My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1714: The Successor, Keep Calm

Chapter 1716: Successor Chapter, Keep Calm

However, that dream was so real that Momo could feel the pain just by breathing together.

"Momo, dreams are opposite to reality. Bad things happen in dreams, but good things often happen in real life." Zhuang's mother held Zhuang Momo's hand tightly, "But no matter whether it's good or bad, We all have to face it bravely. Life is a process of growth, and you will grow up only after experiencing it, just like the most beautiful rainbow always appears after the storm."

Many people understand these principles, and Zhuang Momo will not understand them, but if they understand, many people will advise others, but they are always at a loss when they encounter them themselves.

The same goes for Zhuang Momo. There is nothing wrong with her being a soldier, but when it comes to feelings, she is just an ordinary girl. Her beloved boy is now in an unknown situation in order to save her. How can she not be worried or sad?

Of course, Zhuang Momo understands, and so does Zhuang's mother. She can see many things more clearly after experiencing them: "My child, mother knows that the incident at the end of Zhan Li came too hard and hit you too hard. In your heart, you don't want to Accept the fact that he is missing. But the fact is already in front of you. Even if you can't accept it, what can you change?"

Zhuang Momo knew he couldn't, but he couldn't be rational enough not to feel sad.

Zhuang’s mother added, “You know you can’t, so why would you hurt yourself like this?”

Zhuang Momo: "Mom..."

She didn't hurt herself, but she couldn't accept the fact that Zhan Li was missing. She blamed herself more.

On that day, if she had acted faster and handed the prisoner into Minister He's hands earlier, she could have gone back to pick up Zhan Limo earlier, then the situation might have been different.

It would be a few days before I heard the news about the end of the war.

The captain told her that Zhan Limo was missing!


After she left that day, what else happened at the end of the war?

Zhuang Momo didn't dare to think about it, because the more he thought about it, the more he became afraid.

Dong Dong——

A sudden knock on the door interrupted the conversation between Zhuang Momo and Zhuang's mother. The mother and daughter looked back at the door of the room at the same time and saw a beautiful, dignified and generous woman.

She stood at the door, smiling softly.

Zhuang Momo recognized that this beautiful woman was Zhan Limo's mother, Qin Xiaobao.

It seems that Zhan Li's disappearance at the end of the war did not have much impact on Qin Xiaobao. Qin Xiaobao still looked like the last time Zhuang Momo saw him, bright and charming, with his usual smile on his face.

Zhan Li has disappeared at the end of the war. Why can Qin Xiaobao, the mother of Zhan Li, still smile so calmly? Wasn't she worried at all that her son was missing?

When he first met Qin Xiaobao, Zhuang Momo felt that Qin Xiaobao was no different from an ordinary mother. At this moment, Zhuang Momo suddenly felt that he had never understood Qin Xiaobao's thoughts.

Zhuang Momo tried hard to collect his emotions and quickly got out of bed: "Auntie, you are here."

"My child, you are still sick. You don't need to get up." Qin Xiaobao stepped forward and pushed Zhuang Momo back to sit on the hospital bed. He smiled slightly and said, "Momo, did I disturb your mother and daughter's chat?"

"No, no." Zhuang Momo quickly introduced, "Mom, this is Mrs. Zhan, Zhan Limo's mother."

Qin Xiaobao said enthusiastically: "My future in-laws are wonderful."

Mother Zhuang stroked her forehead in embarrassment: "Hello, Mrs. Zhan."

When they met for the first time, Qin Xiaobao called her mother-in-law. Mother Zhuang was extremely embarrassed, but Qin Xiaobao is also a passionate person. Of course, her enthusiasm is not for everyone, but for the people she likes.

She held Zhuang's mother's hand: "Future mother-in-law, sooner or later we will be a family. This name can be called Adaptation in advance. Don't call her Mrs. Zhan or anything like that. Just listen to the birth."

"Yes, yes..." Zhuang's mother kept saying yes, but she couldn't say her mother-in-law. How can there be any reason for a daughter to recognize her biological mother before she gets married?

"My mother-in-law, I have been busy with some things at home these two days. Momo was sick and hospitalized and I couldn't come in time to take care of her. Please forgive me for causing you trouble." Qin Xiaobao didn't mention Zhan Limo, but he said his mother-in-law. .

These words were actually a little uncomfortable to Zhuang's mother's ears, but she was a person with high emotional intelligence, and she did not show her discomfort on her face: "As for Mrs. Zhan, Momo is my child, even if She is married, and she is still my child. I am happy to take care of her, so there is nothing to worry about. "

"Momo, these days when Zhan Limo is away have been hard on you." Qin Xiaobao touched Zhuang Momo's face and held Zhuang Momo's hand in his palm, "Look at you, you are better than the last time I saw you. Much thinner now.”

"Auntie..." Zhuang Momo didn't understand the purpose of Qin Xiaobao's visit this time. He looked at Qin Xiaobao confusedly and heard Qin Xiaobao say, "Girl, no matter what others say, you have to believe that Zhan Limo is just Missing, he will be back soon."

Zhuang Momo: "Auntie, at the end of the war, he..."

Qin Xiaobao interrupted Zhuang Momo: "My child, Zhan Limo's disappearance has nothing to do with you. You are soldiers, and completing the tasks assigned by your superiors is the first priority. Don't blame yourself."

"Auntie, I..." Qin Xiaobao's words pierced Zhuang Momo's heart. Yes, after learning the news of Zhan Limo's disappearance, she was sad and distressed, and she also had self-blame that others could not see.

Neither her mother nor sister noticed it, but Qin Xiaobao saw through it at a glance.

Qin Xiaobao patted her hand and said, "son, from now on you will work hard when you need to work, rest when you need to rest, and don't worry too much about Zhan Limo. His good brothers have arranged for people to find him, There will be good news soon."

After listening to Qin Xiaobao's words, Zhuang Momo realized how naive and stupid she was. In the first two minutes, she even doubted Qin Xiaobao's love for Zhan Limo.

At this moment, he was slapped hard in the face.

From Qin Xiaobao's words, Zhuang Momo just understood how much Qin Xiaobao's ability to withstand a major blow came, and how low her Zhuang Momo's ability to withstand a blow was.

When faced with the news of Zhan Limo's disappearance, she collapsed instantly, and the idea of ​​staying with him if he died flashed through her mind, but now she looked at Zhan Limo's mother, Qin Xiaobao.

She foolishly thought that Qin Xiaobao would still laugh but didn't care about Zhan Limo.

Now it seems that she was terribly wrong.

Every look in Qin Xiaobao's eyes showed how much she cared about her son, but she was so worried about her son, but she didn't cry. She stayed calm and elegant, and even came to persuade her and Qin Xiaobao. After a comparison, Zhuang Momo realized that he was really nothing.

Isn't Qin Xiaobao worried about the end of the war?

No, she was worried beyond belief, but she knew the best way to solve the problem at a time like this was to stay calm, so she did.

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