My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1710: Successor, obeying orders is a bounden duty

Chapter 1712: Successor Chapter, obeying orders is a bounden duty

Military justice!

These four words made Zhuang Momo tremble slightly in his heart.

Everyone in the army knows that military orders are like mountains. No matter whether the orders issued by superiors are correct or not, as long as they are orders issued by superiors, subordinates must obey them.

This is the most basic quality of being a soldier.

If violated, military law will be dealt with.

It is also a crime that no soldier can or can afford to commit.

It also means that Zhan Limo is talking to her as the leader of the group at this time, and she must obey his orders no matter what happens next.

She cannot violate it.

Zhuang Momo didn't say a word. Even though she was exhausted from the heat, she still accelerated her pace again, trying to get out of this dangerous secret passage as quickly as possible.

I don't know how long it took, but they reached the end of the secret passage.

There is no road ahead, and I don't know where the exit is. Fortunately, the end of the passage is quite big, and it can probably accommodate about four or five people.

Zhuang Momo threw Gushou to the ground: "Let me find out where the exit is first?"

At the end of the war, he left Cheng Qian and grabbed Zhuang Momo: "In case there is a scam, you watch them both, I will come to find the entrance of the cave."

Zhuang Momo knew very well that Zhan Limo didn't know anything about the secret passage of Qimen. If she found the exit, she might find it before Zhan Limo, but she was now weak and her movements were somewhat affected, so it was difficult to know who she could be. Find it first or Zhan Limo first.

And Zhuang Momo guessed that Zhan Limo made such a request because of her physical condition, so she did not refuse and quickly stepped back and leaned against the wall to rest and store up her strength.

Zhan Limo didn't understand the secret passage of Qimen, but he was smart enough. Especially in such a wide place, it was not difficult to find the exit. It didn't take him long to find the stone slab covering the exit.

He pushed hard but couldn't push it open. He didn't know what else was covered on the stone slab.

Zhuang Momo immediately stepped forward: "Let's go together."

Zhan Li nodded at the end: "Yeah."

The two looked at each other and said nothing. At the same time, they silently counted three times in their hearts, and then they worked hard together.

The two of them worked hard together, and the stone slab at the entrance of the cave showed signs of loosening, but they did not push it away. So they did it a second time, a third wasn't until the sixth time that they pushed the stone slab at the entrance of the cave.

As soon as the stone slab was pushed open, dirt fell in from the entrance of the hole. Zhan Limo had quick eyes and quick hands and pulled Zhuang Momo into his arms to protect him. The result was that Zhuang Momo didn't let the dirt touch him, but his head and face were covered with dirt.

As soon as the cave entrance was opened, a cool breeze slowly entered, which finally relieved the heat in their bodies. The fatigue of both of them seemed to have improved a lot in an instant.

Zhuang Momo looked up and saw Zhan Limo's embarrassment: "You..."

Seeing the embarrassment at the end of the war, Zhuang Momo felt angry and warm. Angry because he always took the risk to protect her safety no matter what happened, but warm because he always thought about her.

But now the situation was urgent and there was no time for the two of them. Zhuang Momo quickly climbed out of the cave and looked around. It was very dark and he couldn't see anything. He could probably tell that this was a forest.

She said: "Hand over those two people."

As soon as her voice fell, Zhan Limo had already handed Gushou to the entrance of the cave. Zhuang Momo gritted his teeth and pulled Gushou up, threw it aside, and then pulled Chengqian up.

After pulling the two up, she wanted to help Zhan Limo, but Zhan Limo didn't need her help. He grabbed the edge of the hole and came out with one neat movement.

He took out his mobile phone. It was already past three in the morning, which is the darkest period before dawn. As long as this period of time passes, it will be bright.

"We still have a few hours, we're running out of time," he said.

Zhuang Momo also understands that when he usually goes to the airport with a car, the distance in the same city without traffic jams will not exceed three hours. They now have more than four hours before eight in the morning. Speaking of which, There was plenty of time, but now they had no car and no idea where they were.

At the end of Zhan Li, he immediately used his mobile phone to locate the location and found that this place and the airport were in completely opposite directions in City X. The airport is to the west of City X, and they are now to the east of City X. The distance is nearly 90 kilometers. It usually takes more than an hour to drive on the highway. Now that we don't have a car, we have to find a way to get one.

Zhuang Momo looked at Zhan Limo, who said, "Let's find a way out of the woods first and look for nearby residents to see if they have cars."

They have no one to support them, so now this is the only way.

But just as they were carrying Ji Shou and Cheng Qian, dazzling lights suddenly lit up from all directions. The lights were so dazzling that they could not see anything for several seconds.

After the two of them got used to the light, there was already a dense circle of people surrounding them. At a glance, there were about two or three people, and the leading ones standing in front were the two people they had seen, Quan Yi and Quan Er.

Quan Yi held a big loudspeaker in his hand: "Mr. Zhan, our Mr. Gu invited you two to our home. Can you see what you two have done? In the middle of the night, you two want to marry our Mr. Gu and Cheng Where are you taking me sir? Since you don’t have to drink wine as a penalty, don’t blame us for being rude to you two.”

Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo walked through the "sauna" secret passage for more than an hour with Gu Gu and Cheng Qian, and they went through a lot of hardships before they came out. As soon as they came out, they were surrounded by enemies again.

At this time, Zhan Limo felt as if he had eaten explosives and could explode at any moment. Zhuang Momo noticed his emotions and quietly pulled the corners of his clothes to signal him to calm down.

At the end of Zhan li's life, he glanced coldly at the people surrounding them, and then fell behind Zhuang Momo.

Zhuang Momo grabbed his hand and whispered: "Don't worry about me, let's break out together."

At the end of the war, he suddenly hugged her with such force that he felt like he was going to rub her into his bones and blood, and then whispered in her ear: "Zhuang Momo, these people will not act with us again this time." We have to fight hard to complete the mission. I will hold them back for a while, and you can try to grab the car in front of you, take Ju Shou and Cheng Qian away, and meet up with Minister He before eight o'clock."

"Zhan Limo, I don't want..." Zhuang Momo refused loudly. She grabbed the car and ran away first, leaving Zhan Limo alone to fight with twenty or thirty people.

These people are extremely vicious people. Even if Zhan Limo is made of iron, he cannot defeat so many people. But before she finished her words of rejection, she heard Zhan Limo say something softly in her ear. : "Zhuang Momo, we are soldiers, and obeying orders is the bounden duty of soldiers. When we go out to perform tasks, we must complete the tasks even if we lose our lives."

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