My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1702: The Successor, he is in danger

Chapter 1704: The Successor, he is in danger

Gu Shou's voice was still like that of a kind elder, and his face still had a kind smile. Only his eyes hidden under the thick black glasses became vicious, like a vampire who had been hungry for a long time.


Zhan Nianbei! The war is over!

You have hurt so many of me, do you think I really just asked you for weapons?

I will use the weapons you provided me to kill your father and son with my own hands, and use your blood to sacrifice the brothers who worked for me, so that I can vent the hatred in my heart.

This two-story house is old and dilapidated, but it not only covers a large area, but also has strong walls. It does not look like a residential building for ordinary residents. It is very special.

The house is dilapidated, but fortunately the rooms are relatively large. Zhan Limo doesn't know the size of the other rooms, but he knows that the one arranged for him and Zhuang Momo is not bad.

It has windows and is very ventilated. It's much better than the low-rent house the two of them rented these days.

After entering the room, the person who led them withdrew. Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo also had a tacit understanding without saying a word, and the two communicated with their eyes.

At the end of Zhan li's observation of the room, Zhuang Momo took out the tools he carried to check if there were any eavesdropping or surveillance equipment. Strangely, nothing was found.

She gave Zhan Limo a gesture, and Zhan Limo understood: "It seems that the threats we just said when we went upstairs were not false. They know that we can't escape, and they don't bother to monitor us."

Zhuang Momo said: "After the last two incidents, I think we underestimated them. Or maybe they deliberately acted for us to get us to take the bait."

"Well, the fight between the two parties is a battle of wits and courage, but until the end, no one knows who is the winner." At the end of Zhan Li, he approached Zhuang Momo and raised his hand to rub her wrinkled lips. Brows, "Little girl, we are still alive and well. I just hope you don't frown so tightly."

Zhuang Momo: "I'm worried about you."

Zhan Limo was very good at changing topics: "Have I ever told you that you look really good when you smile. It's the most beautiful and heart-warming smile I've ever seen."

Zhuang Momo was worried about his safety, but he looked indifferent again, which made her stamp her feet anxiously: "Zhan Limo, don't make trouble, I'm talking to you about business."

"Okay, let's get down to business." Zhan Limo's face changed and he became serious in an instant, "Then tell me, what did you observe downstairs just now?"

The topic was taken away gently by Zhan Limo. Zhuang Momo immediately said: "I have seen some information, which is very similar to the shape of this building. Although the external structure of this building does not look like it, but When I walked in and took a look, it was 100% consistent with the information I knew.”

When Zhan Limo was fighting against Gushou just now, Zhuang Momo sat quietly beside him without saying a word, but that didn't mean that she was just dumbfounded and did nothing.

She did it, her task was to observe the architectural structure of the house and find out if there was any other exit besides the normal exit.

"Well, please tell me carefully." Construction knowledge is Zhan Limo's shortcoming, so Zhuang Momo is responsible for all matters in this area.

This has been the case since the two of them worked together as a team, so they can do their jobs well without having to explain things in advance or even make eye contact.

Zhuang Momo said carefully: "Thirty years ago, there was a large-scale civil war in country B. Military houses during that period were basically buildings like this. This kind of building looks old and seems to have not been beaten, but in fact the walls are It has bulletproof technology and is extremely safe.”

As she spoke, she checked Zhan Limo's reaction to see that he could keep up with her pace. She sped up her speech slightly: "Later, after the civil war ended, the new government needed land and development, so it ordered the demolition of the buildings built during that period. military housing.”

"Well, Zhan Limo nodded. I can keep up. You can go faster." Time is life to them at this moment. One moment later, they may lose their lives. So try to seize it as much as possible without wasting time.

Zhuang Momo speeded up his speech appropriately: "The data said that after the new government ordered, all the military buildings during that period were demolished. The ones I saw were from historical data. But today I saw this house In the future, I am sure that the people who worked on it did not demolish all the houses according to the above requirements. The building we are in now is a military building during the war thirty years ago. "

Zhuang Momo looked at Zhan Limo and continued: "A building like this has eight exits that can lead to the outside. Four of them are visible to us, and there are four gates on the front, back, left, and right. There are four more. We can't see it. These four invisible passages may be in a certain room or in the courtyard. The layout of each building is different. Even the person who designed and built it cannot remember clearly, so I I don’t know where the other four exits of our building are, let alone whether those four exits are blocked.”

After listening to Zhuang Momo's words, Zhan Limo showed a very sad look on his face these days: "It seems that they chose this place as their real base camp after considering all aspects. The strength of this house can prevent The people they captured can escape through four hidden passages when they are in danger."

"Well, to put it bluntly, the escape passage is the passage of life. To be honest, they chose this place because they did not miss this point." Zhuang Momo affirmed, "So those four passages are still in use, otherwise they would not have chosen here. "

Zhan Li nodded at the end: "You're right."

Zhuang Momo said: "Then I will think of a way to see if I can find out the specific locations of the four secret passages, and see if I can find out where they lead."

After understanding the situation of this building, Zhan Li was no longer worried: "Go to sleep first. When you wake up, we will think of a solution."

"Zhan Limo, if you are tired, go to bed first and I will collect some information." Zhuang Momo was worried because she knew that Zhan Limo was in a more dangerous situation than her.

The enemy wants Zhan Li to call the war chief and ask him to give them what they want in exchange. However, she knew very well that Zhan Limo would never make this call. He was just playing a delaying game with the enemy.

Zhan Limo said: "Don't worry about me, they don't dare to do anything to me."

What if you don't dare to deal with him?

Does he really think those terrorists are vegetarians?


Those people are devils with blood on their hands who kill without blinking an eye. Once they know clearly that they will not get what they want from Zhan Limo, there is no telling what they will do.

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