My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1719: Childhood sweethearts, kicked out of bed by him again

Chapter 1721: Childhood sweetheart, kicked out of bed by him again


Chi Yangyang accidentally slept with Hang Jin, the big devil.

The next day, the man said domineeringly and arrogantly: "Now that you are sleeping, marry me. I promise to pamper you to heaven."

Threatened, she had no choice but to go with him to get the certificate that day.

On the first night after their marriage, she was kicked out of bed by the violent and arrogant man.

She glared at him angrily, but he didn't even open his eyes and said without apology: "Sorry! I've never slept with a woman before, and I'm not used to it!"

Chi Yangyang gritted her teeth in anger, had she agreed to pamper her to the heavens?

Later, she learned that this big devil had another amazing identity! 】


Scarlet blood, so broken that it was impossible to tell whether it was a male or a female corpse... was spread throughout the room.

"No, no, no..."

What she saw in front of her made Chi Yangyang almost collapse. She shouted and shook her head and backed away.

Suddenly, someone kicked her butt hard. She fell from somewhere and fell to the ground. She whined in pain and woke up instantly.

She touched her sore butt, got up and glared viciously at the man sleeping on the bed.

damn it!

The man kicked her out of bed again.

It had only been three days since they had registered their marriage, and they had only slept in the same bed for three nights. This was the third time he had kicked her out of bed, and by coincidence, every time it was when she was having nightmares.

On the first night, when he kicked her out of bed, he said unapologetically: "I'm sorry! I've never slept with a woman before, and I'm not used to it."

Is this the way to feel sorry?

Chi Yangyang glared at the man who was sleeping on the bed in a very domineering and arrogant manner. She wanted to jump on the bed and crush his face, and then said, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it."

"Chi Yangyang, come up quickly." The man closed his eyes tightly and roared impatiently.

Chi Yangyang didn't want to pay attention to him, not at all.

This man was the most domineering, arrogant, unreasonable, shameless, despicable, and shameless man she had ever seen in her life... bar none.

At that time, she must have had water in her head and was rusty before she was bewitched by him and agreed to marry him... Now that she regrets it, is it still too late?

"I asked you to come up, didn't you hear?" The man's voice was ferocious and evil, like a beast trying to eat people.

No, not like a man-eating beast.

This man is a beast to begin with.

He bites her at every turn, and the wounds on her neck from his bite are still there, making her afraid to wear low-cut clothes at work.

"Are you challenging my patience?" The man's tone became even worse. It was simply the last warning issued by a ferocious beast before eating someone.

Although there were thousands of reluctances in his heart, Chi Yangyang still moved to the bed obediently.

After all, this man has a bad temper and often goes crazy.

He could do anything when he went crazy. She had been bullied a lot since she was a child, so it was better for her to provoke him less.

Chi Yangyang came to the bed squirmingly. As soon as she touched the bed, she was pulled into his arms by the man and hugged her tightly. He kneaded her twice like a doll: "Be good, obedient children will have sweets." eat."

"Eat your sister!" Chi Yangyang couldn't wait to pounce on him and bite him twice to kill him.

"Are you unhappy?" His tone was always so domineering and arrogant, and just like him, he never knew how to restrain himself.

"No. Your old man is here, how could I be unhappy?" Chi Yangyang shrank her head timidly.

"Then your teeth are grinding loudly because you want to eat meat?" Finally, the man slowly opened his eyes and looked directly at her.

His eyes were as lazy and dangerous as a cheetah that had just woken up.

Chi Yangyang was afraid that he could see her inner thoughts clearly, so she didn't dare to look at him, so she quickly stopped talking.

Unexpectedly, just as she made a move, the man suddenly reached out and pinched her face, forced her back, and said arrogantly: "Chi Yangyang, since you are married to me, then be my woman, don't think about it, Otherwise, I don’t know how he died.”

"How dare I think about it?" She timidly touched her neck.

Look, look, sleep in the same bed and get threatened.

She agreed to marry him. If she wasn't out of her mind, what could she be?

Chi Yangyang felt that she must have done all the unreasonable things in her previous life and offended everyone in the world. She was here to pay off her debts in this life, so she fell into the fire pit dug for her by Hang Jin.

Who is Hang Jin?

Speaking of him, it was simply a history of blood and tears in her life.

As soon as Chi Yangyang was born from her mother's womb, she knew the fourth young master of the Hang family who was notorious for doing all kinds of evil, fearing everyone, and hiding from ghosts.

She has been bullied by this domineering man since she was a child. He asked her to go east, but she would never dare to go west.

However, this devil somehow had the wrong strings. He disappeared for three years and then came back. When she was in the most embarrassing situation, he invited her to get married.

That day, he looked down at her like a lofty emperor: "Chi Yangyang, do you want to continue living?"

"I do. How could I not?" She slept with him in a daze, and he must have wanted to kill her.

But the murderer of her parents has not been found and the murderer has not been brought to justice. She must not die.

"Then marry me, and I promise to pamper you to heaven in the future." This is what he said, but his tone and attitude were as arrogant as the king of heaven, making it clear that she had to marry even if she didn't, and she still had to marry if she didn't.

At that time, Chi Yangyang had no choice. When her head felt hot and short-circuited, she ran to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate from him.

"Chi Yangyang, do you want to starve me to death?" Behind him, a man's extremely unfriendly voice came from the restaurant.

"It's too cheap to starve you to death. I really want to poison you!" Chi Yangyang was dissatisfied, but she still quickly filled two bowls of porridge.

Just as she was about to take it out, she stopped again, picked up a spoon, put two large spoons of salt into the bowl of porridge she was going to give him, and stirred it evenly.

"Hmph, if the poison doesn't kill you, the salt will kill you!" She thought proudly, the corners of her pink lips rising involuntarily.

"What are you so happy about?" Hang Jin looked at this woman who smiled like a fool and raised his eyebrows.

He has never seen such a stupid person, who is so proud of doing bad things. Is he afraid that others won't know or something?

I really don’t know how such a stupid woman became a forensic doctor?

Does it mean that to be a forensic doctor, you only need to have big breasts and don’t need to use your brain?

"Because I see you, Fourth Young Master, I'm in a good mood." Well, Chi Yangyang found that in order to please this man, he was getting more and more bottomless, and he could say such disgusting things.

"Humph!" Hang Jin looked coldly at this duplicitous woman.

She shouldn't think that he didn't know that every cell in her body was repelling him.

At night, he just held her to sleep, and she looked terrified as if he was going to eat her.


I really want to throw her into a zoo and lock her up with wild beasts for a few days, so that she can learn what it means to truly eat people without spitting out bones.

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