My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1700: The Successor, falling into the enemy’s trap

Chapter 1702: Successor, falling into the enemy’s trap

Zhuang Momo's confession was very useful to Zhan Limo's ears. Just when he felt that he was in a trance, Zhuang Momo was still saying: "I am attracted to you, not because you can say sweet words, but because you can say sweet words." Your excellence makes me want to get closer."

Excellent people, whether they are men or women, will always attract the people around them, while those who always bring negative energy to others can only drive their friends further and further away.

Zhan Limo has always been confident, but after being praised like this by his sweetheart, he was so happy that he could fly to the sky with a pair of wings, but his reason was still there, and to be precise, his emotional intelligence was not lost.

When a girl confesses her love to a boy like this, if the boy doesn't respond, he will definitely suffer a lot in the future: "Little girl Zhuang, I am chasing you because I am also attracted by your excellence."

"Are we bragging or showing favor to each other?" Zhuang Momo looked at him with a slight smile on his face. Falling in love with someone and being loved by someone is really good, especially Both of them are so good.

In the past, she had never seen her second sister have a boyfriend, but every man who stood next to her second sister, Zhuang Momo, felt something was wrong. Now she understands that those people are not good enough and would not look pleasing to the eye when walking with the second sister.

It's not that she judges people by their appearance, it's that she thinks that her second sister is so good that a better man can be worthy of her.

During the conversation, Zhan Limo's mood had recovered. The next step was to wait for the opportunity to prepare for action. In order not to attract attention, they had to do it after all the stalls in the market were finished.

After waiting until after midnight, they packed up their equipment and headed straight for their destination.

It must be that the enemy did not expect that the two of them were nearby. The road was smooth, but they did not dare to be careless and did not dare to go to the main entrance because there was a camera at the main entrance. People inside would notice them before they entered the house. .

They chose to go in through the window from the rooftop.

At the end of Zhan Li's attack, Zhuang Momo took cover on the roof.

At the end of Zhan Li, he climbed down the sewer to the window on the sixth floor and carefully put the ecstasy medicine in. After a while, when he guessed that the medicine had taken effect, he signaled Zhuang Momo to come down and the two of them attacked together.

The windows were unlocked, so the enemy wouldn't be so careless.

He signaled Zhuang Momo to retreat, but at this moment, people appeared in the alleyway and on the roof of the building that had just been deserted. They were not many, but not many. There were about a dozen people on the ground and about a dozen people on the roof. .

Zhuang Momo gritted his teeth: "Damn, we were so careful and still fell into the enemy's trap."

"Don't panic, they don't have weapons, and we still have a good chance of winning." Zhan Limo remained calm as usual, "Maybe they have already discovered the bugs we installed and have been acting for us."

Someone shouted: "Mr. Zhan, are you going to come down on your own, or are our people going to invite you to come down?"

Now that it has been discovered, falling into the sewer is not an option. Zhan Limo said, "I won't bother you. Let's go down right now."

He and Zhuang Momo slid down the sewer to the first floor quickly. Maybe they were too relaxed. When they slid to the ground, a dozen enemies took a step back.

At the end of Zhan Li's eyes, he took their performance into consideration and raised his lips slightly: "Oh, your two gentlemen, Gu Cheng, want to see me, just let me know. There is no need for you to work so hard."

"Master Zhan is indeed a smart man." It was true that they were told by their superiors that they would be captured alive, so they did not dare to act rashly, especially before they knew how much the enemy in front of them weighed, so everyone kept a distance.

"Then please lead the way." Zhan Limo behaved very calmly. For a while, he had some confidence in his heart. Secondly, he reassured Zhuang Momo. Zhuang Momo did not let him down. He remained calm throughout the whole process. There was no trace of panic on his face.

"Master Zhan, please!" They didn't tie them up, and they didn't know what their intention was.

Zhan limo took Zhuang Momo's hand and shook it hard. He didn't say another word to her, but with the strong squeeze just now, Zhuang Momo also understood. He told her not to worry.

Zhuang Momo was not worried, but a little annoyed. She had been on the roof for a long time just now, and she didn't find any ambush. If the other party had not left alive, she and Zhan Limo might have been two dead bodies by now.

Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo were invited into a military off-road vehicle. The windows were made of protective bars with steel bars. Once the door was locked, the front and rear seats were firmly separated into two hidden spaces, and they were not afraid of them. Escape.

After getting on the car, the car started quickly. They didn't know where these people were taking them. They drove very fast along the way and the car was bumpy. It probably wasn't going to the center of the city.

It was not ruled out that bugs and hidden cameras were installed in the car. Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo didn't talk much. They both understood what they wanted to say even by making eye contact.

Gushou and Chengqian should have been no longer in the civilian area for a long time, but in order to lure them out, they made some illusions to make Zhan Limo and Zhan Limo mistakenly think that they were still in the civilian area.

No, Zhan Limo and the other two really thought they were in a civilian area, so they obediently showed up and were arrested.

The car drove for nearly an hour, and Zhan Limo held Zhuang Momo's hand tightly and never let go for a second.

Zhuang Momo leaned gently on his shoulder, gave him a smile, and told him not to worry about her, she would not be afraid, and she also believed that the two of them could find a way to complete the task.

I don't know if it's because the two of them always take first place during training in the army, but the two of them are so confident when they encounter danger.

The car finally stopped.

The car door was opened from the outside, and what appeared in front of them were Quan Yi and Quan Er. These two people had been dealt with by them. Zhan Limo and the two were gnashing their teeth with hatred, but due to the instructions from above, Quan Yi and Quan Er were He couldn't do anything to them, so he was polite: "Mr. Zhan, please get out of the car."

Not only did they not get rid of them immediately, but they are still so polite now. These people have no time to act with them now, and they must have other motives.

Soon, Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo saw the targets of their mission, Gu Shou and Cheng Qian, and learned from their mouths the enemy's real intention of "inviting" them here.

Jushou looks young, and his eyes look kind. If you hadn't known his identity in advance, you would never have imagined how vicious he was. One of his legs is a prosthetic leg, and he walks a little stiffly. Even when he speaks, he is polite.

Cheng Qian is a little older, but not more than forty years old, with sound limbs and murderous intent in his eyes.

The true faces of these two people were completely different from what Zhan Limo and the others described in the information they had seen before.

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