My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1720: Childhood sweethearts, begging for widowhood!

Chapter 1722: Childhood sweetheart, begging for widowhood!

Chi Yangyang placed the bowl of porridge with salt in front of Hang Jin, then placed the snacks one by one, and then showed him a bright smile: "Four Young Masters, you can eat."

"I'll eat that bowl, you eat this bowl." Hang Jin didn't want to be poisoned to death by her.

"Four Young Masters, two bowls are the same, which bowl is not for eating..." Chi Yangyang really wants to pounce on this man, bite him twice, and then kick him twice. If you don't just have breakfast, you just eat it obediently. What are you doing with so many things?

But she didn't dare!

She was so timid that she didn't dare to mess with this old man.

The experiences of her childhood were vivid in her mind, and she was not stupid, so why bother with him.

"I am happy, young master." He gave another rude answer.

Yes, even money can’t buy his uncle’s happiness!

This arrogant but shrewd bastard!

One day, she will poison him, cut him into pieces and cook him.

Chi Yangyang was crying in her heart while eating the porridge that was too salty to swallow.

Isn't this a typical example of her shooting herself in the foot?

Woo woo woo...

She really regrets marrying this man. Can she get divorced?

If you can’t get divorced, you can still be widowed!

Please ask God to open his eyes and strike this arrogant, domineering and shameless man in front of me with a thunderbolt.


"Stupid woman, go and serve me another bowl of porridge." Hang Jin almost shed tears when he saw Chi Yangyang, a stupid woman eating, still eating one bite after another. He wanted to kick her out of the window.

Where did he go wrong?

Why do you fall in love with such a stupid woman?

When I was a child, I was so stupid that people couldn't help but bully me. When I grew up and went to study abroad, I still didn't make any progress.

"Oh..." Chi Yangyang responded, like a sad little daughter-in-law, as pitiful as she could be.

As soon as she left, Hang Jin immediately picked up her spoon and drank the porridge in her bowl. Even though it was really salty and hard to swallow, he still ate a few tablespoons to relieve her burden.

This stupid woman has such a vicious heart. She wants to frame him. She deserves to be killed!

"Four Young Masters, your porridge is here." Chi Yangyang handed the porridge to him with both hands, with a respectful attitude as if he was serving a great master.

"Yeah." Hang Jin took the porridge and started eating, thinking that this stupid woman would not dare to "poison" again.

But as soon as the porridge was in his mouth, he realized that he had really underestimated this stupid woman.

She was so brave today that she dared to add ingredients to his porridge for the second time.

"Four Young Masters, is it delicious?" Chi Yangyang smiled, and his bright and charming face dangled in front of Hang Jin's eyes, looking very lonely and cute.

"Stupid!" Seeing her happy, Hang Jin's sexy lips curled up slightly and he laughed silently.

How could he make her so happy just by eating a bowl of porridge with special seasonings?

There must be grass growing in this woman’s head!

"Chi Yangyang, where are the clothes I asked you to find for me?" After waiting in the bathroom for a while, before Chi Yangyang got the clothes, Hang Jin simply walked out naked.

As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, he bumped into Chi Yangyang who was bringing clothes. She immediately blocked her eyes with clothes: "You bastard!"

"What are you pretending to be? It's not like you haven't seen it before." Hang Jin took a bath towel and wiped the water on his body without any worries. "I don't know who was holding it back then and asked, Brother Jin, why do you have one? I don’t have one?”

"Hang Jin, if a good man doesn't mention what happened back then, you'd better shut up!" Chi Yangyang blushed and wanted to block the man's mouth with a pair of smelly socks.

This incident is probably the most embarrassing thing that Chi Yangyang has ever committed in his life.

This happened when she was three and he was six.

A three-year-old child probably doesn't have much memory yet. She has long forgotten it. However, this scene was photographed by a troubled person and left a "criminal record".

Therefore, almost no one in their circle of friends knew whether or not this matter had been disclosed.

Now that they are adults, they are still mentioned at gatherings.

No matter how hard Chi Yangyang tries, he can't get rid of this "black history".

"What? No one is allowed to talk about what he has done?" Hang Jin glanced at him and shook his wet hair.

Water droplets splashed on Chi Yangyang's face, and she quietly clenched her fists.

God, I beg you to come and kill this man who refuses to open or lift any pot!

Jingle Bell……

The phone's ringtone suddenly rang.

Chi Yangyang threw the clothes to Hang Jin, turned around and picked up the phone to answer: "Teacher, it's me."

Hang Jin didn't know what the person on the other end of the phone said. He saw Chi Yangyang's face becoming more and more serious, and finally said: "I'll be there right away."

When she hung up the phone, Hang Jin immediately asked, "What's the matter?"

"There is a case." Leaving such a perfunctory answer, Chi Yangyang turned around and went to the dressing room. When she came out again, she had already put on a neat and clean work uniform.

When she came out, Hang Jin also changed his clothes.

Because he is tall, he has a human-like appearance, and his eight-pack abs are just right for him. A simple set of off-white casual clothes looks very stylish when worn by him.

Of course, the premise is that he stands still and doesn't speak.

He said: "I'll give it to you."

Chi Yangyang refused: "No, I'll just drive myself."

Hang Jin raised his eyebrows: "Did I let you choose?"

Chi Yangyang: "..."

How could she forget that this domineering and arrogant man was a dictator.

His decision was the emperor's decree, and she could only be obedient in front of him.

in the car.

"Address." Hang Jin always asks questions briefly.

"No. 28, Manjia Lane, Cangshan District." Chi Yangyang didn't talk nonsense.

After asking and answering, Hang Jin started the car and flew out. Chi Yangyang was so frightened that she quickly reached out and grabbed the handle above her head.

Seeing her ugly face, Hang Jin said, "Since you're afraid, then quit your job. It's not like I can't support you."

"Who said I was scared?" Chi Yangyang glanced at him sideways. Besides, how could she let him raise her.

Now she makes her own money to support herself, and she is still oppressed by him all day long, so that she has no freedom in life. If she stops working, he will probably beat her every day.

Thinking about those miserable days without seeing the sun, Chi Yangyang was so frightened.

"Aren't you afraid?" Obviously, he didn't believe it.

"Four Young Masters, please don't question my ability to work." As a forensic doctor, it is inevitable to deal with the dead. After more than half a year of work practice, she can calmly face all kinds of corpses when she sees them.

But every time he heard about a murder case, Chi Yangyang still couldn't help but think that life was so precious, what kind of hatred existed between the murderers and the victims, and they had to kill people to relieve their anger.

Just when Chi Yangyang was thinking a little, the car suddenly braked suddenly, causing her to rush forward at high speed and then be pulled back by the seat belt.

"Hang Jin, are you crazy?" Chi Yangyang patted his shocked chest. Why is this damn man so crazy?

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