My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1703: The Successor, there are countermeasures

Chapter 1705: The Successor Chapter, there are countermeasures

"Zhan Limo, you are a smart man. You know better than me what chips we are holding now. Is now the time to joke?" When he faced danger, Zhuang Momo didn't act like this Too anxious.

When she decided to become a soldier, she was ready to dedicate her life to the country and the people. If she was asked to perform any task, including life-threatening ones, she would not be afraid or flinch.

But she was afraid that something would happen to Zhan Limo.

Human nature is like this. Sometimes she would rather die than see anything happen to the people she cares about. She couldn't let Zhan Limo get hurt at all.

"Well, I know, so they won't do anything to me. Look, they have arranged for us to live in such a comfortable room now. What's there to worry about?" Zhan Limo used his usual tricks to try to deceive us. Passed the test, but this time it didn't work for Zhuang Momo.

"You know what our bargaining chip is, then you know that if you keep putting off calling the war chief, they will definitely find ways to torture you and force you to fight." Zhuang Momo was really anxious, but she remained With an extremely clear mind, "They will invite you over at dawn today. We don't have time to wait any longer."

Zhan Limo always thought he was eloquent and often made Zhuang Momo speechless. But today he couldn't speak to her because she was worried about him and because she got to the point of every sentence.

At this moment, he became more and more certain that this woman had him in her heart.

At such a dangerous moment, Zhan Limo didn't think much about anything else. He just followed his heart and held Zhuang Momo into her domineeringly and forcefully. He lowered his head to cover her mouth with his lips and kissed her heartily.

Zhuang Momo was filled with anger and plans, but she slowly regained her composure because of his kiss. When he let her go, she was a little confused.

Just when she was still confused, Zhan Limo said: "Zhuang Momo, haven't we been trying to find Gushou and Chengqian these days, but we have never been able to find them. Now they are brought to us by themselves , let us finally see the goal of this mission. Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing for us to do this tonight? "

After being reminded by Zhan Limo, Zhuang Momo's head, which was so dazed by his kiss, started to think again: "You mean we are not trying to escape this time, but we are going to take away two target people."

At the end of the war, he chuckled: "smart girl."

Zhuang Momo: "But..."

Zhan Limo said with a smile: "I will definitely do it when they ask me to call. As for when the weapons will be delivered, it's hard to say. As long as they don't receive the weapons for a day, no matter how dissatisfied they are with me, they will pretend Be polite to me."

Zhuang Momo is still worried: "These people are extremely vicious, and their hands are stained with the blood of countless people. We can't guess at them by guessing ordinary people's thoughts."

Zhan Limo nodded: "Well, it's because they are extremely vicious and want to kill people every day, so weapons are very important to them. They don't act according to common sense in other matters, but in this matter, they will not mess around."

Zhuang Momo: "..."

At the end of the war, he said again: "Did you just notice how many people were in this house?"

Zhuang Momo: "About thirty people. All of them are green men, not a single woman."

"Well..." Zhan Limo also noticed, "This is just the right number of people. No one will notice if there are one or two people missing, and no one will notice if there are one or two more people."

Zhuang Mo didn't understand what Zhan Limo meant. She bit her lip and looked at him aggrievedly: "Then I'll listen to you and go to bed first."

Zhan Li finally kissed her forehead: "good night."

I don't know if it was because of meeting the target person. It was supposed to be an uneasy night, but Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo slept very soundly until noon.

The sun hung high in the sky, and the hot sunlight shone into the room, which was very dazzling. Zhan Limo turned to Zhuang Momo to block the light: "Are you full?"

He asked so gently that Zhuang Momo couldn't resist it and nodded shyly: "Well, I've had enough sleep."

At the end of the war, he moved his big palm and pressed it on her stomach: "You must be hungry."

Zhuang Momo gently held his big palm and said softly: "You didn't say that I didn't think about it, and I didn't feel hungry. When you said it, I seemed to be really hungry."

At the end of the war, he stood up and said, "Someone should have prepared meals for us. I'll have them delivered to the room and we'll eat in the room."

Zhuang Momo also sat up after him: "I didn't expect that this group of people would be quite calm, and no one would come to trouble us."

"I think the most they can do is wait until we finish lunch. I bet as soon as we put down the dishes, they will ask someone to invite us over for afternoon tea." Zhan Limo probably has a good idea of ​​what those people are thinking. .

They need weapons, because without weapons they can't implement any plan, so they can tolerate sleeping until they wake up naturally, which is the limit of their endurance.

Zhuang Momo made a cute and playful face at him: "You have always been smarter than me, I won't bet with you."

She rarely had such a naughty and cute side. Seeing this made Zhan Limo's heart feel hot, and he couldn't help but hug her and kiss her. After the kiss, he pinched her nose: "Don't seduce me with this look, I I can’t hold it back.”

Zhuang Momo jumped away and just said, "It's obvious that your thoughts are not pure."

"My thoughts are just impure. When I look at you, I am impure." At the end of the war, he admitted openly, and then added, "Who makes you look so charming?"

Zhuang Momo: "..."

This man has such a sweet mouth.

At the end of Zhan Liming, he couldn't help but laugh again: "We are a real couple, why do we still blush so easily? I remember that you, Zhuang Momo, used to be a thick-skinned person."

Zhuang Momo: "Shut up!"

"Okay, if you don't let me say it, I won't." After teasing her almost enough, Zhan Limo just stopped playing and said, "Good boy, go brush your teeth quickly, and I'll get someone to bring the food."

Soon, someone brought good wine and food.

Looking at the delicious food on the table, Zhuang Momo was so greedy that he almost drooled: "I just follow you and Mr. Zhan out to perform the mission. Even as a prisoner, I can have delicious food."

At the end of Zhan Liming, he smiled and put some food for her: "You are afraid that the wine and meat are poisoned. What we eat is food, and what is at stake is our lives."

Zhuang Momo ate the vegetables he brought, and then heard Zhan Lim say: "Little girl, you are really not afraid of death."

Zhuang Momo imitated his tone and analyzed: "They also want you, Mr. Zhan, to call Chief Zhan. Before they call, how can they be willing to poison us."

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