My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1715: The Successor, are you the devil who punishes me?

Chapter 1717: The Successor Chapter, are you the devil who punishes me?


Many complex emotions surged into Zhuang Momo's heart, leaving her with a lot to say to Qin Xiaobao, but she opened her mouth but couldn't say anything.

"My child, I'm fine, don't comfort me." In fact, Zhuang Momo didn't need to say too much. Qin Xiaobao could also read what Zhuang Momo wanted to say from his eyes.

She raised her hand, stroked Zhuang Momo's head, and said with a slight smile: "My child, even if the future results are not good, life still has to go on. You have to understand that the sun will rise as usual every day, and it will not Change because of someone.”

"Auntie..." Zhuang Momo grabbed Qin Xiaobao's hand with his backhand. He was so excited that he wanted to say something, but once again, he swallowed up everything he wanted to say under Qin Xiaobao's gaze.

She thought Qin Xiaobao came to give her hope, but at this moment she knew that even Zhan Limo's mother Qin Xiaobao had made the worst plan for Zhan Limo's disappearance.

Qin Xiaobao patted Zhuang Momo's hand: "Son, I have some things to do today, so I'll leave first. You have a good rest, and I will find time to see you another day."

Until Qin Xiaobao walked out of the ward, Zhuang Momo couldn't say a word. She watched Qin Xiaobao leave. In a daze, she saw Qin Xiaobao was a little stunned when he walked out of the door of the ward.

But when she looked carefully, she didn't see anything unusual about Qin Xiaobao.

Zhuang's mother beside her withdrew her gaze and fell on Zhuang Momo, raised her hand to stroke Zhuang Momo's head, and sighed: "I heard before that Chief Zhan's wife is an unreliable woman. I guess it's true. , I often do things that cause trouble for the war leader, but now it seems that this is not the case at all. "

"Some people look dishonest on the surface, but they are as clear as a mirror in their hearts." Similarly, after meeting Qin Xiaobao for the first time, Qin Xiaobao's first impression of Zhuang Momo was that of an unreliable mother, but Today she doesn't think so.

"Mrs. Zhan is just such a person," Zhuang's mother said.

"Some people usually act like they are not serious, but their key performance is absolutely unexpected. He is smart, decisive, dares to think and do, can take responsibility, and can make his companions feel at ease..." In Zhuang Momo's heart Zhan Limo was such a person, and now she felt that Qin Xiaobao was also such an outstanding person.

Zhan Limo's excellence is inseparable from the fact that he has such excellent parents.

"Momo..." Zhuang's mother hugged Zhuang Momo distressedly and said nothing to persuade her. Because Zhuang's mother understands that Zhuang Momo has listened to too much advice these days. What Zhuang Momo needs is not persuasion, but a warm and strong embrace, and she, as a mother, can give this to Zhuang Momo.

Even though it has entered autumn, the weather in Jiangbei is still very hot. The scorching sun shines so hot on the earth that it almost cooks the pedestrians walking on the street.

It was obviously such a hot weather, but Qin Xiaobao felt no warmth at all while walking on the street. Her whole body was cold, from the heart to the outside, from the feet to the head.

She had experienced such despair once in her life. She was so desperate that she thought the sun would never rise again. She was so desperate that she felt that every minute and every second of her life was suffering.

But that was a long, long time ago. It has been so long that Qin Xiaobao has almost forgotten that desperate and almost suffocating feeling...

how long?

She couldn't remember it, and she didn't want to think about it.

Some things are better confused than understood, so there is a saying that pretending to be confused while pretending to understand.

She wanted to keep walking like this, keep walking, and when she got tired, her son would appear in front of her and say to her happily, "Mrs. Zhan, I'm teasing you."

Qin Xiaobao thought that this time was like many times in the past. It was the careless Zhan Limo who was teasing her, but she clearly understood that Zhan Limo was really missing and was carrying out the arrangements made by his biological father. missing during the mission.

A few days ago, she felt vaguely uneasy and eager to see her son, but Zhan Nianbei told her that Zhan Li was only going out to perform an ordinary task.

Ordinary tasks can make life and death unknown?

Does Zhan Nianbei think she, Qin Xiaobao, has become stupid?

Qin Xiaobao doesn't want to think about many things, nor does she want to confront Zhan Nianbei, because she knows very well that once she says something, no one will be hurt.

She didn't know how long she had been walking, but Qin Xiaobao felt that her body was getting lighter and lighter, so light that she could hardly feel her own existence. Just when she thought she would fall like this, a gloomy voice sounded in her ears: "Qin Xiaobao, you Don’t die!”

It's Zhan Nianbei!

It had also been a long, long time since Zhan Nianbei had spoken to her in such a tone. Hearing this now made Qin Xiaobao feel a little dazed, as if time had gone back to before they got married, to the days when she was madly pursuing him.

The days when she was madly pursuing him seemed very hard to many people, but she didn't find it hard at all. How could it be hard when she could chase the man she loved every day?

After chasing Zhan Nianbei for so long, she never felt hard because she knew that this man would belong to her sooner or later.

What frightened her and made her despair was when she knew her true life experience, because she could no longer see hope, and she felt that the man she had been holding tightly in her hands was getting farther and farther away from her.

Looking at Zhan Nianbei in front of her, Qin Xiaobao's thoughts returned to the past. She raised her hand to stroke the stubble he left, and suddenly smiled: "Zhan Nianbei, I must have owed you too much in my previous life, and I owe you so much in this life." To pay off the debt.”

Zhan Nianbei held her hand and picked her up by the waist: "Qin Xiaobao, how many words do you remember about what I told you?"

Qin Xiaobao didn't want to hear what he said. She looked at him and shook her head: "Zhan Nianbei, who are you? Why do I feel more and more like I don't know you?"

Zhan Nianbei: "Go back with me now."

Qin Xiaobao let him hold him without struggling, and even smiled at him: "You know, when I knew that I was just an adopted child by the Qin family, I was not sad or despised life."

Zhan Nianbei slightly tightened his grip on her: "Qin Xiaobao, shut up."

Qin Xiaobao hooked his neck with one hand: "The first time I felt despair was because I knew my true life experience, because this matter was related to you. The second time I felt despair, it was because of you again. Because you put My son was let out and he was not brought back safely."

Qin Xiaobao knew that Zhan Nianbei, the top leader of Jiangbei Military Region, could not be blamed for this matter, but Zhan Nianbei was not only the top leader of Jiangbei Military Region, he was also her husband and Zhan Limo's father.

If she couldn't even question this, what else could she do?

She was obviously smiling, but she shed tears when she smiled: "Zhan Nianbei, are you a god sent by God to save me, or a devil sent by God to punish me?"

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