happened last night? Do you need me to do something to help you recall your memories?" Zhan Lim came closer to her, and his warm breath touched her face, making her blush again and her heart beat.

"Go away!" The courage from last night was gone. Zhuang Momo hid in the bed like a shrunken turtle, which made Zhan Limo couldn't help but want to tease her.

But I can't bear it.

"Silly girl!"


He stood up and said, "I'm going to buy breakfast. You can rest for a while."

He just wanted to buy breakfast and leave her alone to relax.

Zhuang Momo has a more traditional personality. It must have taken a lot of courage for her to take that step last night. He should not force her anymore after he has already tasted the benefits.

Seeing his back disappear from the door of the room, Zhuang Momo was really relieved, but she felt a little bit disappointed for no reason. In fact, she quite liked his warm embrace.

It seemed that as long as he was around, she would not be afraid of any dangers outside.

However, she also understood that Zhan Limo didn't want to embarrass her, so she found an excuse to go out.

In this critical moment, how could she think about resting? No matter how unwell she had to get up and continue working, she couldn't let Zhan Limo carry all the burden alone.

She rolled out of bed, still feeling a little uncomfortable. When her feet landed on the ground, her legs were so weak that she almost lost her balance. Fortunately, she held on to the wall in time to prevent her from falling.

Zhuang Momo concluded that receiving devil training in the army was not as tiring as last night.

Outside the house, there was already a lot of traffic, the shops on the street were all open, and there were vendors shouting hard, for fear of missing any customers who might come.

At the end of Zhan li, he looked in front of the bun shop next door and said, "proprietress, can I borrow your kitchen?"

The lady boss was busy handing out the buns and said, "Is your little wife sick?"

The landlady had a very good eye. In the past, she had seen this young couple coming in and out in pairs, but today she didn't see the other one. This one even asked her to borrow the kitchen. She guessed that the other one must be sick.

After all, how many older girls can handle doing such dirty and tiring work every day? This young man's wife has not cried out tiredly in the past two days, which is already remarkable.

Zhan Limo reacted quickly: "My daughter-in-law is feeling a little unwell. I want to go to the market to buy some vegetables and cook something hot for her. Maybe the disease will heal faster."

The proprietress was not a warm-hearted person at first, but when she saw this young couple, she seemed to see herself in the past. She and her husband came out to look for jobs. At that time, there was no money around, and even a bowl of hot porridge became a luxury.

At this moment, he felt sad and readily agreed: "It's not easy for a newlywed couple to go out and find a job. Go ahead and buy it. I'll make a pot for you later."

"Boss boss, you are not only kind and kind-hearted, I will thank you in advance." Zhan Limo has been practicing since he was a child when it comes to complimenting people. With just one mouth, he can praise the boss lady to the point of grinning from ear to ear. The landlady was also happy to lend him the kitchen.

Zhan Limo has almost never been in the kitchen, but he has eaten a lot of good things and knows what is good. But the bad thing is that many things are not available in civilian areas, so in the end he can only buy some things that everyone can buy. Affordable food.

He bought a pound of ribs and two yams, and planned to make some soup to replenish Zhuang Momo's health. After all, he went a little too far last night and didn't care about the severity.

After struggling for nearly two hours, Zhan Li finally cooked the soup. After tasting the taste, he thought it was pretty good, so he put the soup into the newly purchased thermos bucket.

After thanking the landlady, he brought the soup back to the house. When he entered the house, he saw Zhuang Momo already working: "I didn't ask you to sleep a little longer. Who told you to get up and work?"

"We don't have much time left. If we don't find the person, we won't have a chance." Zhuang Momo seemed to have forgotten what happened last night and focused on monitoring the other party's situation.

At the end of Zhan Li, he put the soup in front of her: "I already have a good idea."

Zhuang Momo just looked up at him: "What's a good idea?"

At the end of the war: "You drink the soup first, and I will tell you while you drink it."

"Tell me." They didn't even have bowls or chopsticks in their room. At the end of Zhan liming, he brought the soup back in a thermos bucket, and there was only one spoon. "This soup is so fragrant. Where did you buy it? What should I do?" Don’t you remember there is such a delicious soup nearby?”

At the end of the war: "The boss lady next door saw that I am handsome, so she specially opened a small stove for me."

Zhuang Momo: "At the end of the war, you wouldn't sell your appearance for a bowl of soup."

At the end of the war: "Is this young master so cheap?"

Zhuang Momo: "What else?"

At the end of the war: "I want you to drink some soup to replenish your body. I specifically asked the landlady next door to borrow the kitchen."

"I knew it." She knew that the origin of this bowl of soup was definitely not simple, so she pulled off the scam, and handed the spoon to him, "You drink it first."

"I've already drank."

"If you don't drink, neither will I."

"Zhuang Momo, if you want to drink my saliva, just say so. I will be happy to give it to you. There is no need to beat around the bush like this."

"Don't fool me with this trick. I won't let you do this. If you are asked to drink it, just drink it. Otherwise, I won't drink it either." Everyone left it to him with confidence. Couldn't he still be clear about what was going on in his mind? What are you thinking about?

Not only was she tired these past two days, but he was more tired than she was. He was the one who should make up for himself.

When she returns to Jiangbei, she will definitely ask her mother to cook more nourishing soup for him to drink, so that he can make up for the weight he has suffered these days.

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