My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1705: The Successor Chapter, regardless of the life or death of his son?

Chapter 1707: The Successor Chapter, regardless of the life or death of his son?

"Not a threat? Then ask someone to send them back safely now. Can you send them back to Jiangbei safely?" Zhan Nianbei's voice was neither soft nor serious, but it had a unique majesty that belonged to him.

Thinking that he and Zhan Nianbei had been in charge of the Jiangbei Military Region for decades and had never seen anything big or small. How could he mess up everything just because of such a phone call?

The person who spoke on the other end of the phone was someone who wanted to be torn into pieces. It was that person who destroyed the power he had been building for many years. It was that person who abruptly blocked the progress of his pet project.

He hates and wants to peel off the other person's skin and let the other person kneel in front of him and admit his mistake, but this is not the right time yet, he still needs time.

Therefore, no matter how angry or resentful he was, he remained calm: "Mr. Zhan has just arrived in City I have good food and good accommodation here, and I will definitely not lose a hair on my head.”

Zhan Nianbei sneered: "What if I don't give you what you want?"

"If Chief Zhan doesn't give it, we can't force him to do otherwise." Jishou was still smiling, but his smile gradually turned sinister, "Then I have no choice but to leave Mr. Zhan and his friends to stay with me for a little longer."

Zhan Nianbei: "Since you are willing, you can keep him here as long as you want. What does it have to do with me?"


The person on the other end of the phone hung up the phone decisively and seemed very heartless.

Gushou held the phone tightly, feeling so angry that veins appeared on his forehead.

Zhan Limo shrugged and said to Zhuang Momo: "Look, I just said that I was given by the couple to charge their phone bills, but you still didn't believe it. Now seeing old man Zhan's attitude towards me, you should believe it." "

Zhuang Momo: "Chief Zhan is usually a little disappointed with you, but you are his only son after all. He can't leave you alone."

At the end of the war: "You are the best, you are the only one who cares about me."

Zhuang Momo patted him on the back: "Actually, they also care about you."

At the end of the war: "tell me, do you love me?"

Although he was acting for the enemy, Zhuang Momo couldn't help but blush when he heard Zhan Limo's inappropriate teasing: "Love, of course I love you."

At the end of the war: "Wife, I love you too!"

There were many other people in the room, but the young couple chatted and teased each other as if no one else was around, as if they didn't pay attention to the others at all. It wasn't until Stubborn coughed in dissatisfaction that they stopped talking.

At the end of Zhan Li, he looked back at Gu Shou: "Mr. Gu, you have also seen it. It's not that I don't want to call, but that I did, and Zhan Nianbei doesn't care about my life or death."

Gushou's expression was not as "kind" as Fengcai's, but his tone of voice was still polite: "Master Zhan is worrying too much. As this little sister said, you are Chief Zhan's only son, and he cannot ignore you."

Zhan Limo: "Mr. Gu, why don't you lock me up now and beat me up severely, or cut off one of my hands and one of my ears and send it to Old Man Zhan to see if he cares about me. "

Jishou really thought about doing this, but now that these words came out of Zhan Limo's mouth, he didn't dare to say: "Young master Zhan is joking, you are the distinguished guest I invited. I'm afraid I won't treat you well, how can I treat you badly?" You do such cruel things."

Zhan Limo: "Since Mr. Gu can't bear it, let me send us back to our room to rest. See if we can wait for Zhan Nianbei's call later. If not, call him again. Threaten him. Tell him that if he doesn't give you what you want, you will have no descendants."

At this moment, Gushou was thinking about Zhan Nianbei's intentions and had no intention of dealing with Zhan Limo, so he signaled his men to send Zhan Limo back to the room first.

As soon as Zhan Li finally left, Cheng Qian, who had endured it for a long time, spoke up: "What exactly does Zhan Nianbei think? He shouldn't ignore his precious son for the sake of his own status."

Gushou stroked his forehead and thought for a while, then said, "Even if he doesn't care about his precious son, his wife won't."

Cheng Qian: "You mean Qin Xiaobao?"

Gushou nodded: "Everyone who knows them knows that Zhan Nianbei obeys the words of his wife. As long as his wife knows that their son is in our hands... Do you think Zhan Nianbei will take what we want? something to exchange for.”

Cheng Qian immediately took out his mobile phone: "Then I will have someone pass this news to Mrs. Zhan's ears now. Let her help us with the next thing."

Gushou nodded and acquiesced to Chengqian's proposal.

There was no delay before Cheng Cheng, and he immediately contacted the people lurking in Jiangbei and asked them to spread the news to Qin Xiaobao's ears as soon as possible, but they quickly replied that Qin Xiaobao was now in the Qin family's Nuoyuan.

The Qin family's Nuoyuan was heavily guarded. If Qin Xiaobao didn't come out, they wouldn't be able to get in. There would be no way for the news to reach Qin Xiaobao's ears.

Cheng Qian hung up the phone and looked at Ju Shou with an expression of embarrassment: "They said Qin Xiaobao had gone to live in Nuoyuan of the Qin family, and they could not convey the news that Zhan Li was here to her."

Gushou: "What a coincidence?"

Cheng Qian asked: "Do you think Zhan Nianbei knew the news in advance and sent Qin Xiaobao to the Qin family on purpose?"

Jishou: "Although Zhan Limo did not have any communication with the outside world after he was captured by us, it cannot be ruled out that Zhan Nianbei expected that his son would be captured by us and made arrangements in advance."

Cheng Qian: "Zhan Nianbei really doesn't want his son anymore?"

Jishou: "We'll give him a few more hours. If he doesn't contact us before dinner, don't blame me for wiping out the Zhan family."

After returning to the room, the first thing Zhan Liming and Zhuang Momo did was to check whether there was any equipment monitoring them in the room. They made sure that no one had touched the room while they were away, and then they spoke.

Zhuang Momo asked in a low voice: "At the end of Zhan Li, what are your father and son's plans?"

Although she also heard what Zhan Nianbei said on the phone, she absolutely did not believe that Zhan Nianbei would not care about Zhan Limo's life or death. There must be some hint between their father and son.

Zhan Limo lay on the bed, lying comfortably in a large font: "Don't worry about what Zhan Nianbei has in mind. Just do your own thing."

Zhuang Momo: "I just observed Gu Gu's office carefully, but I didn't see anything. I'm not sure if there is a secret passage leading to the outside from his office."

Zhan Limo: "His office looks quite ordinary."

Zhuang Momo added: "But based on what I know about him in the past two days, he can tolerate you again and again. He must be very optimistic about his grand plan and great cause. Before his grand plan and great cause are completed, he He will protect his own life, so I concluded that his office should have a secret passage to the outside world."

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