My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1721: Childhood sweethearts, I want to eat meat tonight

Chapter 1723: Childhood sweethearts, I want to eat meat tonight

Hang Jin turned around and pinched Chi Yangyang's chin: "Chi Yangyang, remember! If you dare to be distracted and think about other things when you are with me in the future, I will kill you in minutes."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Sure enough, he is going crazy again!

When will this man become a normal person?

I'm afraid I can't wait for this day.

Chi Yangyang responded, and Hang Jin raised his eyebrows impatiently: "Didn't you hear that?"

"You stinking bastard, you told me not to want me, so I don't want to. Who do you think you are? It's not enough for you to bully me since I was a child. Do you want to marry me and bully me when you grow up?" Chi Yangyang wanted to straighten her back and scold me like this. I went back, but when I saw Hang Jin pulling like a 250-year-old, the courage I finally mustered plummeted, so I had to shrink my neck and answer obediently, "Uncle, little girl, remember it!"

"Chi Yangyang..." Hang Jin patted her head, "Look at your potential!"

What do you mean by looking at her little potential?

After all, she is also an upright forensic doctor, and he, a second-generation ancestor who is not doing his job properly, has the nerve to talk about her.

He wasn't ashamed, she was ashamed for him!

Of course, Chi Yangyang only dared to think in her heart and never had the courage to say it out.

She still pretended to be a good daughter-in-law: "Fourth Young Master, I'm going to work."

Hang Jin nodded: "Go home early after get off work. I want to eat meat at night."

Eat, eat meat?

What kind of dirty things is Hang Jin, a domineering, hateful and arrogant man, thinking about?

Chi Yangyang wanted to turn around and point at his nose and yell: "There is a pig farm surnamed Hang in the southern suburbs of the city. If you want to eat meat, you can go there and eat as much as you want."

However, she still has no courage!

Having been oppressed by Hang Jin for twenty-two years, she has become servile in her bones. She is used to being bullied by him. Chi Yangyang has no courage to resist, let alone bear the consequences of angering this man.

Therefore, she still gave in as usual, pretended not to hear anything, and walked quickly towards the crime scene.

Seeing Chi Yangyang running away as if fleeing for his life, Hang Jin raised his flying eyebrows: "Stupid woman, I'm not a man-eating beast, running so fast to reincarnate? If you dare to run next time, be careful of me interrupting your legs."

After scolding, Hang Jin still didn't forget the business. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number. When the call was connected, a slightly older male voice came from the other end: "Is something wrong?"

Hang Jin pressed the button to move the car seat back, lifted his feet up and put them on the steering wheel: "Chi Yangyang works in your city bureau, and I take good care of her. If she has less hair, Just wait for your Hang family to be the last one."

After saying that, regardless of whether the other party heard it or not, Hang Jin hung up the phone and cursed again: "Stupid woman, you are so stupid to go to forensic medicine. You are not afraid of having your legs broken. I am also full." Just mind your own business."

Yes, he just ate enough to hold himself up. Even though he knew that that girl Chiyang Yang was an idiot with an ill-informed mind and would never understand his thoughts, he still...

Forget it, don’t mention it anymore, I want to kill her if I mention it.

At the scene of the crime, sirens blared loudly, and many onlookers surrounded the police cordon, all craning their necks to see clearly what happened.

"Everyone, please give way!" Chi Yangyang was already thin. She wanted to squeeze through the crowd to get to the crime scene but couldn't, until a big hand grabbed her arm and pulled her through the crowd together. , finally came to the cordon, "Teacher, thank you!"

The person who pulled Chi Yangyang was the most famous forensic doctor in the bureau, and was also Jiang Zhen, Chi Yangyang's teacher during her internship. Jiang Zhen is only thirty years old, but he is quite famous because he has solved several strange cases. He is a well-known iron-faced forensic doctor.

Being able to study with Jiang Zhen is the dream of many newcomers, but with so many newcomers like Jiang Zhen, it is not easy for him to choose him to be his student.

Half a year ago, two other forensic doctors interned with Chi Yangyang. On the first day of internship, they encountered a case of rotting corpses. At that time, the other two intern forensic doctors were so frightened that they vomited and vomited when they saw the smelly and rotten corpses. Only Chi Yangyang helped Jiang Zhen to complete the work without changing his expression. , so the good opportunity to study with Jiang Zhen came to Chi Yangyang's head.

Jiang Zhen glanced at Chi Yangyang and said lightly: "Captain Zhao is waiting in a hurry. Let's go up first."

"Yeah." Chi Yangyang quickly followed Jiang Zhen and walked to the roof of the building where the crime occurred.

"Jiang Zhen, Yangyang, you are finally here." Interpol Zhao Ziqian saw the two of them, as if seeing a savior. He led them to the location of the body, "You guys take a look first."

Chi Yangyang looked up and saw a headless corpse lying on an iron frame bed in a small room. Because the corpse was completely naked and the reproductive organs of the deceased could be seen, he could confirm that the deceased was a woman at a glance.

Jiang Zhen asked: "Yangyang, are you okay?"

Chi Yangyang knew that Jiang Zhen wanted to give her a chance to practice it herself, and immediately nodded: "I can."

Chi Yangyang put on gloves and shoe covers, came to the body and gently turned it over, carefully checking every trace on the body: "The deceased is a female, and the body has been rigor mortis. It is initially estimated that the time of death has exceeded 24 hours."

She gently pressed the deceased's chest and said: "There were multiple stab wounds on the deceased's chest and abdomen. It is still unclear whether these stab wounds were left before the deceased or after his death. The deceased's head was cut off and taken away. "We cannot contact the family members of the deceased using facial features, so we need to bring the body back for further examination to know the specific time of death and age."

Zhao Ziqian said: "When will the inspection report come out?"

Chi Yangyang: "This depends on the specific situation."

Zhao Ziqian looked at Jiang Zhen and wanted to get the specific time from Jiang Zhen: "Jiang Zhen, this murder case was widely reported by the unscrupulous media and caused too much sensation. Our superiors only gave us three days to solve the case. The time is very urgent, and there is still time. Please work hard to confirm the identity of the deceased as soon as possible."

Jiang Zhen still gave him five words coldly: "Our responsibility."

Chi Yangyang: "Captain Zhao, don't worry, we will try our best to deliver the report to you as quickly as possible."

Zhao Ziqian smiled and patted Chi Yangyang on the shoulder: "Yangyang, you are really my little cotton-padded jacket."

Chi Yangyang smiled awkwardly: "It's all internal affairs, Captain Zhao doesn't have to be polite."

After inspecting the scene, Jiang Zhen looked over: "Captain Zhao, tell your people to move faster. I can give you the inspection report tonight at the latest."

Jiang Zhen's words were obviously normal, but to Zhao Ziqian's ears, it made him feel angry. Zhao Ziqian thought about it seriously. He didn't seem to have offended this cold-faced forensic doctor, right?

But why bother with so much?

As long as he can get the autopsy report tonight.

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