My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1699: The Successor, Using Personal Relationships

Chapter 1701: The Successor Chapter, using personal relationships

"Son..." After calling his son, Qin Xiaobao made no sound for a long time, but Zhan Limo vaguely guessed something and hurriedly said, "Mom, I'm really fine, don't worry."

After living for more than twenty years, at the end of the war, he had never seen Qin Xiaobao pretend to cry while acting, and he had never seen Qin Xiaobao really cry because of anything. This made his heart pick up in his throat: "Mom, son, I am not the right person." I’d like to talk to you, what are you worried about?”

"Son..." Qin Xiaobao didn't know what he was worried about. It was not that he had never been separated from Zhan Limo before, but this time he was flustered and couldn't help crying when he heard his voice.

Zhan Limo said softly: "Mom, give me three more days, and I promise to appear in front of you after three days. I will stay with you more from now on. If you find me annoying, I won't leave." .”

Qin Xiaobao sniffed and tried to collect his emotions: "Li Mo, you keep your word. You must let me see you in three days, otherwise you are not my biological child."

"Mom, no matter what you say, I was born from your ten-month pregnancy." Now that the atmosphere of the call was not good, Zhan Limo returned to his previous indifferent tone, "It doesn't matter whether you recognize me or not. , my son will never forget your hard work."

"I don't care so much. You have to appear in front of me in three days anyway." It's not that Qin Xiaobao is unreasonable. There is no reason to explain in the face of mother-son affection. She doesn't want any glory and wealth, but she wants her son to be healthy and safe.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late. You let these young people rest early. He will come back in two days. You can chat for a whole day without stopping you." Zhan Nianbei took the phone from Qin Xiaobao and hung up. , "Xiaobao, if you continue like this, it will affect his work."

"Zhan Nianbei, can I go find him?" Qin Xiaobao also knew that her request was too much, but she was really worried and worried, and the heart in her chest could not calm down.

"Qin Xiaobao, stay at home these two days and you can't go anywhere. When you go to find him, are you helping him or holding him back?" Zhan Nianbei's face darkened and his voice became more serious. , "I assure you that he will be able to successfully complete this mission."

Even with Zhan Nianbei's guarantee, Qin Xiaobao is still worried. Worried about this and that, his heart can't calm down: "Zhan Nianbei...what if...bah...I am a crow's mouth."

At the end of Zhan Li, he hugged her into his arms and gently stroked her back: "Let's do this. I'll take you to Nuoyuan tomorrow. Jian Ran happens to be there too. You chat with her, so you don't have time to think about goodbye." Things will be fine.”

Qin Xiaobao: "But..."

"It's settled, I'll send you there tomorrow morning." Zhan Nianbei stopped Qin Xiaobao from saying any more, because he also had a bad premonition in his heart. After comforting Qin Xiaobao, he went to the study to use his personal connections to contact some people.

This person was none other than Minister He, who was going to visit Country B in the next two days. When he saw that the call was from Zhan Nianbei, the other party was very polite and polite: "Chief Zhan."

"Hello, Minister He!" Zhan Nianbei said clearly on the phone, "The personnel you arrange to meet Zhan Limo must be arranged in advance. I don't want any accidents to happen."

Minister He said: "Commander, don't worry, we have been prepared for a long time. But we can only stay for so long. As long as they arrive in time, they will be safe."

Zhan Nianbei: "Yeah."

After all, Zhan Limo is his son, the son Qin Xiaobao risked his life to give birth to. He, who has always been ruthless, still has personal emotions. He wants his son to come back how he left.

Return to his wife well and whole.

Their family can only be considered a complete family if all three of them are present.

After Zhan Nianbei hung up the phone, Zhan Limo immediately prepared for the night's action, but Zhuang Momo held him back: "Zhan Limo, please slow down first, I will prepare."

After answering the phone, Zhuang Momo clearly felt that Zhan Li was absent-minded. At this time, it was better for him to adjust his mood first, while she prepared other things first.

"Okay." Zhan Limo knew that the stakes were very high, and there were no surprises with the equipment he was preparing now. He adjusted his emotions first and let Zhuang Momo prepare.

Zhuang Momo said while arranging the tools: "Auntie is just worried. In fact, there is nothing else. Don't think too much. Which mother is not worried about her son."

Zhan Limo said: "The couple often abuse me, but they also tease me for fun. I know they love me very much. They love me so much that it can be said to be doting on me. I have walked through these years and every path has been my own." By choice, they never really interfered with me."

"Of course, of course they love you, there is no need to have any doubts." Zhuang Momo patted Zhan Limo on the shoulder and thought of his past, "I told you, my father lied to me after I was born. My grandfather said that I was a boy, and then he tried to hide it from my grandfather, making him think that I was really a boy. But after all, paper could not cover the fire. My grandfather was very angry when he found out the truth, and he almost broke up with us. Relationship. But even so, no one dared to bully me in front of my grandfather. During those two years, my grandfather would not give me a good look, but he would always protect me and bring me delicious food when he came back from a long trip. "

They say that parents in the world are pitiful, and it is true. Parents in the world are heartbroken for their children. Some people would say that there are some who are not, but they are a minority among the minority after all.

"Actually, I think your grandpa is still hiding it from you. He's probably angry that your parents lied to him for not looking nice to you, but he still loves you. He's just a bit arrogant and can't express his love for you."

"Yes, I think so too. There are all kinds of people in this world, and everyone has their own way of expressing love. Sometimes what we see with our eyes may not be true."

"I can't tell you, this girl, is quite insightful."

"How can I not make any progress by following you, Mr. Zhan?"

"No, don't lift me up."

"I'm not flattering you, I really think so. The more I get to know you, the more I find that you are excellent, much better than I expected."

"Can I take it that you are expressing your feelings to me?"

"Okay." Zhuang Momo smiled softly and answered frankly, "Birds are attracted to shiny objects, and of course women are attracted to outstanding men."

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