My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1733: Childhood Sweethearts, The Green Head Is Shining

Chapter 1735: Childhood Sweethearts, The Green Head Is Shining

"You get out of the car first, I'll find a parking space, and I'll be here in a moment." Hang Jin parked the car at the entrance of the hospital, with a very rare tenderness in his voice, but Chi Yangyang didn't care at all, got out of the car and went to Strolling around the inpatient department.

In the past, she would visit her grandfather at least twice a week. Recently, because she was entangled with Hang Jin, she had not visited the old man for half a month, so that she did not know whether the old man was sick.

Chi Yangyang was so annoyed that she slapped her head hard. She had only one relative left. Could it be that the lessons of the past were not enough and she didn't know how to cherish them.

But when Chi Yangyang arrived at the old man's ward with a lot of self-blame, he heard the old man's laughter at the door: "Okay, okay, just listen to you young people." It sounded like he was in good condition, not like he was sick.

Chi Yangyang pushed the door open and entered the house: "Grandpa..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Jiang Zhen who was accompanying her grandfather on the bedside: "Teacher, why are you here?"

Jiang Zhen turned around, glanced at Chi Yangyang, and avoided looking at Chi Yangyang without any trace: "Call the old man tonight. I heard that he is sick, so I will come over and take a look."

"Yangyang, you're here." Grandpa Chi smiled and waved, "Come here quickly, come here quickly and let grandpa take a good look at you."

Chi Yangyang's face was full of confusion: "Grandpa, how do you know each other?"

Grandpa Chi said: "Jiang Zhen studied with your mother for two years before studying abroad. Now that your mother is gone, the relationship is still there, so he came to see me."

"Oh." Chi Yangyang really doesn't know that Jiang Zhen still has this relationship with his mother, so is Jiang Zhen's care for her these days because of his mother's relationship?

"Yangyang, sit down quickly. Grandpa has something to talk to you about." Grandpa Chi took Chiyangyang's hand and patted the back of her hand a few times. "I usually don't pay attention, but now I look carefully. Look, my little girl is really a big girl."

Chi Yangyang pulled up the quilt and covered Grandpa Chi: "Grandpa, if you have anything to say, just say it. Yangyang is listening."

Grandpa Chi looked at Chi Yangyang, then moved his gaze to Jiang Zhen. After looking back and forth for a while, he said, "Do you still remember the young talent that grandpa mentioned to you a few days ago?"

"Grandpa..." Chi Yangyang thought that her grandfather just mentioned it casually and forgot about it later. She didn't expect that he would mention it in front of an outsider now, which made her a little embarrassed.

Jiang Zhen didn't talk much, but he was flexible: "Old man, you guys chat first while I go get a pot of boiling water."

"Okay." Grandpa Chi watched Jiang Zhen leave. After a while, he looked back and said, "What do you think of your teacher Jiang? Tell the truth and don't deceive grandpa."

"Teacher Jiang is very good. He is young and good-looking, talented and well-educated. He is also polite and polite to others. He will never bully others just because he is older than others." Speaking of Jiang Zhen, Chi Yangyang really thinks he is very good. Excellent, especially when compared with Hang Jin, the second generation ancestor who is as arrogant as a bastard.

Grandpa Chi's face lit up with joy: "So you agree?"

Chi Yangyang looked confused: "Grandpa, what did I agree to?"

Grandpa Chi said: "Of course I agree to date that boy Jiang Zhen."

Chi Yangyang also didn't drink water. If he drank water, he would definitely choke to death: "Grandpa, what are you talking about? He is my senior working in the bureau. How could I have other thoughts about him. Stop saying these things. Otherwise, how will I work in the future?”

Grandpa Chi grabbed Chi Yangyang's hand: "Girl, you just said personally that he is excellent, and you want to deny it."

"Grandpa, do I have to date all excellent men? In that case, there are so many excellent men in the world, and I have to change a few boyfriends a day." Chi held the old man's arm and shook it, "Grandpa , Let’s not talk about whether I am willing or not, even Teacher Jiang will not be willing.”

"Who said he was unwilling? He just agreed to me." Grandpa Chi looked proud, as if he was saying that there is no way for this little girl to deceive me.

Chi Yangyang opened her mouth in surprise: "Teacher agreed?"

It's over. Why did she suddenly find herself feeling dizzy? What on earth was this? Why couldn't she figure it out for a while?

Grandpa Chi said earnestly: "Hey, grandpa's health is getting worse day by day. He might suddenly leave one day... But grandpa can't worry about you. If grandpa leaves, what will you, a little girl, do? Woolen cloth?"

Chi Yangyang blurted out: "Grandpa, I have..."

Damn it, why hasn't that bastard Hang Jin come yet? If he's here at this time, she can still use him to block this matter.

Fortunately, Jiang Zhen turned on the water and hasn't come back yet, otherwise this scene would be so embarrassing that people would dig into the ground.

"Yangyang, I know you are focused on finding the murderer of your parents. Grandpa also wants to find the murderer, but grandpa wants to tell you that we have to find the murderer, and we must live a good life." Thinking of his daughter and son-in-law, the old man cannot help but She felt her eyes welling up, but she was too stubborn to show her sadness in front of her children.

The more the old man behaved like this, the more distressed Chi Yangyang felt. She stood up, opened her arms and hugged the old man, but couldn't say a word she wanted to say. She knew that grandpa must be feeling much more uncomfortable than him.

After a while, the old man slowly said: "If your parents are alive in heaven, they will definitely hope that you marry a man who loves you and live a good life, and don't put everything on your shoulders."

"Grandpa..." Chi Yangyang bit her lip hard and forced back the tears in her eyes.

"I have known Jiang Zhen a few years ago. Not only is he talented, but his character is something we all see in his eyes. He is a very good man. If you have him by your side from now on, grandpa will die..." The following words, The old man didn't say anything, fearing that his children would be upset after hearing this.

Death, this word, is the word that Chi Yangyang is most afraid of touching after her parents were killed. After several efforts, she finally suppressed the pain in her heart: "Grandpa..."

"Damn, those dogs without eyes, even this young master dares to splash." When Hang Jin's arrogant voice came, people also broke in, inadvertently breaking the sad atmosphere accumulated in the ward.

Chi Yangyang turned around and saw Hang Jin who was soaked like a drowned rat.

She swore that she really didn't want to laugh, but she couldn't control herself when she saw his embarrassed look: "Hahaha..."

Seeing Hang Jin's appearance, Grandpa Chi frowned in disgust: "Why is the young master of the Hang family here?"

Hang Jin took off his shirt and wiped it on his body twice: "Old man, you want to give me a blind date. What if I don't come?"

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