My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1718 The Successor, Lifetime (2)

Chapter 1720: Successor, Lifetime (2)

"Today is our wedding. There are many guests outside who can witness our happiness." At the end of Zhan Li, he hugged Zhuang Momo and said in a low voice, "Silly girl, don't doubt yourself anymore. I'm really back."

"Well, you're really back." Zhuang Momo raised his head slightly and saw the concentration and affection in his eyes. This kind of him is how she remembers him, but she always feels that it is not so real.

Ten days ago, she returned to the dormitory after training as usual. The moment she opened the door, she saw a back, the one she thought about day and night.

"Zhan Limo!" She called his name, but she didn't make a sound. Maybe it was her hallucination, because she saw Zhan Limo coming back more than once these days.

But when she approached him, he suddenly disappeared. No matter how she called, he didn't give her a response.

At this moment, the figure slowly turned around, his gentle eyes fixed on her: "Mother, I'm back safely."

His voice struck the apex of her heart bit by bit, but she still couldn't believe it. She instinctively rubbed her eyes and looked again. He was still there, standing in front of her like that.

But she still didn't dare to get close to him, fearing that as soon as she got close he would suddenly disappear from her eyes like he had done so many times before.

It wasn't until his strong arms pulled her into a warm embrace that she took the next step: "Zhan Limo, is it really you?"

"I'm sorry! I've made you worry these days." He held her tightly and said slowly, "After you left that day, I destroyed all the enemies that surrounded us."

"Then why did you come back now?" She had been worried about him for several months. In these months, she had not been able to eat well or sleep well, and she was stuck in painful self-blame every day.

"Because I received a new mission from the war chief." That mission was extremely dangerous, but he said it calmly, as if he had just been traveling in Izumo these past few months.

"I heard today that there is another person in charge of Gushou. That person is the most important leader of their group. That person has been arrested today... is that you?" Before, I had never heard that there was someone else above Gushou. , the man was arrested and brought to justice today, the news came out in the army, and Zhuang Momo only heard about it today.

Before, she had never dared to think about Zhan Limo. Now when she heard Zhan Limo mention it, she thought: "Zhan Limo, how can you do such a dangerous thing alone..."

If he doesn't carry out the tasks assigned by his superiors alone, what can he do?

Zhuang Momo understands everything, and it is precisely because he understands that he knows how difficult it is for him to complete the task alone, and why his heart hurts so much.

She raised her hand and gently touched his cheek. He lost weight: "Have you never had a good meal these days?"

"Keep your stomach back so you can treat me to a big dinner." He smiled brightly, as if his near-death escapes these days had not affected him at all.

"Let's go then. Let's eat now."

"Wait a moment."

"Anything else?"

"Sign here first." He took out a piece of A4 paper like a magic trick. Zhuang Momo took a look and saw that it was a document. At the beginning of the document were written a few big words - marriage report!


"Zhuang Momo, you promised me, don't go back on it." Zhan Limo took out another pen from his pocket and forced it into Zhuang Momo's hand, "Sign it now."

"I..." It's not that Zhuang Momo didn't want to sign, but it all happened so fast that she couldn't tell whether what she was experiencing was a dream or reality.

"Zhuang Momo, you stupid woman, do you really want to regret it?" He raised his voice, still as domineering and strong as before, and could not tolerate her refusal.

"No, I look forward to you coming back to marry me every day, but now that you are back, I doubt the authenticity. hurts!" Before she could finish her words, Zhan Limo pinched her face hard, "Stupid Woman, it’s time to believe it now.”

"Yes. I believe it." Zhuang Momo nodded desperately, tears streaming down his face, "At the end of the war, pinch me again, harder, harder."

"It's only been a few days since I've been with you. Why are you so fucking stupid again? Do you have to let me use my trump card to believe it?" Zhan Limo said it fiercely, but he held her with strength. But it is gentle.

He knew how hard she had been living these days, and knew that he had frightened her these days: "Zhuang Momo, this is the last time, and nothing like this will ever happen again."

He silently made a promise that he would never let her worry about him so much in his life.

In the next few days, Zhuang Momo was in such a state of worrying about gains and losses. Even today, they both held a wedding, and she still couldn't believe that Zhan Limo really came back to her.

"Little aunt, you are the bride today. Don't cry anymore. If you cry anymore, your eyes will be swollen and you won't be beautiful." Outside the door, two little heads suddenly popped out, two brothers, Lu Lu and Lele.

"Lu Lu, Lele, why are you here?" Zhuang Momo wiped his tears hard.

"The wedding is about to start. Grandma asked me to come and see you two." Lele came over and opened her little arms to hug Jirou's thigh. "Auntie is so beautiful today."

"No matter how beautiful your little aunt is, she is still my wife. You two little guys, don't think too much." Zhan Limo picked up the two little guys, one in each hand, "Do you understand?"

"Little cousin, why are you so stingy?" Lele pursed her lips and said in disgust, "Little cousin, please let us down, we have to go back to talk to grandma."

"Go. We have to prepare well." Zhan Limo let go of the two children and arranged Zhuang Momo's wedding dress. "Okay, I'll wait for you outside."

At the end of the war, when he turned to leave, Zhuang Momo suddenly reached out and grabbed him: "Hug me again."

"You, I really can't do anything to you." In a disgusting tone, Zhan Limo still hugged Zhuang Momo tenderly. She needed a sense of security, so he did as he said.

"Mr. Zhan Limo, would you like to marry Miss Zhuang Momo as your wife? Protect her and love her forever..."

On the stage, three priests asked the three grooms questions at the same time.

Looking at the three newlyweds on the stage, Jian Ran's eyes turned red unconsciously. She was not sad, but happy. Being able to see her children holding a wedding together was such a wonderful feeling. It was so beautiful that it made people feel sad. unbelievable.

"Why are you becoming more and more sentimental?" Qin Yue quietly held Jian Ran's hand in his palm and told her that he would always be by her side.

"Qin Yue, thank you!" Because of him, she was so happy. She was lucky enough to see several children hold a wedding together and witness their happiness with him.

Next to him, Zhan Nianbei also held Qin Xiaobao's hand tightly, while Qin Xiaobao kept his eyes fixed on Zhan Limo on the stage, with happy tears rolling in his eyes.

Zhan Nianbei didn't lie to her. He said Zhan Limo would come back safely, and Zhan Limo came back safely.

"I do!"

On the stage, the three grooms spoke out in unison.

Yes I do!

I am willing to stay with you for the rest of my life and never be separated!

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