My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1716: The Successor Chapter, there seems to be another hidden secret

Chapter 1718: The Successor Chapter, there seems to be another hidden secret

"Qin Xiaobao..."

The three words Qin Xiaobao came out of Zhan Nianbei's mouth. It was obviously the familiar name he called every day, but this call seemed to have taken all his life's energy.

"Ha..." Qin Xiaobao smiled softly, "Chief Zhan, do you have any orders for calling me by my name like this? But no matter what orders you have, please answer my questions first."

"Zhan Limo is also my son, my only son. And he is the son you worked so hard to give birth to for me in ten months of pregnancy." Zhan Nianbei almost yelled these words. Qin Xiaobao questioned him like this and he wanted to strangle her to death. Doesn't she understand what kind of person he is?

But Zhan Nianbei's anger disappeared involuntarily when he met Qin Xiaobao's sad eyes. All that remained in his heart was tenderness for her. He slowly softened his voice: "Give me some time, and I will give you a satisfactory answer." 's reply.

"Zhan Nianbei!" Qin Xiaobao looked at him and called out his name in a gentle voice, like a gentle whisper between lovers, but also as fierce as an enemy's fight to the death, "Do you think I want an answer from you? I What he wants is my son!”

He is obviously the person who understands her best, why doesn't he understand her at this time?

All these years, what she wanted was simple.

She wanted him, his son, and a family of three to live a simple life, it was that simple.

How could he not understand her?

"I know! I know everything!" Zhan Nianbei held the struggling Qin Xiaobao tightly in his arms, gently patted her back with one hand, and lowered his voice and said in her ear, "Qin Xiaobao, give it to me again A little time. I will return our son to you in good health."

"What did you say?" The pupils of Qin Xiaobao's eyes suddenly enlarged. He couldn't believe what Zhan Nianbei just said, and he was afraid that it was his own hallucination.

Man, what is worse than despair is to let you see hope first and then give you a fatal blow.

"Qin Xiaobao, you heard it right, and I said it right, but there are some things that I can't let you know yet, so you have to use your expertise and continue to act." Military secrets cannot be revealed even a word , but in front of Qin Xiaobao, Zhan Nianbei, who had always been unselfish, softened his heart.

In this life, he spent almost all his energy on Jiangbei Military Region. It was he who made Jiangbei Military Region perform the best among all military regions in the country. Apart from work, the only thing he could worry about was his wife and children.

Qin Xiaobao broke into his life accidentally and became the most important person in his life. His greatest pleasure in this life is to make Qin Xiaobao happy every day.

Before marrying Qin Xiaobao and going home, he secretly made a vow that no matter how much time passed, Qin Xiaobao would still laugh brightly like a child and never have to disguise his emotions.

He always thought that he was doing a good job. He could see Qin Xiaobao's bright smile almost every day, but this time it was because of him that Qin Xiaobao almost collapsed.

It was his lack of consideration that made her suffer so much.

Qin Xiaobao opened his mouth and wanted to say something: "Zhan Nianbei..."

Zhan Nianbei stopped him first and said, "Qin Xiaobao, don't ask about other things. When the time is right, I will tell you everything you want to know. Now you just need to believe me."

"I..." Qin Xiaobao stared at him again and again. After a while, he bit his lip and squeezed out three words from between his teeth, "I believe you."

He told her to believe, and she believed in him. It had been like this for so many years, and he had never let her down.

After all, what Qin Xiaobao wants is just this sentence. With Zhan Nianbei's comfort, she can see hope and firmly believe that their son will return safely.

Jiangbei, Nuoyuan.

After the news of Zhan Limo's disappearance came out, the Qin family, who were working all over the world, rushed back to Jiangbei and gathered in Nuoyuan to discuss Zhan Limo's affairs.

After learning the news about Zhan Limo's disappearance, Jian Ran was so worried that she didn't have a good sleep for several nights. She seemed to have no energy at all. It hurt in Qin Yue's eyes: "Jian Ran, you Go back to the house and rest for a while.”

Jian Ran shook her head: "We have watched Xiao Limo grow up. He has been a loved one since he was a child. We have seen him get married and start a business soon... Who would have known that this happened suddenly? I feel very distressed when I think about it, not to mention Xiaobao. I will cook soup and send it to Xiaobao in the hospital."

In order to cooperate with Zhan Nianbei's tricks, Qin Xiaobao "fainted" after hearing Zhan Nianbei's words in the morning. He is now living in the special care ward of the hospital. It is rumored that he is not awake yet.

Because the matter was very confidential, Zhan Nianbei made an exception and asked Qin Xiaobao to continue acting after knowing the news. Therefore, the Qin family did not know that Qin Xiaobao's faintness was just a fake.

As the eldest son of the family, Qin Yinze is the first to stand up when something happens: "Dad, Mom, I have arranged for people to go to X city to find someone, and there will be accurate news soon. Don't worry too much, don't want anyone I was exhausted before I found you."

Qin Yinjian was not idle either. He said: "The relationship between our country and Country B is tense now. The top leader of the Jiangbei Military Region beside my uncle, everything must be focused on the overall situation. He cannot send people to investigate the end of the war." Leave it to us two brothers.”

"Mom, Dad, I have arrangements here, don't worry." Both sons of the Qin family spoke. As the son-in-law, Lie naturally couldn't say nothing. Even though he never liked talking in front of Qin Yue, This time I have to stand up and take on the responsibility.

Son, daughter-in-law, daughter and son-in-law, all of them are the best among people. They usually take care of all the big and small things at home. Jianran and Qin Yue live a very leisurely life as two people and don't interfere much in the business world. things on.

Qin Yue can rest assured to leave matters in the business to his son, and Qin Yinjian also has the ability, but this time is different. This time their relatives are missing. It is impossible for them not to worry at all. .

"Jian Ran, you heard what the children said. So don't think about anything now, go back to your room and rest." Qin Yue added this sentence lukewarmly, but the concern for Jian Ran in his eyes was There is no way to hide it.

Jian Ran: "Qin Yue, I..."

Qin Yue shook her hand: "Be good, listen to me."

"But..." Jian Ran wanted to say something else, but when she met Qin Yue's firm and gentle eyes, she swallowed her words obediently. Her Qin Yue told her not to worry. She had nothing else to worry about.

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