My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1709: The Successor, Another Trap

Chapter 1711: The Successor Chapter, Another Trap

Zhuang Momo pushed away the desk, lay on the ground, put her ears to the ground, and tapped her fingers gently on the floor. Soon she made a discovery: "At the end of the war, the exit is here."

At the end of the war, he was busy tying up the four people on the ground and looked back: "Well, you continue."

Zhuang Momo quickly took out a saber from her military boots and poked the floor tiles hard a few times. Then she pried up a floor tile. After the first one was pried open, it was much easier to pry the subsequent floor tiles.

After Zhuang Momo pried open a few floor tiles, she poked the cement under the floor tiles. After the cement was poked open, there was a solid wood hidden grid underneath. She pushed hard and opened a hole that was only big enough for one person to enter and exit: "At the end of the war, ,quick!"

At this time, Zhan Limo had just tied up the others, and he left the two guards at the door. Jushou and Chengqian were the ones they had to take away, and he dragged them to the exit respectively.

Zhuangmo Moriso got into the hole: "I'll go down first, and you hand these two people down to me."

At the end of Zhan Li, he turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and looked into the cave. There was a wooden ladder next to it. It looked like it was difficult to walk: "We don't know the situation down there yet, so be careful."

"Yeah. I know." Zhuang Momo nodded, "You should also pay attention to the situation behind, don't let anyone find out."

They all care about each other's safety, but no one is holding back.

Zhuang Momo quickly went down the stairs and soon reached the bottom of the cave. He used his mobile phone flashlight to illuminate the cave. The passage was very small and narrow. It was a bit difficult for one person to go out alone, not to mention that they now had to take one person out.

But Zhuang Momo was not deterred by the difficulties. She found a good position and stood: "Come."

Ji Shou and Cheng Qian are both big men and not light in weight. Zhan Limo is a little worried that Zhuang Momo can't catch them: "You come closer to the stairs and let the stairs bear some of the weight of these two people so that you can catch them."

Zhuang Momo clapped his hands: "Don't worry, I'm very strong and can catch them. If I really can't catch them, I'll throw them to the ground and I won't get hurt stupidly."

Zhan Limo praised: "After staying with me for a long time, I really become smarter and smarter."

While he was talking, Zhan Li did not stop with his hands. He stuffed Gushou into the hole first, and then put Cheng Qian down after Zhuang Momo caught him.

Catching the two people who came down from Zhan Limo, Zhuang Momo urged: "Come down quickly."

Although the men guarding outside did not dare to enter the study easily without receiving instructions from Ji Ji, it is not ruled out that they had other hints. If they were discovered, the consequences would be disastrous.

At the end of the war: "Wait a moment."

The entrance to the cave has been violently destroyed by Zhuang Momo. Once the enemy discovers something abnormal in the office, they will be able to find their escape passage as soon as they enter, and they will soon be able to pursue them through this passage.

At the end of the war, he wanted to repair it, but the possibility of recovery in such a short time was too small, so he had to pull the desk over and block it as much as possible.

In the passage, Zhuang Momo urged again: "At the end of the war, hurry up." Does that smelly man want to scare her to death if he doesn't come down yet?

"Here we come." Zhan Limo slid down the passage neatly, stood on the stairs and took some things to block the entrance. He was almost done, and he just walked down and said, "Let's go."

The passage is narrow, only large enough for one person to pass through, and now it is difficult to drag one person every step of the way. Zhuang Momo held on and broke out in hot sweat after walking in the thin underground passage for a while: "Damn, why is it so hot!"

The situation of Zhan Limo behind him was even worse than Zhuang Momo's. Hot sweat was sliding down his cheeks, and the sweat on your body was also leaking out, quickly wetting his sweatshirt.

He raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "I feel the air flow is stronger. If we hold on for a while, we should be able to get out of this secret passage soon."

However, at the end of Zhan li's life, he always felt that something was not right.

The highest temperature in City If the air doesn't circulate, it won't be as hot as it is now.

has a problem!

He looked ahead. Zhuang Momo in front of him found it difficult to take every step.

At the end of Zhan Li, he really wanted to help Zhuang Momo carry him on his back, but the terrain conditions made it impossible for him to carry two people on his back at the same time. He added, "Zhuang Momo, if you are tired, slow down."

Zhuang Momo let go and leaned against the wall to breathe heavily: "I don't feel tired, it's just that it's too hot. It makes me sweat. It consumes too much of my energy. It's really weird to say that we were in the scorching sun before. After training for a long time, I have never been as weak as now."

After saying that, she backed up and continued moving forward. She couldn't delay the whole team's schedule because of herself, but at the end of the war, was he as hot and tired as she was?

"At the end of the war, do you feel hot?"

"Yeah." Zhan Lim nodded and looked at the walls on both sides, trying to find out what happened. They must not be heated to death before they walked out of the secret passage.

"It seems that there must be some mechanism in this secret passage." Zhuang Momo speeded up slightly and said with certainty, "I have seen some information before, and some secret passages will be equipped with heating devices."

Hearing what Zhuang Momo said, Zhan Limo was almost certain that it was so hot in the dark tunnel that this kind of equipment must have been installed, but was there any way to relieve it?

Before he could ask, Zhuang Momo said again: "As long as someone comes in, the heating device will turn on, and it will explode when the temperature reaches a certain height."

Zhan Limo had never heard of this news before: "If this is the case, then when the owner of the secret passage wants to escape through the secret passage, the mechanism will activate itself and the owner will be heated to death inside?"

"At the end of the war, I'm really not talking nonsense. Follow me and walk faster. Try to get out of here before the temperature reaches the point of explosion. Otherwise, you and I will die without any body parts." The secret passage is so narrow that Zhuang Momo also She was so tired that she had no strength left, but she almost ran as fast as she could while carrying Gushou on her back. She even had to explain the reason to Zhan Limo, "People who are familiar with secret passages will turn off the heating switch in advance so that they don't Something will happen."

Zhuang Momo wanted to give himself a slap in the face: "I neglected to stick to this person. I didn't expect that he would add such a device to the original secret passage. It was my lack of consideration again. I deserve to die!"

"Don't blame yourself." It turned out to be the truth. Zhan Limo understood, "Zhuang Momo, listen to me. We may still encounter danger after we come out of the secret passage later. But you have to give me Remember, no matter what situation you encounter, you will obey my instructions. If you violate it, you will be dealt with according to military law!"

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