My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1746: Childhood sweethearts, the murderer appears (1)

Chapter 1748: Childhood sweethearts chapter, the murderer appears (1)

After returning home, Chi Yangyang immediately went to take a bath, but Hang Jin was not idle. He made a phone call: "Confirm the identity of the fourth deceased as soon as possible."

The other end of the phone replied: "Fourth brother, a few minutes ago we confirmed that the fourth deceased was a counter clerk at Jiangbei Bank in Cangshan District."

The first deceased was a vegetable seller, the second deceased was an ordinary housewife, the third deceased was a real estate agency employee, and the fourth deceased was a bank employee. What is the connection between these four deceased people?

Hang Jin's mind turned quickly. The real estate agency has something to do with renting and selling houses, and the bank staff may do housing loans. The two may have something to do with real estate, but there is no guarantee that there is a connection between the two.

Hang Jin immediately added: "Check again whether there is any property for rent or sale under the name of the second deceased housewife."

If the relationship between these three people is established, what kind of relationship can the first deceased have with the other three deceased?

He then added: "Ask a few plainclothes men to go to the vegetable market where the first deceased sold vegetables to investigate. If there are any suspicious characters, they will be brought back to the detachment for interrogation."

On the surface, there seems to be no connection between the identities of the deceased, but as long as it is verified that they have interacted with the same person, it will not be difficult to find the murderer as long as that person is found.

"You said you wanted to catch up on your sleep, why don't you sleep?" Chi Yangyang came out of the shower and saw Hang Jin dazed with his mobile phone, "Did something happen again?"

Hang Jin stuffed his cell phone into his trouser pocket: "Don't worry, go and sleep for a while, I won't let the murderer have another chance to commit crimes."

Chi Yangyang sighed: "Hang Jin..."

Hang Jin turned to look at her, but she stopped talking: "Why don't you stop talking?"

Chi Yangyang thought for a while and decided to have a good talk with him, hoping to persuade him to give up on his own initiative: "You have no experience in criminal investigation, and now you are giving random orders. If something happens again, how will you explain it to the family of the deceased? How will you explain it to the family of the deceased? The citizens of Jiangbei City confessed?”

Hang Jin raised his lips and said with a smile, "Xiao Siyan, are you worried about me?"

"This is not a matter for you alone. This is a matter for our entire detachment and the entire people of Jiangbei City. It's really not a joke." It was going to be dark again soon. Chi Yangyang was worried, but Hang Jin, the bastard, seemed He didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all, and always looked like he was careless and scolded.

Hang Jin: "There's so much nonsense, just go to bed if I tell you to."

At this time, how could Chi Yangyang sleep at home peacefully: "There are still many things to be busy with in the team, so I will go back to work first."

Hang Jin: "I'll let you sleep."

Chi Yangyang was too lazy to pay attention to him, turned around and walked to the dressing room. It was rare that Hang Jin didn't pester her anymore, but when she changed her clothes and came out, Hang Jin was gone.

She looked around the house, but there was no one there.

When she went to open the entrance door, she discovered that the door had been locked from the outside and she could not open it.

She looked for the key and found that it was also missing: "Hang Jin, you bastard, what are you going to do?"

Chi Yangyang was so angry that he needed his mobile phone to call him only to find that the mobile phone was also missing.

This bastard not only locked her up at home but also took away her mobile phone. Is he trying to imprison her this time?

Chi Yangyang is really making the sky unresponsive and the earth not working.

After a few anxious turns, she realized that she still had a computer at home that she could use.

But after turning on the phone, she was desperate because Hang Jin also cut off the Internet at home.

This bastard is really familiar with doing such bad things. She just changed her clothes and that's all he did.

In desperation, Chi Yangyang could only wait at home.

After waiting until it got dark, she gradually became uneasy.

When it gets dark, will the murderer come out to commit crimes again?

Can Hang Jin and the others catch the murderer?

These are all unknowns, which is why it’s so confusing.

At this moment, Hang Jin is not idle either. In the evening, he has arranged plainclothes police officers to ambush around the detachment. As long as the murderer dares to show up, he is sure to catch the murderer.

Zhao Ziqian was also restless when he was told to go home and stay by the new temporary leader. He drank two bowls of porridge from the time he got home to the evening, and he was too anxious to eat anything else.

Seeing how anxious he was, his wife sat next to him and hugged him: "Old Zhao, didn't you say that you are done with your work? Why do I think you are so worried?"

Everything in the team is kept confidential, and his family cannot tell it. Mrs. Zhao does not know that Zhao Ziqian was driven back by his leader, and Zhao Ziqian can only swallow the pain.

He knew that the man named Hang was so great that Lao Qian sent him to be the leader of this task force, but the man named Hang asked him to go home and wait. What was going on?

Could it be that in the eyes of Hang, Zhao Ziqian knows nothing?

He patted his wife's hand and said, "It's okay. I've just been busy all night, and I'm not used to being free all of a sudden. You've been busy all day, so go to bed early."

Mrs. Zhao considerately said: "You go take a bath, and I'll get you some clothes. Go quickly, don't sit around stupidly. You're not a tough guy. You've been up all night for several nights, so you have to have a good sleep so that you'll be energetic tomorrow." work."

Zhao Ziqian didn't want his wife to worry, so he got up and went to the bathroom.

Mrs. Zhao watched him enter the bathroom and just went to the room to get him clothes. But just as she took a step, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Today is Wednesday, and the child is brought by her parents. Logically speaking, no one will visit at this time. She walked to the door, looked out through the peephole, and saw a man wearing express clothes: "Who is it?"

Someone from the outside responded: "Deliver a courier."

"Express delivery?" She thought for a moment. She didn't seem to have shopped online recently, and express delivery wouldn't deliver to her door so late. "What express delivery?"

The man said: "How do I know what kind of express it is? The recipient is Zhao Ziqian."

"Old Zhao, what did you buy?" Mrs. Zhao asked while opening the door. As soon as the door opened, the man burst into the room with lightning speed, scaring Mrs. Zhao into screaming, but soon The man covered his mouth and pushed him against the wall, "Don't move if you want to survive."

The water in the bathroom was turned on too loudly, and Zhao Ziqian was absent-minded. Naturally, he did not hear the movement outside, but the intruder could clearly hear the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

At this time, there should not be a second person in the family.

But the intruder reacted quickly. He grabbed Mrs. Zhao's head and slammed it against the wall. Mrs. Zhao's forehead bled from the impact and she fainted to the ground instantly.

The intruder locked the door and prepared to deal with the people in the bathroom first, but he found a pistol next to a police uniform on the sofa...

At this time, Zhao Ziqian came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel: "Didn't you ask me to get my pajamas? Why didn't you get them?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he discovered the intruder in the house. He instinctively wanted to take out his gun, only to find that his gun was already in the hand of the intruder, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at him.

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