My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1704 The Successor, Conditions of Exchange

Chapter 1706: Successor, Exchange Conditions

"Look at your stupid head, sometimes you think about things quite thoughtfully." Zhan Limo gave her another piece of vegetables, "Let's eat more while we can. Maybe we won't even get porridge anymore." drink."

"You should eat more, you are the most tired person in the past two days." Zhuang Momo also helped Zhan Limo pick up the vegetables, and the two of them ate happily together, without any consciousness of being prisoners.

As expected, they had just put down their chopsticks after eating, and sent someone to invite them to the study. On the way there, Zhuang Momo suddenly remembered something: "At the end of the war, don't tell them to send me off first." The condition of leaving is that we both came together and we have to go back together.”

At the end of the war, he suddenly stopped and looked at Zhuang Momo seriously and solemnly: "Who told me two days ago that two people can walk one by one when they are in danger?"

Zhuang Momo: "I said it, but..."

Zhan Limo stroked her head: "I know you care about me, but if you have the chance, you must leave first. As long as you return to Jiangbei safely, I promise you, I will return to Jiangbei safely."

Zhuang Momo grabbed Zhan Limo's hand and lowered his voice: "Zhan Limo, tell me, what are you planning? I tell you, you must not take risks alone."

When Zhan Limo didn't get an answer, the person leading the way turned back to urge him, his words somewhat impatient: "Mr. Zhan, Mr. Gu has been waiting for you in the study for a long time."

Zhan Limo patted Zhuang Momo's hand: "Don't worry!"

Zhuang Momo bit her lip and didn't ask any more questions. She felt vaguely uneasy because she couldn't guess what Zhan Limo was thinking.

He repeatedly emphasized to her that in case of emergency, one person should leave first. Did he want her to leave first?

The two of them were on a mission together, how could she abandon him for her own safety?

However, there was no time for Zhuang Momo to think too much. They had already arrived at Jishou's office.

There was not only one person waiting for them in the office, but also Seongqian, Quan Yi and Quan Er. From the moment they pushed the door open and entered the room, all four pairs of eyes in the study came over and their eyes fell on the two of them. He was obviously full of hostility, but he still pretended to be a kind face.

Gushou asked with a bright smile: "Mr. Zhan, did you two have a good rest last night? Did my ignorant subordinates disturb you two from rest?"

Zhan Limo replied with a smile: "I had a good rest, but the bed was a bit hard and it was a bit bumpy when I fell asleep, but it was still within the tolerable range."

Jishou added, "Does today's lunch satisfy Mr. Zhan's appetite?"

Zhan Limo added: "The taste of the food is okay, but there is too much oil, which makes it a bit greasy. Can Mr. Gu ask the kitchen to make the dinner lighter tonight?"

Jishou smiled and said: "Of course, Mr. Zhan, you are our distinguished guest. If you have any needs, as long as they are within our ability, we will definitely comply with them."

Zhan Li nodded at the end: "Well, then there is no Mr. Lao Gu."

After being polite, the question naturally came to the point. After staring at them for a while, Jishou coughed lightly and said, "Mr. Zhan, how have you considered what you said last night?"

At the end of the war: "I promised Mr. Gu, and I must honor it. But I also want to ask, what do you think of the conditions I proposed?"

When Zhan Li made that request yesterday, Jishou made the decision that no one should be allowed to leave first, but the words were not so absolute.

However, such a long time has passed, and Jishou has already thought of his words: "Young Master Zhan and this young lady have such a good relationship, and I really can't bear to separate you. Why don't you two just stay with us for two more days, and wait?" As soon as the things we want arrive, I will arrange a special flight to take you back.”

"Mr. Gu is absolutely right. It will be hard for me to be separated from my little beauty. Then please bring your mobile phones. I will call my old man now." Zhan Limo's purpose was not really what he wanted. Let them send Zhuang Momo away. At this moment, Zhuang Momo must be within his sight before he can rest assured.

I waved my hand and someone immediately called me.

Zhan Limo picked up the phone and pressed a series of numbers skillfully. Soon the call was connected. Zhan Nianbei's voice came from the speaker of the phone: "You brat, why are you calling at this time?"

"Old man Zhan, your son, Mr. Gu, has invited me to his home as a guest. He takes good care of me. Can you do him a favor?" Zhan Limo said in a casual manner, not like he was being controlled at all. Hostage of personal freedom.

Zhan Nianbei: "You brat, you have been assigned an important job from above. If you don't work hard all day, why are you going to make random friends?"

Zhan Limo: "Old man Zhan, don't pretend to be confused. I will tell you clearly now. Mr. Gu wants some weapons. You can find a way to get them."

Zhan Nianbei was angry: "You brat, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Old man Zhan, are you confused?" Zhan Limo also raised his voice, as if he would quarrel with Zhan Nianbei if he continued speaking, "Isn't it clear enough what I said? I'm here now Mr. Gu, when you can return to Jiangbei depends on your ability to move. "

Zhan Nianbei: "What are you kidding about? Do you want to bluff me?"

At the end of Zhan Li, he turned his head and looked at Gu Shou: "Mr. Gu, he doesn't believe me even after I said so much. Why don't you tell him a few words in person."

Standing aside and listening, he had wanted to speak for a long time, but due to Zhan Nianbei's identity, he still had some scruples. Now that he had the opportunity, he really wanted it: "Then let me say a few words to Chief Zhan. "

"Here." Zhan Limo handed the phone to Gushou, and Gushou took it as cautiously as if he were holding an easily broken treasure. "Hello, Chief Zhan, I'm Gushou."

It's not that he is afraid of Zhan Nianbei, but currently only Zhan Nianbei can give him what he wants, so it will be helpful for them to be more respectful.

Zhan Nianbei: "It turns out to be Mr. Gu. I have heard your name for a long time."

Jishou said with a smile, "Commander Zhan, you're welcome!"

Zhan Nianbei: "No one knows what Mr. Gu has done. Now that you invite my son to your place as a 'guest', do you think you can threaten me?"

He kept his expression straight and said: "Chief Zhan, please don't speak so harshly. Young Master Zhan is visiting X city, and this happens to be my territory, so I will invite Young Master Zhan to my home as a guest. What's the threat?"

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