My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1712 The Successor, Death

Chapter 1714: Successor, Death


A certain cemetery.


As a low and suppressed male voice sounded, everyone present raised their hands in a military salute.

Pay the highest courtesy to their heroes.

The ceremony is over.

Qin Xiaobao, who had endured it for a long time, couldn't control it after all. Tears flowed out. His body went limp and he knelt down with a thud. She wanted to ask how Zhan Limo could bear to leave her, but when the words came to her lips, she felt heartbroken. I couldn't even shout.

Zhan Nianbei wanted to pull her up, but she threw her arm away as soon as he touched it.

Zhan Nianbei also wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word either. He only felt a lot of bitterness welling up in his heart, but he could only swallow it all back into his stomach.

That was his and Qin Xiaobao's only son, the son she gave birth to for him after ten months of hard work. He especially remembered the day the child was born, when Qin Xiaobao said to him proudly: "Zhan Nianbei, your Zhan family has a son."

He had told Qin Xiaobao more than once that it didn't matter whether she had children or not. Their Zhan family didn't have a throne to inherit, as long as she lived happily and comfortably.

But Qin Xiaobao, who had always been willful, was very insistent on this matter. She always said that she wanted to leave some incense for their Zhan family, but he understood that she just wanted a child for him and hers.

"Xiaobao..." Jianran came to Qin Xiaobao, gently called her name, and said no more. She hugged Qin Xiaobao tenderly and patted her back gently.

The cruelest thing in the world is for a white-haired person to give a black-haired person a gift. The pain when Jian Ran lost the child in her belly was heartbreaking, not to mention that Qin Xiaobao lost the child he had raised for more than 20 years.

At the end of the war, when he was still young, his life had just begun, but fate cruelly stopped him.

He can no longer see how bright the sun is now, how beautiful the starry sky is at night, and he can't even lead his beloved woman into marriage and promise her a bright future.

Thinking of this, Jian Ran slightly increased her strength in holding Qin Xiaobao, hoping that she could share some of Qin Xiaobao's pain, but there was nothing she could do.

Zhuang Momo stood in front of the tombstone with an upright posture and did not shed a single tear, perfectly expressing the iron blood of a soldier.

Because Zhan Limo was holding back the enemy that day, she hurriedly met with Minister He before eight o'clock. After handing the prisoner to Minister He, she hurried back to find Zhan Limo, but before she got in the car, she saw An off-road vehicle sped towards her.

The car stopped dozens of meters in front of her.

She took a quick look and saw Zhan Limo sitting in the driver's seat.

"At the end of the war!" She called his name. The smile just climbed onto her cheeks, but her expression changed instantly when she saw clearly that his head and face were covered with blood, "You..."

She ran over like crazy.

At the end of Zhan Li, he opened the car door and stumbled out of the car. He looked at her, and the corners of his blood-stained lips slowly rose: "Zhuang Momo, I promised you that I would come back to see you alive."

"Don't talk, let's go to the hospital now." She wanted to hug him, but he was covered with injuries, there was no good skin on his body, and there was a piece of flesh missing from his arm. She didn't dare to hug him, she was afraid of touching him. The wound hurt him.

"No..." Zhan Limo grabbed her with his bloody hands, swallowed his saliva, and said a word with difficulty, "Zhuang Momo, I still have something to say to you."

"Stop talking, I'll help you stop the bleeding first." Zhuang Momo forced himself to calm down, but the hands holding him still couldn't help but tremble, and tears flowed from his eyes. "At the end of the war, Minister He has a medical team beside him. Let’s go find them now.”

He shook his head and wanted to stand up straight, but he had no strength. He could only rely on her and lean his weight on her: "Zhuang Momo, actually I never really liked you."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense. I will take you to a doctor right now." Zhuang Momo yelled and tried to pick him up, but their height difference was too big and she couldn't hold him at all, so she thought of carrying him on her back. , but he refused.

He took a deep breath and said: "Zhuang Momo, the reason why I pursue you is because you are not obsessed with me like other girls. You always go against me and arouse my interest, so I want to I must conquer you. Returning to Jiangbei to get married is just a joke I made on you. I really don’t like you, an ordinary girl, and you are not worthy of marrying into our Zhan family.”

He slowly finished speaking word by word, as if all his strength had been exhausted, and slowly let go of her hand: "Zhuang Momo, you must remember firmly that from now on, you and I will never have anything to do with each other." It doesn’t matter at all.”

"At the end of the war, I told you not to talk nonsense. You promised to marry me when you return to Jiangbei. You are not allowed to break your promise, otherwise I will never be done with you in the next life." Tears flowed from Zhuang Momo's eyes like a flood that broke a bank. It dripped on Zhan Limo's face, but he no longer had the strength to support it, and slowly closed his eyes in her arms: "Zhuang Momo, I don't like you..."

I do not like you!

At the last moment of his life, he said these five words to her.

How could Zhuang Momo not understand his good intentions.

This man not only risked his life to save her, but he also thought about her future at the last moment of his life.

But why didn't he know that without him in the future, there would never be another man who would love her, protect her, and pamper her like he did...

She only wants him.

As long as he ends the war.

She held Zhan Limo's injured body tightly in her arms, and roared heartbreakingly: "Zhan Limo, wake up, come back, you said you will marry me when you return to Jiangbei after completing your mission." , you must keep your word.”

On the day he left for the mission, he told her that he would report his marriage to his superiors when he returned to Jiangbei after completing the mission. She still clearly remembered the high-spirited way he spoke that day.

He is Zhan Limo, the one who attracts countless screaming girls wherever he goes. It's the Zhan Limo who has always been aloof, proud and outstanding.

In a trance.

Zhuang Momo heard Zhan Limo's domineering and arrogant voice ringing in his ears again.

"Man, only a blind man can like a woman like you."

"Man, are you looking for death?"

"Man, which one of your eyes saw that this young master cheated?"

"Zhuang Momo, you damn woman, I have to be blind to fall in love with you."

"Zhuang Momo, remember this for me. From now on, I will officially pursue you. From now on, you will be my woman. From now on, you must act like a woman and don't hit people easily."

"Zhuang Momo, you have finally become my young master's woman."

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