My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1713: The Successor, is that just a dream?

Chapter 1715: The Successor Chapter, that’s just a dream, right?

"At the end of the war, don't..."

"Momo, wake up! Wake up!" As soon as Zhuang Yindi entered the room, she saw Zhuang Momo waving his hands and crying and shouting. She knew that Zhuang Momo was dreaming again.

Five days ago, she had been suffering from a high fever since she heard the news of Zhan Limo's disappearance. The high fever did not go away for several days, and she was in a daze.

It was not until this afternoon that Zhuang Momo's fever subsided a little, and his physical condition was much more stable than the previous few days.

Seeing that Zhuang Momo's physical condition improved, Zhuang Yindi, who had been by Zhuang Momo's side for a few days, took the time to go out and buy some daily necessities. She only went out for half an hour, and when she came back, she saw the same situation again.

Zhuang Momo was in bad condition. Zhuang Yindi was anxious and distressed. She hurriedly took a tissue to wipe Zhuang Momo's tears: "Momo, wake up! Wake up quickly! This is a nightmare. It will be fine when you wake up."

However, Zhuang Momo couldn't hear it. Her tears were like a flood that broke a bank. She couldn't stop it no matter how hard she burst. She even flowed more and more. She shouted heartbreakingly: "At the end of the war, come back." , come said you wanted to marry me, you can't keep your word..."

"Stinky girl, at the end of the war, he just disappeared, not dead. Why are you crying? Do you have to cry for him to make you happy?" Zhuang Momo couldn't be woken up by gentleness, so Zhuang Yindi pinched Zhuang Momo's shoulders. Shake hard, "Zhuang Momo, you useless guy, wake up quickly."

Zhuang Momo, a girl, was so seriously injured in order to complete the task. After returning to Jiangbei, she didn't even say a word about the pain and how to train.

Zhan Limo failed to come back with her, and she didn't ask any questions. She didn't even shed a tear until she got the news about Zhan Limo. It wasn't until Zhuang Momo received the news that Zhan Limo was confirmed to be missing five days ago. , her whole body collapsed instantly, and she fainted on the spot.

Zhuang Momo pretended to be strong, Zhuang Yindi always saw it in her eyes and felt distressed in her heart.

These days, she tried to persuade Zhuang Momo a lot, but no matter how much she tried to persuade him, she couldn't listen. In the past few days, Zhuang Momo either had a high fever and couldn't wake up, or even when he woke up, he was unwilling to say a word.

She used to be such a cheerful and lively girl, but now...

Thinking of this, Zhuang Yindi gasped in pain.

If the person lying here having nightmares and unwilling to wake up was not Zhuang Momo, Zhuang Yindi felt that she would slap him hard without hesitation, but the other person was Zhuang Momo, her most distressed sister. She was reluctant to let go, only Patiently advised: "Momo, listen to the second sister and wake up quickly. As long as you wake up, everything will be fine."

"Yindi, what's wrong with Momo?" Zhuang's mother, who was carrying soup to see her younger daughter, saw her eldest daughter holding her younger daughter and rocking her. She hurried over and almost spilled the soup she had worked hard to cook for several hours. " What's going on here?"

"Mom, it's okay, don't worry, she just can't wake up from her nightmare." Zhuang Yindi felt distressed and anxious, "Zhuang Momo, do you want everyone to worry about you to make you happy?"

"Yindi, don't talk about your sister like that. You go out first and let me persuade your sister." Zhuang's mother felt sorry for her little daughter and couldn't bear for her to be hurt by her second daughter, even though she knew her second daughter had no ill intentions.

Zhuang Yindi: "Mom...I..."

"I know you care about your sister, but you are afraid that she won't want to wake up. Yindi, don't worry, mom is here. Mom will advise your sister to go out." After Zhuang's mother sent Zhuang Yindi away, she sat down in the village. Beside Momo, while wiping her little daughter's tears, she said, "Momo, do you know how sad your sick mother is?"

"You must not know." Mother Zhuang sighed, her nose felt sore, her eyes suddenly turned red, and tears rolled in her eyes, "If you knew, how could you not cherish your body so much."

Mother Zhuang continued: "You were born in my ten-month pregnancy, and you are a piece of meat that fell off my mother's body. Seeing you hurt yourself to death because of a man, my mother felt so cold that she could freeze a popsicle. .”

"Maybe you want to ask mom why, but let me tell you, no one wants to see their daughter hurt her body because of a man. Parents are even less willing to see their daughter abandon her parents for a man."

"Yes, mom knows that that man is very kind to you, and you love him very much, but..." Zhuang's mother didn't want to cry, but she couldn't control her tears when she thought of these things. She wiped away her tears before she could talk properly, " Momo, if you really love him, then you should live well and wait for him to come back to you."

"Momo, he saved your life. He kept you alive because he wanted you to live happily, not to hurt yourself like this." Seeing Zhuang Momo's mood improving, Zhuang's mother spoke even harder, " To truly love someone is not to die with them, but to shoulder the responsibilities of both people and continue to live well, along with their share of life. "

Zhuang's mother stroked Zhuang Momo's forehead and said earnestly, "My silly daughter, think about it carefully, and when you understand it, wake up and don't lie in bed anymore and be lazy."

"Mom..." After hearing what his mother said, Zhuang Momo slowly opened his eyes. There was self-blame, annoyance, and a lot of fear and fear in her eyes.

"Momo, you're awake." Zhuang's mother wiped away her tears with a relieved smile on her face, "I knew that as long as my daughter was willing, she would be able to survive."

Zhuang Momo blinked and tried hard to blink back the tears in her eyes, but the tears didn't obey her at all, and rolled down her cheeks one after another: "Mom, I..."

"Momo, mom tells you that the best news is that there is no news about the end of Zhan Li." Zhuang's mother hugged Zhuang Momo tightly, stroked her head, and comforted her softly, "You think about it, at the end of Zhan Li He is so smart and powerful, nothing will happen to him, and he will definitely come back. You will definitely do what he promised you."

It turned out that Zhuang's mother didn't know that Zhuang Momo and Zhan Limo had agreed to report the marriage to their superiors after completing the task and returning to Jiangbei. This was the news that Zhuang Momo revealed in a coma these days.

Zhuang's mother said this to Zhuang Momo, but she herself didn't believe there would be a miracle. So many days have passed, but she still hasn't found any news about Zhan Limo.

"Mom..." Zhuang Momo held her mother's hand tightly, as if grasping the last life-saving straw, "He will be fine, he will come back, right?"

Even if the hope is slim, there is hope after all. Zhuang Momo nodded heavily: "Well, he will definitely come back."

"Yes, he will definitely come back. He promised me." Zhuang Momo wiped away his tears hard, took a deep breath, and said with firm eyes, "I will definitely get him back."

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