My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1706: The Successor, a War of Words

Chapter 1708: The Successor Chapter, War of Words

Zhan limo nodded: "well, let's start from here."

Zhuang Momo also has his own worries: "But we are locked in this room now. Unless we insist on letting people come to us, there is no way for us to approach his office."

"The solution is to think with your brain." Zhan Limo poked Zhuang Momo's head, "While we still have some time, use your brain to think about it."

"The end of the war..."

"Don't ask anything. I'll tell you when I get back to Jiangbei."

"No matter what, you have to keep your head. I don't want to become a little widow before I even enter your house."

"Don't worry, I'm still waiting to go back to Jiangbei to marry you and give you the title of Little Mrs. Zhan."

"Why Mrs. Zhan?"

"Because there is a Mrs. Zhan at home. You shouldn't even try to take my mother's place."

"I want to grab it, but can I do it?"

"Little girl, you have a thief heart but no courage."

"Nonsense, I must have a good relationship with my future mother-in-law. From now on, when I enter your house and you bully me, someone will help me."

"Don't worry, any girl who marries into our family is treated like a treasure and has never been bullied."


"You'll know if it's true after you get married."

"After all, you still want to trick me into your home."

"Who just mentioned entering my house? It wasn't me who said it first."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this, let's think about the next plan first."

"Okay, my dear wife!"

Once again, as expected, Zhan Nianbei returned the call half an hour before dinner.

When he answered the phone, Zhan Nianbei on the other end of the phone was still very arrogant: "I can promise you today's matter, but you have to let me see my son via video. I want to confirm his personal safety."

Sticking to a smile, he smiled very proudly, proud of himself for predicting things like a god. He knew that Zhan Nianbei still couldn't let go of his precious son: "Chief Zhan, if you want to see Mr. Zhan, I will invite him over right away."

Zhan Nianbei: "Also, make sure I can contact him at any time, otherwise I can't guarantee that what you want can be delivered to you smoothly."

"Of course. Mr. Zhan is your son. Of course you can see him at any time, unless he doesn't want to see you." Jishou left himself some room in his words. The next time Zhan Nianbei called, he You can let the father and son meet, or you can not let the father and son meet. It's not that he doesn't allow it, it's because Mr. Zhan doesn't want to, and the responsibility is not on him.

How could Zhan Nianbei not understand Jushou's purpose: "Gushou, I'm warning you, don't play tricks. If he loses half a hair, I will make you walk around in pain."

Jishou smiled and said: "Chief Zhan, I know very well what kind of person you are. How dare I play any tricks in front of you. I have never thought about embarrassing Mr. Zhan, so as soon as what I want arrives, I will personally deliver it to Mr. Zhan. Young master, I’ll go back and apologize to you.”

Gushou is such a person who hides his sword in his smile. Even if he gets angry again, he even wants to cut off the opponent's head and kick it as a ball, but he still smiles all over his face, as if he is talking about a very light topic.

Zhan Nianbei warned: "As long as you understand. I'm just afraid that you won't understand and have a lucky mentality."

Jishou said: "Don't dare. Chief Zhan, please wait for a while, I will ask someone to come over right away."

Soon, Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo were invited to Gushou's office again.

There were only Gu Shou and Cheng Qian in the office, missing Quan Yi and Quan Er. Zhan Limo's eyes swept over them and then fell behind Gu Shou: "Mr. Gu, I didn't ask your people to prepare dinner for me. , why did you call us into your office again?"

Jishou and Zhan Nianbei had a video link, and he asked Chengqian to project the image of his mobile phone on the wall of the room: "Mr. Zhan, it's not that I'm troubling you, but Chief Zhan wants to see you."

"He doesn't care about my life or death, so why does he want to see me again?" Zhan Limo looked up at Zhan Nianbei in the image and said with a smile, "Chief Zhan, what are you doing?"

Zhan Nianbei in the video said angrily: "You useless thing!"

Zhan Limo shrugged indifferently: "Yeah, I'm useless. You didn't know it until today. Who are you going to act for when you're so angry?"

Zhan Nianbei: "Asshole!"

At the end of the war, his lips curled up, and his smile was indifferent, a bit self-giving: "I am a bastard, and you are my dad, then you are an old bastard."

Zhan Nianbei: "You are a beast who fails to succeed but fails to succeed. Believe it or not, I will let you die outside."

Zhan Limo: "Zhan Nianbei, I am the only son of you and your wife. Even if you don't want to save me, what about your wife? Even if she doesn't know now that you don't care about my life or death, if she knows it in the future, she won't follow you It’s weird to fight hard. Do you really dare to let me die outside?”

Zhan Nianbei: "If it weren't for your mother, you really think I would care about your life and death."

"Yes, this is your true face." Zhan Limo was still smiling, "There are only a few people in this room, so stop acting. No one will believe you if you do, so why bother."

"" Zhan Nianbei's face turned livid with anger, and he pointed at Zhan Limo, but he didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Gushou chose to stand up and speak at this time: "Chief Zhan, Young Master Zhan, you two are father and son. They both care about each other. Why hurt the harmony between father and son by being unforgiving."

The father and son are really smart, and they are still acting for him at this time. If they want to act, he will let them, father and son, act well. Believe it or not is his own choice.

At the end of the war, he said: "May I ask, Chief Zhan, what other instructions do you have?"

Zhan Nianbei took a few deep breaths and then said, "You bastard, listen to me. I will call you later, just wait for me."

Zhan Limo provocatively said: "I have very important things to do tonight, and I don't have time to listen to your sermon from the chief. If you have anything to say, just tell me now."

"You, you, you..." Zhan Nianbei called you three times, but was too angry to say a complete sentence.

"Chief Zhan has nothing to say, so I'll leave first." No matter how angry Zhan Nianbei was on the other end of the video, Zhan Li dragged Zhuang Momo away at the end of the video. After taking two steps, he turned back and said, "Gu Sir, I'm hungry, please hurry up in the kitchen."

"Yes." Ji Shou replied, but secretly thinking in his heart, "You brat, you are so arrogant even when you are about to die. You really think that we won't dare to do anything to you as long as your father is here."

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