My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1707: The Successor, Fate Is Wonderful

Chapter 1709: The Successor Chapter, Fate is Strange

After dinner, Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo were once again invited to Gushou's office. The person who came to see them was Zhan Nianbei. The father and son had another quarrel and broke up unhappy again.

Between father and son, especially in a wealthy family like the Zhan family, the father is powerful and the son is used to being arrogant and domineering. There are many examples of father and son quarreling when they meet, and Gushou does not take the quarrel between father and son seriously.

No matter what the relationship between their father and son was on the surface, Zhan Nianbei always had to give up Zhan Li, and he was nervously preparing for what he wanted.

Sticking to the situation, he sent someone to send Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo back to the room, and quietly told his subordinates to keep these two people under guard, and nothing could go wrong before the weapons were obtained.

After returning to the room, Zhan Li finally changed his careless attitude and said seriously: "Minister He's special plane will board and take off at Gate C45 of T3 Terminal of X City International Airport at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. We have to arrive at least an hour in advance. Get to the airport or miss this opportunity.”

Zhuang Momo's face was full of doubts: "Eight o'clock tomorrow morning?"

It wasn't that they couldn't determine the specific time before. They had been disconnected from the outside world for nearly 24 hours. How did Zhan Limo know the specific time?

He patted Zhuang Momo on the shoulder and continued: "Don't ask me how I know it first. We only have less than twelve hours. The time is very urgent, and no mistakes can be made in any aspect. "

"I understand." Zhuang Momo held Zhan Limo's hand, "I have confirmed that Gushou's office has a passage to the outside world. As long as we can avoid the guard patrols outside the room, we can reach his office smoothly. Now What I’m worried about is that I might not be in his office at midnight at the same time.”

"Silly girl, you don't have to worry about this. The two of them must be in the office at that time." The reason why Zhan Limo is so sure is of course not that he has any unknown information, but that someone who cooperates with him will stay at that time. The two people who live in Gushou and become Chengqian.

Zhuang Momo felt more and more that she couldn't keep up with Zhan Limo's thinking. It seemed that everything was under his control, but she knew very little: "How can you be so sure?"

Zhan Limo knocked her on the head: "You, you silly girl, do you think the young master got scolded by old man Zhan today for nothing?"

"You mean the war chief..." Zhuang Momo suddenly realized, but he thought it was impossible.

Today, when Zhan Li was on the phone with Chief Zhan, she listened to the whole process. The two of them didn't say a few normal words except for quarreling. How did they pass on the news?

"Shh..." Zhan Limo raised his big palm gently and pressed his slender fingers gently on Zhuang Momo's lips, "Now is not the time to ask these questions. I will tell you everything when I return to Jiangbei."

"Then let me get ready now." This is indeed not the time to get to the bottom of things, and Zhuang Momo will not stupidly pester Zhan Limo to ask clearly.

"Are you ready to make it clear to the world that we have taken action?" Zhan Limo poked Zhuang Momo's head again, "You, don't think too much about anything now. Take a two-hour rest while there is still some time. . Act on time at twelve o'clock tonight, we will take down Ju Shou and Cheng Qian in one fell swoop."

Zhuang Momo has been waiting for this moment for a long time. When he heard Zhan Limo say this, his eyes shone with excitement: "I have been waiting for this moment for many days, and finally I have a chance to show off my skills."

Zhan Limo frowned displeasedly: "Zhuang Momo, you are a woman, can you be a bit like a woman? It's so ugly for a little girl to speak like an old lady."

Zhuang Momo: "Don't you say I am talking about my aunt?"

"You woman, I'm too lazy to argue with you." Zhan Limo glared at her with disgust, "I don't know what the fault is that makes me fall in love with a woman like you."

"At the end of the war, what's wrong with me? Why am I not worthy of you?" Zhuang Momo also has a hot temper. When you talk to her well, she can talk to you well. You have to compete with him. She also has a bullish temper, the kind of bullish temper that even ten cows can't bring back.

At the end of the war, he raised his hands and surrendered: "I was wrong!"

Zhuang Momo: "Where did you go wrong?"

At the end of the war: "I got the advantage and behaved well. You are the most beautiful girl in the world and the most considerate girl in the world. Finding you is my blessing after eight lifetimes of cultivation."

Zhuang Momo smiled and said: "Although your words sound exaggerated, they are still very comfortable to hear."

At the end of the war: "Hypocritical woman!"

Zhuang Momo: "Zhan Limo, you really want to fight, don't you?"

"I can't afford to offend you, but I can still afford to hide." After leaving his words, Zhan Li finally turned around and entered the bathroom. The sound of showering soon sounded in the bathroom, while Zhuang Momo lay on the bed and prepared to sleep.

He said he wanted to sleep, but where could he sleep?

It was now past nine o'clock in the evening, and they had more than two hours before taking action, and this time it was related to the success or failure of the mission and the lives of both of them.

This mission was not hard at all. It was not even as hard as the days when they had to survive on a deserted island. It was just that their nerves were a little tight and they were mentally exhausted.

Success or failure is tonight. She must complete the task well and return to Jiangbei safely with Zhan Limo.

After a while, Zhan Lim came out of the shower and saw Zhuang Momo on the bed with his eyes still wide open: "Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

Zhuang Momo said lightly: "Can't sleep."

At the end of Zhan liming, he took a hairdryer to dry his hair, then he lay next to her and gently hugged her with one arm: "If you can't sleep, let's talk."

Zhuang Momo: "What are you talking about?"

At the end of the war: "As long as it's not a quarrel, we can talk about anything."

Zhuang Momo turned over and looked at Zhan Limo and his beautiful facial features. She couldn't help but reach out and touch him gently: "You have a really pretty face."

At the end of the war, he grabbed her hand, put it to his lips and kissed her: "My face has fascinated thousands of girls. How can it be possible if it's not good-looking?"

Zhuang Momo smiled: "Look at your stinky beauty."

At the end of the war: "This young master is called self-confidence."

Zhuang Momo leaned closer to him: "There is really a fate between this person. Just two months ago, I still hated you no matter how you looked at me, and I didn't like you no matter how you looked at me. I didn't expect that in this short time We have been sleeping in the same bed for two months."

In the past, when the two of them met, they would either quarrel or fight, and no one was satisfied with it. However, because the other was so outstanding, he always attracted the attention of the other person. In the midst of the quarrel, the two of them had feelings for each other. Different feelings.

Zhuang Momo sighed again, the thing about fate is really wonderful!

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