My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1734: Childhood Sweethearts, Little Four Eyes Are Too Ugly

Chapter 1736: Childhood Sweethearts, Little Four Eyes Are Too Ugly

I don't know why, but when Hang Jin said this, Chi Yangyang breathed a sigh of relief, and his uneasy heart just now calmed down a lot.

Grandpa Chi coughed lightly: "Young Master of the Hang family, we are talking about business, please don't make trouble."

"Old man, I will take care of my little four eyes. Don't bother to find someone else for him." Hang Jin held the shirt he took off in his hand and wiped it on his body. "I will take care of her. Don't you always know how to take care of her?" Not worried yet?”

"I just don't worry about you." It's okay not to see Hang Jin. As soon as he saw Hang Jin's grandpa Chi, he felt his head hurt. He immediately pointed at Chi Yangyang, "I said the young master of the Hang family, Please open your piercing eyes and take a good look at our family."

"I'm looking, what's the matter?" Not only looking, Hang Jin also stretched out his hand to pinch Chi Yangyang's face, "The little four-eyes are indeed a bit ugly, but the skin is not bad, and the face is full of collagen."

Hearing what Hang Jin said, Grandpa Chi was very dissatisfied. How could his children be ugly?

But now is not the time to argue about whether it is ugly or not. He just wants to make Hang Jin think that Chi Yangyang is indeed ugly: "Yes, yes, you are so right. Look at Yangyang, this kid is as thin as a bamboo pole. There is no sense of beauty at all. Her clothes are too tacky, she wears a black suit every day, and she looks like a little old woman. Also, her eyes are nearly five or six hundred degrees short-sighted. Without glasses, she is blind. The key is that she still wears this kind of black frame. Glasses... No matter how you look at her, she is not worthy of you, Master Hang."

"Grandpa, I'm not your granddaughter anymore?" How could grandpa hurt her like this in front of Hang Jin, a bastard?

Look, that bastard Hang Jin is about to become a male peacock with his tail spread.

"Old man, I know that my little boy is so ugly that he is not worthy of me. The woman in the world who is worthy of me, Hang Jin, may not have been born yet. Do I have to be a bachelor for the rest of my life because of other people's ugliness?" Mingzhi knew that Chi Grandpa said it politely, but Uncle Hang accepted it without any politeness.

He squeezed towards Chi Yangyang and put his face close to Chi Yangyang: "Old man, look at Xiao Siyan's appearance, and then look at my appearance. I promise that if she marries me, we will have a child in the future. , your family’s genes will become better in the future.”

This bastard was so arrogant that his tail almost reached the sky. Grandpa Chi felt the blood surge up to his forehead, almost making him faint: "Cough cough cough..."

What a sin!

How could such a cute and sensible little girl from his family be entangled by such a plague?

Hang Jin is not aware of his arrogance at all. Maybe it's not that he is ignorant, but he is always the biggest: "Old man, do you think I am right?"

"Hang Jin, you have nothing to do here, you can go back first." Chi Yangyang forced Hang Jin out of the ward, and if he was left to mess around here, someone would die.

Chi Yangyang drove Hang Jin away and returned to the ward. Grandpa Chi, who had just coughed up his lungs, had nothing to do. Instead, he looked at Chi Yangyang with interest: "Yang Yang, should you refuse Jiang Zhen?" Is it because of this guy from the Hang family? "

"By the way, why hasn't Teacher Jiang Zhen returned after turning on the water?" Chi Yangyang deliberately changed the topic, but the old man didn't accept her, "Little girl, answer me carefully."

Chi Yangyang scratched his head: "Grandpa, you are thinking too much. It is even more impossible for me and the big devil Hang Jin. It's not like you don't know how I was bullied by him since I was a child."

Grandpa Chi said: "I don't care, anyway, you have to choose one of them today. If you don't choose, I will..."

He wanted to say that I won't take the medicine if I don't, but in the end he still felt sorry for his granddaughter. He didn't say the words after all, but acted like a child: "Yangyang, grandpa wants to hug his great-grandson."

Chi Yangyang: "Grandpa..."

How can she think about finding a baby now?

But Grandpa Chi was particularly insistent on this matter: "Yangyang, grandpa just wants to find someone to accompany you and share some of the pressure with you."

Grandpa Chi didn't say some words, but Chi Yangyang understood.

Her grandfather was in poor health, and he was always worried that he would suddenly pass away one day, leaving her alone and without anyone to take care of her.

Chi Yangyang really wants to make the elderly happy, but getting married and having children is no joke. It is a lifelong event, and you can't joke about other people's lives.

But she really doesn't want to make the old man sad, so can she find a man to have a child and make the old man happy?

When Chi Yangyang came up with this idea, the first person she thought of was the Devil of Hangzhou. She had obtained the certificate anyway, so it would be fine to ask him to help her give birth to a child.

At this time, Hang Jin was stopping Jiang Zhen outside the ward: "Jiang Zhen, right?"

Jiang Zhen didn't even look at Hang Jin, let alone talk to him.

Hang Jin didn't take it seriously, and still went his own way: "Boy, I'm warning you, put away your little thoughts. Chi Yangyang is my woman, don't even think about it."

After that, Hang Jin was about to leave, but Jiang Zhen, who had been silent, spoke in a serious tone: "Of course I'm not just thinking about it."

Hang Jin turned his head suddenly, and his always careless eyes shot out a sharp cold light, which was almost soul-stirring: "How dare you!"

Jiang Zhen smiled, said no more, and walked away from Hang Jin.

After seeing Grandpa Chi sleeping soundly, Chi Yangyang, who was full of worries, just came out of the ward. Unexpectedly, he opened the door and saw Hang Jin.

He leaned against the wall with his upper body naked, holding another cigarette in his hand. Chi Yang was so dizzy that he took two steps forward and took the cigarette out of his hand: "You can't smoke in the hospital. This is common sense." No?"

Hang Jin: "I'm happy!"

Chi Yangyang said helplessly: "Okay, okay, as long as your uncle is happy, it's getting late, let's go back first."

Hang Jin stretched out his long arms, took Chi Yangyang's waist and brought him into his arms: "Go home."

Perhaps because he was used to Hang Jin's domineering attitude, Chi Yangyang didn't struggle. He nestled in his warm arms and rubbed his face against his bare chest, which made Hang Jin feel itchy and scolded him quietly. A "troublesome little goblin".

On the way home, Chi Yangyang was so sleepy that she fell asleep soon after sitting in the passenger seat. Hang Jin parked the car on the side of the road and covered her with a blanket before continuing on.

After driving for more than half an hour, Chi Yangyang didn't wake up when she got home. Hang Jin picked her up carefully: "Xiao Siyan, I said you are a pig, but you really treat yourself like a pig."

Chi Yangyang really slept like a pig and didn't wake up like this.

Hang Jin wanted to bite her twice to wake her up, but when he saw the dark circles under the stupid woman's glasses, he felt distressed for no reason. He couldn't help but press her head to his chest, just right at his heart.

If you marry such a woman who is dumber than a pig, if you don't cherish her, can you still get divorced?

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